[:it]Osai Automation Systems è orgogliosa e soddisfatta del successo riscosso durante le tre giornate di fiera SMT Hybrid Packaging 2017, tenutasi a Norimberga (Germania) dal 16 al 18 maggio 2017.

Nonostante sia l’anno di Productronica, la grande affluenza, unitamente alla quantità e alla qualità dei contatti acquisiti, dimostrano chiaramente che Osai Automation Systems può guardare al futuro con grande ottimismo.

Rispondendo pienamente alle richieste di un mercato internazionale sempre più attento, Osai diventa il partner mondiale delle industrie 4.0. Nel settore depaneling, il sistema Neocut XV Shape, basato sull’innovativa tecnologia Laser XV per la separazione di circuiti stampati sia flessibili che rigidi, rappresenta un ulteriore passo avanti di Osai Automation Systems verso la sempre crescente richiesta di sistemi di precisione.

Anche con il sistema NeoRouter Modula, Osai Automation Systems ha dimostrato di possedere ottime soluzioni, molto interessanti per il depaneling in-line, grazie alla capacità di fornire prestazioni uniche.

Ugualmente, con il sistema di marcatura NeoMark Easy, Osai Automation Systems si conferma essere pienamente in linea in materia di tracciabilità di prodotto. Le sempre crescenti richieste di garanzia qualitativa vengono ampiamente soddisfatte grazie al processo di marcatura di alta qualità.

Tutto il Team di Osai Automation Systems presente in fiera intende esprimere la propria gratitudine a tutti i visitatori per le gradevoli e approfondite conversazioni, nonché per l’entusiasmo manifestato e vi attende con grande piacere alla prossima edizione.[:en]Osai Automation Systems is proud and delighted to announce the success obtained during the SMT Hybrid Packaging 2017 exhibition in Nurenberg from May 16th to May 18th.

Although 2017 is the year of Productronica, the great turn-out, together with the quantity and quality of extablished contacts, clearly reveal that Osai Automation Systems can look ahead with great confidence.

Totally meeting the requests of a more and more careful international market, Osai becomes the global partner of 4.0 industries. In the depaneling field, the Neocut XV Shape system, based on the innovative Laser XV technology for flexible and rigid circuits cut, represents an additional step forward of Osai Automation Systems towards the increasingly market requirement for precision systems.

Also with NeoRouter Modula system, Osai Automation Systems has fully shown to be endowed with excellent solutions, which are interesting for in-line depaneling, thanks to the capability to provide unique performances. In the same way, with NeoMark Easy marking system, Osai Automation Systems confirms to be completely aligned in the field of product traceability. The increasing guarantee requests for quality are largely satisfied thanks to high-quality marking process.

The Team of Osai Automation Systems participating the exhibition intend to state its gratitude to all visitors for the pleasant and deepen conversations, as well as for the great enthusiasm and it is welcoming you, with great pleasure, to the next edition.[:de]Osai Automation Systems ist stolz und freut sich, den Erfolg der Ausstellung SMT Hybrid Packaging 2017 in Nurenberg vom 16. Mai bis 18. Mai bekannt zu geben.

Obwohl 2017 das Jahr der Productronica ist, zeigt der große Herauskommen, zusammen mit der Quantität und Qualität der etablierten Kontakte, deutlich, dass Osai Automation Systems mit großem Vertrauen aussehen kann.

Um die Forderungen eines mehr und mehr sorgfältigen internationalen Marktes zu erfüllen, wird Osai zum globalen Partner der 4.0-Industrie. Im Neugründungsbereich stellt das Neocut XV Shape System, das auf der innovativen Laser XV Technologie für flexible und starre Schaltkreise basiert, einen weiteren Schritt vorwärts von Osai Automation Systems auf die zunehmend marktgerechte Anforderung an Präzisionssysteme.

Auch mit dem NeoRouter Modula System hat sich Osai Automation Systems voll und ganz mit exzellenten Lösungen ausgestattet, die für das Inline-Depanelling interessant sind, dank der Möglichkeit, einzigartige Leistungen zu liefern. In gleicher Weise bestätigt Osai Automation Systems mit dem NeoMark Easy Markierungssystem, dass es im Bereich der Produktrückverfolgbarkeit vollständig ausgerichtet ist. Die zunehmenden Garantiebedingungen für Qualität sind durch den hochwertigen Markierungsprozess weitgehend zufrieden.

Das Team der Osai Automation Systems, das an der Ausstellung teilnimmt, beabsichtigt, allen Besuchern die Dankbarkeit für die angenehmen und vertiefenden Gespräche zu übermitteln, sowie für die große Begeisterung und begrüßt Sie mit großer Freude der nächsten Ausgabe.[:zh]Osai Automation Systems is proud and delighted to announce the success obtained during the SMT Hybrid Packaging 2017 exhibition in Nurenberg from May 16th to May 18th.

Although 2017 is the year of Productronica, the great turn-out, together with the quantity and quality of extablished contacts, clearly reveal that Osai Automation Systems can look ahead with great confidence.

Totally meeting the requests of a more and more careful international market, Osai becomes the global partner of 4.0 industries. In the depaneling field, the Neocut XV Shape system, based on the innovative Laser XV technology for flexible and rigid circuits cut, represents an additional step forward of Osai Automation Systems towards the increasingly market requirement for precision systems.

Also with NeoRouter Modula system, Osai Automation Systems has fully shown to be endowed with excellent solutions, which are interesting for in-line depaneling, thanks to the capability to provide unique performances. In the same way, with NeoMark Easy marking system, Osai Automation Systems confirms to be completely aligned in the field of product traceability. The increasing guarantee requests for quality are largely satisfied thanks to high-quality marking process.

The Team of Osai Automation Systems participating the exhibition intend to state its gratitude to all visitors for the pleasant and deepen conversations, as well as for the great enthusiasm and it is welcoming you, with great pleasure, to the next edition.[:]