Un ottimo numero di visitatori ed una incredibile qualità dei contatti ottenuti, hanno confermato la solida posizione sul mercato del nostro prodotto di punta nell’ambito dei semiconduttori, il Neohandler 304 modula. Nelle sue diverse configurazioni, il sistema permette di stimolare e testare tutta la gamma di sensori MEMS utilizzati in ambito consumer ed automotive.
E proprio durante il SEMICON WEST, che la gamma di stimoli per MEMS si è completata con la presentazione in anteprima della NeoTTU, un sistema di stimolo per sensori inerziali che abbatte i limiti fisici delle tecnologie attuali rendendo il test affidabile e semplice, ma con prestazioni al top del mercato.
Ottima anche la risposta dei clienti rispetto alla gamma PMTH, una famiglia di test handler per power devices che volge lo sguardo al futuro, dove la gestione di tensioni e correnti elevate sarà una sfida fondamentale nella trazione elettrica.
Il fermento della creatività, la voglia di innovazione, lo sguardo rivolto al futuro e l’entusiasmo per le nuove sfide sono le caratteristiche comuni di Osai e della Silicon Valley dove non a caso la nostra azienda trova terreno fertile per il proprio sviluppo.
Arriverci a SEMICON WEST 2018 ,con altre novità già in programma.
Nel frattempo, un Grazie ai nostri clienti per la loro fiducia, ci aspetta un anno di duro lavoro e di soddisfazioni.[:en]A very positive budget for Osai’s participation at SEMICON WEST 2017.
Both the large number of visitors and the fantastic quality of contacts acquired have confirmed the strong market position of our semiconductor, the Neohandler 304 modula. The system’s various configurations allow it to stimulate and test an entire range of MEMS sensors used in both the consumer and automotive fields. It was actually during the SEMICON WEST event that the range of MEMS stimuli was completed, including an advance preview of the NeoTTU, a stimulus system for inertial sensors that destroys the limits of current technology by making the test reliable and simple while also maintaining top-market performance.
The PMTH range has also been very well received by customers and is a family of test handlers for power devices that looks well into the future, where the management of high voltage and currents will be a key challenge in electric traction.
Both Osai and Silicon Valley are characterised by exciting creativity, a desire for innovation, a forward-thinking outlook and enthusiasm for new challenges, so it’s no coincidence that our company has found fertile ground for its own development.
Next stop, SEMICON WEST 2018; new features are already on the agenda.
In the meantime, I want to extend a thank you to our customers for their loyalty. A year of hard work and satisfaction awaits us.[:de]Äußerst positive Bilanz für die Teilnahme von Osai an der SEMICON WEST 2017.
Eine große Anzahl von Besuchern und eine unglaubliche Qualität der geknüpften Kontakte haben die starke Marktposition unseres Flaggschiff-Produkts im Bereich der Halbleiter – Neohandler 304 modula – bestätigt. In seinen verschiedenen Konfigurationen ermöglicht es das System, den gesamten Bereich der MEMS-Sensoren, die im Consumer- und Automobilbereich eingesetzt werden, zu stimulieren und zu testen. Und während der SEMICON WEST wurde die Palette von Stimulatoren für MEMS mit der Vorabpräsentation von NeoTTU, einem Stimulationssystem für Inertialsensoren ergänzt, welches die physikalischen Grenzen der derzeitigen Technologien überwindet und für einen zuverlässigen und einfachen Test, aber mit Leistungen an der Spitze des Marktes sorgt.
Optimale Kundenresonanz auch bei der PMTH-Baureihe, einer Test Handler-Familie für Power Devices, die in die Zukunft blickt, wo die Steuerung von hohen Spannungen und Strömen eine zentrale Herausforderung bei der elektrischen Traktion darstellt.
Kreativität, Innovationsfreudigkeit, der Blick in die Zukunft und die Begeisterung für die neuen Herausforderungen sind gemeinsame Merkmale von Osai und Silicon Valley, wo unser Unternehmen nicht zufällig einen fruchtbaren Boden für seine Entwicklung findet.
Auf Wiedersehen bei der SEMICON WEST 2018 mit weiteren, bereits in Planung befindlichen Neuerungen.
Einstweilen herzlichen Dank an unsere Kunden für ihr Vertrauen – ein Jahr voll harter Arbeit und Zufriedenheit wartet auf uns.[:zh]A very positive budget for Osai’s participation at SEMICON WEST 2017.
Both the large number of visitors and the fantastic quality of contacts acquired have confirmed the strong market position of our semiconductor, the Neohandler 304 modula. The system’s various configurations allow it to stimulate and test an entire range of MEMS sensors used in both the consumer and automotive fields. It was actually during the SEMICON WEST event that the range of MEMS stimuli was completed, including an advance preview of the NeoTTU, a stimulus system for inertial sensors that destroys the limits of current technology by making the test reliable and simple while also maintaining top-market performance.
The PMTH range has also been very well received by customers and is a family of test handlers for power devices that looks well into the future, where the management of high voltage and currents will be a key challenge in electric traction.
Both Osai and Silicon Valley are characterised by exciting creativity, a desire for innovation, a forward-thinking outlook and enthusiasm for new challenges, so it’s no coincidence that our company has found fertile ground for its own development.
Next stop, SEMICON WEST 2018; new features are already on the agenda.
In the meantime, I want to extend a thank you to our customers for their loyalty. A year of hard work and satisfaction awaits us.[:]