Si è conclusa lo scorso 9 Maggio a Norimberga la settimana dedicata alla fiera SMTconnect 2019 alla quale, come da tradizione, OSAI partecipa per presentare al mercato le sue soluzioni dedicate all’automazione dei processi nel settore dell’elettronica.
All’interno dell’ampio stand, gli oltre 13.000 visitatori della fiera di quest’anno, hanno potuto scoprire da vicino e toccare con mano i prodotti OSAI, tra i quali:
- – La Neo Mark Easy la soluzione flessibile a prezzo accessibile per la marcatura di componenti elettronici, presentata con i moduli handling stacker e destacker
- – La Neo Mark Easy Fiber, grazie alla quale è stato possibile realizzare sul momento gadget personalizzati per tutti i presenti attraverso la marcatura laser
- – La Neo Cut Shape, la proposta Osai per il taglio Laser di PCB
- – La Neo Handler, nata per il test di semiconduttori, completata dal nostro Neo Thermostep che permette di condizionare in modo rapido e preciso la camera di test dei sensori ambientali
Anche per questa edizione 2019, il team OSAI ha potuto dichiararsi ampiamente soddisfatto del successo ottenuto alla fiera sia in termini di visite che di contatti commerciali interessanti.
Pertanto, si ringraziano calorosamente tutti coloro che hanno dedicato attenzione alla nostra realtà, nella speranza di ritrovarVi nei prossimi eventi in programma per il 2019, tra i quali la fiera PRODUCTRONICA in programma a Monaco dal 12 al 15 Novembre.
Non hai potuto essere presente alla fiera? Segui la nostra pagina LinkedIn e ripercorri insieme al nostro staff le tre giornate di SMT.
The week dedicated to the SMT Connect Fair 2019, in Nuremberg, ended on May 9th; according to tradition, OSAI participates to this event to introduce to the market its solutions dedicated to process automation in the electronics sector.
Inside the large stand, over 13,000 visitors to this year’s fair have been able to closely discover OSAI products, including:
- – The Neo Mark Easy the flexible solution at affordable price for electronic components marking, introduced with the handling modules stacker and destacker
- – The Neo Mark Easy Fiber, thanks to which it was possible to create custom gadgets for all guests present inside the stand, using Laser marking
- – Neo Cut Shape, Osai’s proposal for PCB laser cutting
- – The Neo Handler, born for the semiconductor testing, completed by our Neo Thermostep that allows to quickly and accurately condition the sesnorstest chamber
Also for this 2019 edition, the OSAI team could declare itself largely satisfied with the success achieved at the fair both in terms of visits and of interesting commercial contacts.
Therefore, we warmly thank all those who have paid attention to our reality, hoping for seeing you at the upcoming events scheduled for 2019, including the PRODUCTRONICA fair scheduled in Monaco from 12 to 15 November.
Couldn’t you be present at the fair? Follow our LinkedIn page and re-live the three days of SMT with our staff.
Am 9. Mai ging in Nürnberg die Messe SMTconnect 2019 zu Ende, an der OSAI traditionell teilnimmt, um seine Automationslösungen für Prozesse im Elektronik-Sektor zu präsentieren.
Am ausladenden Stand konnten die über 13.000 Besucher der diesjährigen Messe unter anderem folgende OSAI-Produkte aus nächster Nähe kennenlernen:
- – Neo Mark Easy die flexible und preiswerte Lösung für die Markierung elektronischer Komponenten, die mit den Modulen „Handling Stacker“ und „Destacker“ präsentiert wurde
- – Neo Mark Easy Fiber, dank Lasermarkierung konnten für alle Anwesenden individuelle Vorrichtungen direkt vor Ort verwirklicht werden
- – Neo Cut Shape, die Lösung von Osai für das Laserschneiden von Leiterplatten
- – Neo Handler, zum Testen von Halbleitern, ergänzt durch unsere Neo Thermostep, die ein schnelles und präzises Einstellen der Testkamera für die Umweltsensoren ermöglicht
Auch mit der Edition 2019 ist das OSAI-Team zufrieden, konnte es doch im Rahmen der Messe große Erfolge bei den Besucherzahlen verbuchen und interessante geschäftliche Kontakte knüpfen.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei allen, die sich für unseren Messauftritt Zeit genommen haben und hoffen, den einen oder anderen bei den nächsten Events für 2019 wiederzusehen, etwa bei der Messe PRODUCTRONICA, die vom 12. bis 15. November in München stattfindet.
Sie haben an der Messe nicht teilnehmen können? Besuchen Sie unsere LinkedIn-Seite und blicken Sie gemeinsam mit unserem Team auf die drei SMT-Tage zurück.

The week dedicated to the SMT Connect Fair 2019, in Nuremberg, ended on May 9th; according to tradition, OSAI participates to this event to introduce to the market its solutions dedicated to process automation in the electronics sector.
Inside the large stand, over 13,000 visitors to this year’s fair have been able to closely discover OSAI products, including:
- – The Neo Mark Easy the flexible solution at affordable price for electronic components marking, introduced with the handling modules stacker and destacker
- – The Neo Mark Easy Fiber, thanks to which it was possible to create custom gadgets for all guests present inside the stand, using Laser marking
- – Neo Cut Shape, Osai’s proposal for PCB laser cutting
- – The Neo Handler, born for the semiconductor testing, completed by our Neo Thermostep that allows to quickly and accurately condition the sesnorstest chamber
Also for this 2019 edition, the OSAI team could declare itself largely satisfied with the success achieved at the fair both in terms of visits and of interesting commercial contacts.
Therefore, we warmly thank all those who have paid attention to our reality, hoping for seeing you at the upcoming events scheduled for 2019, including the PRODUCTRONICA fair scheduled in Monaco from 12 to 15 November.
Couldn’t you be present at the fair? Follow our LinkedIn page and re-live the three days of SMT with our staff.