Infatti nel mese di maggio verrà organizzata la seconda visita (dopo quella del novembre 2016) agli stabilimenti della Ferrari a Maranello, rivolta al personale dipendente della OSAI e di alcuni fornitori e partner storici dell’Azienda.
La visita effettuata in collaborazione con il Club Ferrari Abbiategrasso sarà un’occasione per ammirare da vicino l’azienda simbolo dell’eccellenza e dello stile italiano nel mondo dalla quale il fondatore dell’OSAI, Carlo Ferrero, ha da sempre tratto ispirazione.
Nel mese di giugno aprirà invece le porte ai visitatori la mostra fotografica “25 scatti per 25 anni”, realizzata all’interno dei suggestivi locali sotterranei del museo della Cartiera di Parella, presso la sede della OSAI A.S. S.p.A. Nel percorso della mostra si potranno osservare alcuni dei momenti più significativi della storia dell’OSAI e del suo fondatore Carlo Ferrero, alla scoperta dei valori e delle persone che hanno fatto grande l’azienda.
I festeggiamenti troveranno il loro culmine nel mese di luglio con il “Company Open Days” nel quale l’azienda aprirà le porte alle famiglie dei dipendenti, al territorio, alle istituzioni e alle scuole che potranno visitare gli stabilimenti. Questa Sarà inoltre un’occasione per inaugurare e visionare il nuovo plant produttivo M7 di 1.400 mq.
Particolare attenzione verrà data come sempre alle scuole di vario livello le quali potranno visitare l’azienda in appuntamenti dedicati e comprenderne la struttura ed il funzionamento.
In questi mesi di festeggiamenti ed eventi che ruotano attorno a 25 anni di sogni ed emozioni vogliamo dare spazio alle testimonianze di alcuni dei fornitori e partner storici che insieme ad OSAI hanno condiviso i successi di questi anni affinché raccontino la loro esperienza con OSAI.
“La OSAI è uno degli attori nazionali nel settore dell’automazione industriale e Comoli Ferrari da oltre 20 anni sviluppa con l’azienda soluzioni e forniture relative al materiale elettrico utilizzato per la produzione dei sistemi di automazione progettati dall’azienda. Attraverso uno scambio di informazioni e la condivisione di esperienze nel proprio ambito forniamo quotidianamente le giuste soluzioni ad ogni necessità in ambito produttivo e progettuale.”
COMOLI FERRARI & C. S.p.A – fondata nel 1929 è una realtà di primaria importanza nel mercato nazionale della distribuzione di forniture elettriche, che annovera oggi, oltre alla sede di Novara, 110 filiali dislocate in Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Toscana, Marche, Sardegna e Joint venture in Marocco e Svizzera, sviluppando un fatturato di circa 380 milioni di € pari all’8% del mercato nazionale.
“I rapporti che ci legano alla Osai A.S. Spa nascono nell’anno 2000, si sono evoluti e consolidati negli anni, grazie al reciproco desiderio di crescita e innovazione, investendo e predisponendo tutte le risorse a progetti di medio e lungo periodo. La capacità di valorizzare le risorse umane, che accomuna le due aziende, ci ha permesso il raggiungimento di traguardi concreti e importanti, portando nel mondo un elevato standard tecnologico, condividendone i successi.”
FAST COVERING SYSTEMS SRL – presente sul mercato della sicurezza industriale da 19 anni, ha saputo crescere innovando le proprie soluzioni rivolte ad un mercato sempre più selettivo. Nell’unità produttiva di Alessandria prende vita un’infinità di soluzioni per diversi settori di mercato, grazie ad un know-how in grado di rispondere ad ogni specifica richiesta del cliente. L’attenzione all’innovazione di prodotto e di processo contraddistingue da sempre la filosofia dell’azienda.
“L’attenzione alle esigenze del cliente, la chiarezza nel rapporto e la capacità di vincere le sfide insieme ai nostri clienti/partner, sono gli stessi valori che contraddistinguono la OSAI nelle proprie attività. Insieme siamo vincenti ormai da oltre 15 anni.”
SISTEMI HS – appartenente al Gruppo SISTEMI UNO, presente nel mercato da 30 anni, si propone come System Integrator per tutti i tipi di realtà, dallo Studio Professionale alla grande Azienda, selezionando le migliori tecnologie (hardware e software) a supporto delle soluzioni applicative necessarie per lo sviluppo dei progetti definiti con il cliente. Tecnologie IT, infrastrutture, soluzioni Cloud, telecomunicazioni, servizi gestiti: sono le aree su cui si basano i progetti dell’azienda.
