A fine maggio la Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. a seguito degli audits e delle valutazioni effettuate ha confermato, come già avvenuto nel 2016, il rating B1.2 (Investment grade) alla OSIA A.S. S.p.A. confermando l’azienda quale soggetto solvibile e quindi un partner affidabile per i nostri clienti.
Il 7 giugno l’AGCM – Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, ha riconosciuto all’OSAI A.S. S.p.A. il Rating di Legalità ★ ++, rating etico destinato alle imprese italiane istituito nel 2012 che ha lo scopo di promuovere principi etici nei comportamenti aziendali in attuazione alla legge di conversione del decreto legge 24 marzo 2012, n. 29, Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato (AGCM) in raccordo con i Ministeri della Giustizia e dell’Interno.
Il livello di valutazione espresso dall’AGCM per OSAI A.S. S.p.A., una “stella” e due “+”, garantisce all’azienda il possesso dei requisiti di base espressi dalla legge con un merito particolare per quanto riguarda la certificazione dei propri processi secondo normative internazionali e la condivisione dei codici etici emanati dalle associazioni di categoria di cui fa parte.
Per maggiori informazioni potete visitare la sezione Investor Relations in questa sezione del sito dell’Azienda.[:en]In the last few weeks OSAI has received two important public acknowledgements to confirm its solid financial base and its reliability when it comes to customers, partners and suppliers.
At the end of May, following audits and assessments, Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. was able to confirm – as already done in 2016 – a B1.2 rating (Investment grade) for OSIA A.S. S.p.A. confirming that the company is solvent and therefore a reliable partner for clients.
On 7 June, AGCM – the Antitrust Authority – gave OSAI A.S. S.p.A. a ★ ++ Legality Rating, which is the ethical rating for Italian companies, established in 2012 to promote ethical principles in company processes, implementing the law converting law decree no. 29 of 24 March 2012, of the Antitrust Authority (AGCM) in accordance with the Ministries for Justice and the Interior.
The rating expressed by the AGCM for OSAI A.S. S.p.A., a “star” and two “+”, guarantees that the company possesses the basic requirements as expressed by law, with specific regard to the certification of its processes according to international law and the sharing of ethical codes issued by the trade associations of which it is a part.
For more information, you can visit the Investor Relations section in the relevant section of the Company website.[:de]In den letzten Wochen hat OSAI zwei wichtige öffentlichen Anerkennungen erhalten, die die finanzielle Solidität und die Zuverlässigkeit des Unternehmens gegenüber Kunden, Partnern und Lieferanten bestätigen.
Ende Mai hat die Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. nach Audits und Bewertungen wie bereits im Jahr 2016 das Rating B1.2 (Investment Grade) der Gesellschaft OSIA A.S. S.p.A. bestätigt, das bestätigt, dass das Unternehmen ein solventer und zuverlässiger Partner für unsere Kunden ist.
Am 7. Juni hat AGCM – die verantwortliche Behörde für Konkurrenz und Markt an die Gesellschaft OSAI A.S. S.p.A. das Legalitäts-Rating ★ ++ vergeben, ein ethisches Rating für italienische Unternehmen, das im Jahr 2012 eingerichtet wurde und dessen Zweck es ist, ethische Prinzipien im Verhalten des Unternehmens bei der Umsetzung des ital. Gesetzerlasses vom 24. März 2012, Nr. 29 durch die verantwortliche Behörde für Konkurrenz und Markt (AGCM) in Abstimmung mit den ital. Ministerien für Justiz und Inneres zu fördern.
Das Bewertungsniveau der AGCM für die Gesellschaft OSAI A.S. S.p.A., ein “Stern” und zwei “+”, garantiert, dass das Unternehmen im Besitz der grundlegenden Anforderungen des Gesetzes ist, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Zertifizierung der eigenen Prozesse auf Grundlage der internationalen Normen sowie hinsichtlich der ethischen Codices der Verbände, denen das Unternehmen angehört.
Bitte besuchen Sie für weitergehende Informationen den Bereich Investor Relations in diesem Bereich der Website des Unternehmens.[:zh]In the last few weeks OSAI has received two important public acknowledgements to confirm its solid financial base and its reliability when it comes to customers, partners and suppliers.
At the end of May, following audits and assessments, Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. was able to confirm – as already done in 2016 – a B1.2 rating (Investment grade) for OSIA A.S. S.p.A. confirming that the company is solvent and therefore a reliable partner for clients.
On 7 June, AGCM – the Antitrust Authority – gave OSAI A.S. S.p.A. a ★ ++ Legality Rating, which is the ethical rating for Italian companies, established in 2012 to promote ethical principles in company processes, implementing the law converting law decree no. 29 of 24 March 2012, of the Antitrust Authority (AGCM) in accordance with the Ministries for Justice and the Interior.
The rating expressed by the AGCM for OSAI A.S. S.p.A., a “star” and two “+”, guarantees that the company possesses the basic requirements as expressed by law, with specific regard to the certification of its processes according to international law and the sharing of ethical codes issued by the trade associations of which it is a part.
For more information, you can visit the Investor Relations section in the relevant section of the Company website.[:]