The collect of proposals for a value five times higher than the offer, which led to the early closing of the book-building, during the pre-admission phase, anticipated the success achieved yesterday, November 3rd, 2020, by Osai AS, that entered the AIM Italia market with an initial theoretical of + 50%, then stabilized at + 25.33%.

Yesterday morning, the company management was finally able to hear the sound of the bell, that represents the achievement of a great goal and the beginning of a new and important path of growth and innovation; simultaneously with trading opening, the capital increase was carried out and is now equal to Euro 1,400,000.

Mirella Ferrero, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, declared: “The exceptional reaction shown by the market with a demand 5 times higher than the offer is for us a strong and unequivocal signal that we receive from investors who have fully understood the capabilities and the growth potential of the company. The trend of the first day confirms this strong appreciation which for us is springboard for us to continue our growth path despite the difficult period due to the pandemic. I am convinced that OSAI represents a reliable and solid reality for the markets it operates in and is able, thanks to its structural solidity, to resist and positively overcome even this complex phase on a global level. It’s important to thank the whole OSAI staff who are committed to this listing process and to the team of professionals who have successfully guided us towards the goal “.


Osai has been involved in this process since 2016, with its first Minibond; the exponential growth that has characterized the company has led the management to continue the path started 4 years ago, until reaching this important milestone.

The operation, coordinated by Bper Banca, as Global Coordinator Advisor and Specialist, is developed with the aim of increasing the company’s growth opportunities, in particular some innovative projects, to give even greater visibility to the company.

Below you can follow updates relating to the company’s stock exchange listing path, reported inside the official press releases.

More information available at Investor Relations section