“Nei primi anni ’90 la famiglia Venco incontra la OSAI ed il suo titolare Carlo Ferrero. Incomincia così un percorso di collaborazione che ci pregia da oltre 20 anni della fiducia della famiglia Ferrero; un percorso di stima reciproca, attenzione ai dettagli, serietà che fa sì che gli obiettivi della OSAI siano anche i nostri. Questo ha fatto della nostra azienda il partner di fiducia della OSAI per i propri servizi di logistica”
VENCO TRASPORTI di Venco Mauro – presente sul mercato Eporediese da quasi 40 anni svolgiamo servizi di logistica, servizi espressi, servizi di collettame, servizio di groupage e stoccaggio delle merci. L’Azienda crede nella qualità del servizio a 360° da sempre attenta allo sviluppo del settore dal gennaio del 1973.
“La collaborazione con Osai nasce negli ultimi anni dall’esigenza dell’azienda di collocare al suo interno figure professionali specializzate in diversi ambiti al fine di sostenere la forte crescita imposta dal mercato di riferimento. In un’azienda come l’OSAI fortemente orientata alla valorizzazione delle risorse umane si è da subito instaurato un proficuo rapporto con il nostro personale di riferimento che ha potuto supportare l’azienda nella ricerca ed inserimento dei profili desiderati con assoluto successo”
RANDSTAD – seconda agenzia di servizi HR al mondo, ha alle spalle una storia importante di imprenditorialità, dedizione ed innovazione. L’obiettivo è trovare ai candidati l’occupazione per la quale sono più adatti fornendo alle aziende i migliori talenti presenti sul mercato nell’ottica di soddisfare il cliente. Consapevoli che il successo dipende dalla società e dalle persone, la variabile umana vista da Randstad come il principale valore su cui investire nel tempo.

In fact, in May there will be a second visit (after the one in November 2016), to the Ferrari plant in Maranello, for some of the employees at OSAI, together with some suppliers and long-standing partners of the company.
The visit, made in conjunction with Club Ferrari Abbiategrasso, will be an occasion to admire, close up, the company that symbolises Italian excellence and style in the world, which has always been a source of inspiration for OSAI’s founder, Carlo Ferrero.
In June, a photographic exhibition will be opening to visitors: “25 scatti per 25 anni” [25 shots for 25 years], held inside the charming underground rooms of the museum in the old Paper Mill in Parella, the headquarters of OSAI A.S. S.p.A. The exhibition takes the visitor to see some of the most important moments in the history of OSAI and its founder, Carlo Ferrero, discovering the values and the people who have helped the company to grow.
The peak of the celebrations will be in July, with the “Company Open Days”, during which the company will be opening its doors to visits from the families of its employees, to those from the area, as well as institutions, and schools. This will also be an opportunity to inaugurate and view the new 1400 square-metre M7 production plant.
Special attention will, as always, be dedicated to schools of different levels, which will be able to visit the company for dedicated occasions to see more about the structure and understand its operations.
During the celebrations and events for the last 25 years of dreams and excitement, we want to give space to some of the suppliers and historic partners of the company, who have shared in the company’s successes over the years, so that they can talk about their experiences with OSAI.
“OSAI is a national stakeholder in the field of industrial automation, and for over 20 years now, Comoli Ferrari has been working with the company, developing solutions and supplies for the electrical material used in the production of automation systems designed by the company. Through exchanges of information and shared experiences within this sphere, we are able to supply the right solutions to every need in the production and design environment, on a daily basis.”
COMOLI FERRARI & C. S.p.A – founded in 1929, is a business of prime importance on the national market for the distribution of electrical supplies and, as well as its headquarters in Novara, has 110 branches in Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, and Sardinia, together with joint ventures in Morocco and Switzerland, with a turnover of some 380 million euros and an 8% share of the national market.
“Our relationship with Osai A.S. Spa began in 2000, and has evolved and become consolidated over the years, thanks to a mutual desire to grow and to innovate, investing and organising all resources for medium- to long-term projects. An ability to capitalise on human resources is something we both have in common and have allowed us to achieve solid, important goals, bringing the highest standards of technology to the world and sharing the successes.”
FAST COVERING SYSTEMS SRL – on the industrial safety market for 19 years now, has grown by innovating its own solutions for an increasingly selective market. An infinite number of solutions for different areas of the marketplace take shape in its production unit in Alessandria, thanks to a knowhow that is able to meet every specific requirement submitted by customers. Attention to product and process innovation has always been the key feature of its company philosophy.
