SMT Hybrid PackagingLa SMT Hybrid Packaging è il più importante evento dedicato all’integrazione di sistemi nel settore della microelettronica.
Fornitori internazionali di apparecchiature, dispositivi e servizi SMT si incontreranno a Norimberga per scambiarsi idee e soluzioni durante le conferenze ed i corsi che verranno organizzati, ma anche per fornire informazioni relative alla fabbricazione di componenti elettronici in Europa.
Il Team di Osai Automation System ringrazia tutti i visitatori per le piacevoli conversazioni e attende impaziente il prossimo evento.
SMT Hybrid PackagingThe SMT Hybrid Packaging is the most important event dedicated to the system integration in microelectronics.
International suppliers of SMT equipment, devices and services will meet to exchange solutions and ideas during conferences and tutorials to provide you with information on the electronic component manufacturing in Europe.
The Osai Automation Systems exhibition team thanks all its visitors for pleasant conversations and look forward to the next event.
SMT Hybrid PackagingDie SMT Hybrid Packaging ist ein ideales Forum für Anbieter der Mikroelektronik-Branche und Europa größte Spezialmesse auf diesem Gebiet.
Die Veranstaltung zählt einen hohen Anteil ausländischer Aussteller und bietet somit ein internationales Angebotsspektrum. Dem Fachpublikum werden die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen sowie aktuelle P Problemlösungen gezeigt.
Das Messeteam von Osai Automation Systems dankt den Besuchern des Stands für die angenehmen und interessanten Gespräche und freut sich auf die kommende Fachmesse.
SMT Hybrid PackagingThe SMT Hybrid Packaging is the most important event dedicated to the system integration in microelectronics.
International suppliers of SMT equipment, devices and services will meet to exchange solutions and ideas during conferences and tutorials to provide you with information on the electronic component manufacturing in Europe.
The Osai Automation Systems exhibition team thanks all its visitors for pleasant conversations and look forward to the next event.