“The attention to customer needs, clarity in relationships and an ability to win challenges together with our clients/partners, are the same values for which OSAI has been standing out in its business field. We have been winning together for over 15 years.”
SISTEMI HS – part of the SISTEMI UNO Group, has been on the market for 30 years as a System Integrator for companies of all sizes, from the professional firm to the large industry, selecting the best technology (hardware and software) to support the necessary application solutions to develop projects defined together with the customer. IT technologies, infrastructures, Cloud-based solutions, telecommunications, and managed services: these are the areas on which the company’s projects are based.
“In the early 1990s, the Venco family met OSAI and its owner, Carlo Ferrero. This was the beginning of a collaboration that has rewarded us with the trust and loyalty of the Ferrero family for over 20 years. It has been a period of mutual respect, attention to detail and professionalism that ensures that OSAI’s targets are ours too. This has allowed us to become a trusted OSAI partner for its logistics services.”
VENCO TRASPORTI di Venco Mauro – in business in Ivrea for nearly 40 years, providing logistics services, express services, groupage and storage. The company believes in the quality of an all-round service with a careful eye to developments in the industry since January 1973.
“Our work with OSAI began a few years ago, as the company needed to be able to count on professional figures, in house, able to support the strong growth imposed by the reference market. In a company such as OSAI, which is strongly HR-orientated, our reference staff were immediately able to establish a successful relationship with the company, making it possible to provide support in recruiting and inserting the right profiles with absolute success”
RANDSTAD – the world’s second-largest HR service agency, with an important history when it comes to entrepreneurialism, commitment and innovation. The aim is to find the position best suited to candidates and to supply businesses with the best talents on the market, with an eye to customer satisfaction. Well aware of the fact that success depends on companies and the people, the human variable is seen by Randstad as the main value in which to invest over time.

Für den Mai ist erneut eine Besichtigung im Ferrari-Werk Maranello für Angestellte von OSAI und langjährige Lieferanten und Partner der Firma vorgesehen (die erste fand im November 2016 statt).
Die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ferrari-Club Abbiategrasso veranstaltete Besichtigung bietet die Möglichkeit, die Errungenschaften eines Unternehmens zu bewundern, das hochwertige Fabrikate und Design aus Italien weltweit berühmt gemacht hat und an dem sich der Firmengründer von OSAI, Carlo Ferrero, stets inspiriert hat.
Im Juni wird hingegen die Fotoausstellung „25 scatti per 25 anni – 25 Aufnahmen für 25 Jahre“ im faszinierenden Untergeschoss des Papierfabrik-Museums Parella am Sitz der OSAI A.S. S.p.A. eröffnet. Sie zeigt einige der wichtigsten Momente der Firmengeschichte mit ihrem Gründer Carlo Ferrero und Aufnahmen, die die Werte des Unternehmens und Personen zeigen, die ihren Beitrag zu seinem Wachstum geleistet haben.
Im Juli erreichen die Feierlichkeiten ihren Höhepunkt mit den „Company Open Days“, an denen die Firma ihre Tore für die Familien der Angestellten, Besucher, sowie Einrichtungen und Schulen der Umgebung öffnet, um einen Einblick in die Produktionsstätte zu erhalten. Bei dieser Gelegenheit kann auch die neu eingeweihte Produktionsanlage M7 mit einer Fläche von 1,400 m² besichtigt werden.
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei wie immer den Schulen zugeteilt, die Besichtigungstermine vereinbaren können, um den Aufbau und Betrieb des Unternehmens kennenzulernen.
In den Monaten der Feierlichkeiten und Veranstaltungen anlässlich des 25-jährigen Firmenjubiläums kommen auch einige langjährige Lieferanten und Partner des Unternehmens zu Wort, die mit OSAI die Erfolge der vergangenen Jahre geteilt haben.
„OSAI ist ein bedeutendes italienisches Unternehmen für Industrieautomation, mit dem Comoli Ferrari seit über 20 Jahren Lösungen für die Lieferung von Elektromaterialien für die firmeneigenen Automationssysteme entwickelt. Dank eines intensiven Austauschs von Ideen und Erfahrungen liefern wir Tag für Tag passende Antworten auf unterschiedlichste Bedürfnisse im Produktions- und Projektbereich.“
COMOLI FERRARI & C. S.p.A wurde 1929 gegründet und ist ein führendes italienisches Handelsunternehmen für Elektromaterialien, das heute neben dem Firmensitz in Novara 110 Filialen im Piemont, im Aostatal, in der Lombardei, in der Emilia Romagna, in Ligurien, in der Toskana, in den Marken und in Sardinien betreibt, ebenso wie Joint Ventures in Marokko und in der Schweiz. Der Umsatz des Unternehmens beläuft sich auf ca. 380 Millionen Euro, ca. 8% des Binnenmarktes.
„Unsere im Jahr 2000 mit Osai A.S. Spa begonnene Partnerschaft hat sich im Laufe der Jahre weiterentwickelt und konsolidiert, dank des gemeinsamen Strebens nach Wachstum und Innovation sowie der Investition und Bereitstellung von Mitteln auch für mittel- und langfristige Projekte. Eine weitere Gemeinsamkeit unserer Unternehmen ist die Fähigkeit der Mitarbeiterförderung, die das Erreichen konkreter und bedeutender Ziele und Erfolge ermöglicht hat, einhergehend mit exzellenten Technologie-Standards.“
FAST COVERING SYSTEMS SRL bietet seit 19 Jahren Sicherheitsvorrichtungen für den Industriebereich an und verdankt sein Wachstum der Fähigkeit, stets neue Lösungen für einen immer selektiver werdenden Markt zu entwickeln. In der Produktionsstätte Alessandria werden dank eines umfassenden Know-hows Vorrichtungen hergestellt, die jeweils den spezifischen Anforderungen der Kunden entsprechen. Seit jeher unterscheidet sich das Unternehmen von anderen durch seine auf Produkt- und Prozessinnovation abzielende Philosophie.
„Genau wie OSAI stehen für uns Kundenfreundlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit an erster Stelle, zusammen mit der Fähigkeit, Herausforderungen gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden/Partnern anzugehen. Nicht zuletzt aus diesem Grund blicken wir auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von über 15 Jahren zurück.”
SISTEMI HS gehört der Gruppe SISTEMI UNO an, die seit 30 Jahren auf dem Markt präsent ist und fungiert als System Integrator für unterschiedlichste Betriebe, die von Freiberuflern bis hin zu großen Unternehmen reichen. Dabei wählt es stets die am besten geeigneten Technologien (Hardware und Software) für die Entwicklung der gemeinsam mit dem Kunden festgelegten Projekte aus. Die angebotenen Dienstleistungen reichen von IT-Technologien und Infrastrukturen über Cloud-Lösungen und Telekommunikation bis hin zu Verwaltungsdiensten.
„Die Familie Venco arbeitet seit den frühen 90er Jahren mit OSAI und dem Firmengründer Carlo Ferrero zusammen und konnte in den vergangenen 20 Jahren ein tiefes Vertrauensverhältnis zum Unternehmen aufbauen, das von gegenseitiger Wertschätzung, Präzision und Seriosität geprägt ist: die Ziele von OSAI sind auch unsere Ziele. Dank dieser Merkmale wurde unser Unternehmen für OSAI zu einem zuverlässigen Partner für Logistikdienste“.
VENCO TRASPORTI di Venco Mauro bietet auf dem Markt von Ivrea seit fast 40 Jahren Logistik-, Express-, Sammelgut-, Groupage- und Lagerdienstleistungen an. Das Unternehmen setzt seit seiner Gründung im Januar 1973 auf umfassende Qualität und investiert in ein ständiges Wachstum des Sektors.
„Die Zusammenarbeit mit Osai begann in den letzten Jahren basierend auf dem Bedarf des Unternehmens nach Fachpersonal für unterschiedlichste Bereiche, um dem starken Wachstum des Referenzmarktes standzuhalten. Mit einem Unternehmen wie OSAI, das großen Wert auf die Personalentwicklung legt, konnten unsere Ansprechpartner umgehend eine intensive Partnerschaft errichten und das Unternehmen bei der erfolgreichen Einarbeitung der gewünschten Fachkräfte unterstützen“.
RANDSTAD – Zweitgrößtes Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen der Welt mit einer bedeutenden Firmengeschichte, die auf Enthusiasmus und Innovation basiert. Das Ziel des Unternehmens besteht darin, die geeignete Anstellung für Bewerber zu finden und gleichzeitig den Kunden die besten auf dem Markt verfügbaren Talente zur Verfügung zu stellen. Im Bewusstsein, dass der Erfolg stets vom Unternehmen und seinen Mitarbeitern abhängt, sind für Randstad die Personen der wichtigste Wert, in den es zu investieren gilt.

In fact, in May there will be a second visit (after the one in November 2016), to the Ferrari plant in Maranello, for some of the employees at OSAI, together with some suppliers and long-standing partners of the company.
The visit, made in conjunction with Club Ferrari Abbiategrasso, will be an occasion to admire, close up, the company that symbolises Italian excellence and style in the world, which has always been a source of inspiration for OSAI’s founder, Carlo Ferrero.
In June, a photographic exhibition will be opening to visitors: “25 scatti per 25 anni” [25 shots for 25 years], held inside the charming underground rooms of the museum in the old Paper Mill in Parella, the headquarters of OSAI A.S. S.p.A. The exhibition takes the visitor to see some of the most important moments in the history of OSAI and its founder, Carlo Ferrero, discovering the values and the people who have helped the company to grow.
The peak of the celebrations will be in July, with the “Company Open Days”, during which the company will be opening its doors to visits from the families of its employees, to those from the area, as well as institutions, and schools. This will also be an opportunity to inaugurate and view the new 1400 square-metre M7 production plant.
Special attention will, as always, be dedicated to schools of different levels, which will be able to visit the company for dedicated occasions to see more about the structure and understand its operations.
During the celebrations and events for the last 25 years of dreams and excitement, we want to give space to some of the suppliers and historic partners of the company, who have shared in the company’s successes over the years, so that they can talk about their experiences with OSAI.
“OSAI is a national stakeholder in the field of industrial automation, and for over 20 years now, Comoli Ferrari has been working with the company, developing solutions and supplies for the electrical material used in the production of automation systems designed by the company. Through exchanges of information and shared experiences within this sphere, we are able to supply the right solutions to every need in the production and design environment, on a daily basis.”
COMOLI FERRARI & C. S.p.A – founded in 1929, is a business of prime importance on the national market for the distribution of electrical supplies and, as well as its headquarters in Novara, has 110 branches in Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, and Sardinia, together with joint ventures in Morocco and Switzerland, with a turnover of some 380 million euros and an 8% share of the national market.
“Our relationship with Osai A.S. Spa began in 2000, and has evolved and become consolidated over the years, thanks to a mutual desire to grow and to innovate, investing and organising all resources for medium- to long-term projects. An ability to capitalise on human resources is something we both have in common and have allowed us to achieve solid, important goals, bringing the highest standards of technology to the world and sharing the successes.”
FAST COVERING SYSTEMS SRL – on the industrial safety market for 19 years now, has grown by innovating its own solutions for an increasingly selective market. An infinite number of solutions for different areas of the marketplace take shape in its production unit in Alessandria, thanks to a knowhow that is able to meet every specific requirement submitted by customers. Attention to product and process innovation has always been the key feature of its company philosophy.
“The attention to customer needs, clarity in relationships and an ability to win challenges together with our clients/partners, are the same values for which OSAI has been standing out in its business field. We have been winning together for over 15 years.”
SISTEMI HS – part of the SISTEMI UNO Group, has been on the market for 30 years as a System Integrator for companies of all sizes, from the professional firm to the large industry, selecting the best technology (hardware and software) to support the necessary application solutions to develop projects defined together with the customer. IT technologies, infrastructures, Cloud-based solutions, telecommunications, and managed services: these are the areas on which the company’s projects are based.
“In the early 1990s, the Venco family met OSAI and its owner, Carlo Ferrero. This was the beginning of a collaboration that has rewarded us with the trust and loyalty of the Ferrero family for over 20 years. It has been a period of mutual respect, attention to detail and professionalism that ensures that OSAI’s targets are ours too. This has allowed us to become a trusted OSAI partner for its logistics services.”
VENCO TRASPORTI di Venco Mauro – in business in Ivrea for nearly 40 years, providing logistics services, express services, groupage and storage. The company believes in the quality of an all-round service with a careful eye to developments in the industry since January 1973.
“Our work with OSAI began a few years ago, as the company needed to be able to count on professional figures, in house, able to support the strong growth imposed by the reference market. In a company such as OSAI, which is strongly HR-orientated, our reference staff were immediately able to establish a successful relationship with the company, making it possible to provide support in recruiting and inserting the right profiles with absolute success”
RANDSTAD – the world’s second-largest HR service agency, with an important history when it comes to entrepreneurialism, commitment and innovation. The aim is to find the position best suited to candidates and to supply businesses with the best talents on the market, with an eye to customer satisfaction. Well aware of the fact that success depends on companies and the people, the human variable is seen by Randstad as the main value in which to invest over time.