PRODUCTRONICA è senza dubbio la fiera internazionale leader per la produzione di elettronica. Tecnologie del futuro, tendenze di settore, esperti provenienti da 83 paesi nel mondo e oltre 1.200 espositori rappresentano una opportunità per chiunque svolga oggi un’attività legata al settore dell’elettronica. Ogni anno circa 40.000 visitatori percorrono gli stand della fiera distribuiti su di un’area di 77.000 metri quadrati alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative per il proprio business.
In una vetrina così importante OSAI porta in mostra i propri sistemi dedicati all’area Electronic and Semiconductor.
I visitatori potranno così osservare da vicino:
- NeoMark Easy offre qualità e velocità ad un prezzo accessibile;
- NeoRouter Modula con la sua nuova caratteristica a due teste rotanti (sopra e sotto);
- NeoCut UV Shape che, grazie a 2 Laser, può aumentare produzione e flessibilità;
- NeoHandler Modula, innovativa test handler per semiconduttori e microelettronica;
- NeoHPM350, equipaggiata per una marcatura di altissima precisione per semiconduttori e microelettronica.
OSAI è lieta di annunciare, in anteprima europea, il lancio sul mercato della Neo TTU, un sistema di stimolo per sensori inerziali (3 assi accelerometri e giroscopio) che unisce prestazioni di alta precisione con un rendimento impressionante.
Nello stand è riservato inoltre uno spazio divulgativo legato al progetto europeo ADIR finanziato dalla Comunità Europea con il supporto di Vodafone e Deutsche Telekom. Il progetto, coordinato dal Fraunhofer Institute, consiste nella realizzazione di un processo che, in soli 5 anni,permetta di estrarre i metalli preziosi contenuti all’interno dei dispositivi elettronici obsoleti (telefoni cellulari, tablet, ecc).
La OSAI A.S. S.p.A. è l’unico partner italiano coinvolto nel progetto, scelto direttamente dal Fraunhofer Istitute, il cui compito è quello di sviluppare il processo LASER atto a dissaldare i componenti elettronici contenenti i metalli rari e preziosi.
Non perdere l’occasione di visitare le migliori esposizioni dell’ingegneria elettrica e dell’industria elettronica, vieni a Monaco e vista il nostro stand (padiglione A3 – stand 458). Ti aspettiamo! [:en]As is tradition, OSAI A.S. S.p.A. attends PRODUCTRONICA 2017 (Hall A3 – stand 458) this year as well. Productronica is the international leading trade fair – 42nd edition – which takes place in Munich, Germany, from November, 14th to November, 17th.
Productronica is without a doubt the international leading trade fair for electronics. Future technologies, industry trends and experts from 83 countries worldwide and over 1.200 exhibitors represent an opportunity for all actors in the electronics sector. Every year ca. 40.000 visitors attend the fair looking for innovative solutions for their business in an area of ca. 77.000 square meters.
In such an important event OSAI exhibits equipment dedicated to Electronic and Semiconductor sectors.
The visitors will have a chance to look closely at some of our equipment:
- NeoMark Easy that offers quality, speed at an affordable price;
- NeoRouter Modula with its new features of two routing heads (top and bottom);
- NeoCut UV Shape which, thanks to 2 Laser, can improve production and flexibility;
- NeoHandler Modula, innovative test handler for semiconductor and microelectronic;
- NeoHPM350, high precision marking equipment for semiconductor and microelectronic.
OSAI is glad to launch on the market the innovative Neo TTU: a breakthrough stimulus for Inertial MEMS (3 axes accelerometers and gyro), combining high accuracy performances with impressive throughput.
An information panel in the stand is dedicated to European project ADIR – financed by the European Community and supported by Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom. The project, coordinated by Fraunhofer Institute, aims at creating a process for separation and recovery of valuable materials from old electronic equipment (cellphones, tablet, etc), using the best technological solutions supplied by all European partners in a 5-year period.
OSAI focuses on the LASER process development to separate welded electronic components with rare and precious metals; it is the only Italian partner involved in the project, chosen by Fraunhofer Institute.
OSAI TEAM is glad to meet you in our stand (Hall A3 – stand 458) to show all innovative solutions we have to offer.
Die Productronica ist ohne Frage, die internationale Leitmesse für Elektronik. Zukunftstechnologien, Industrie Trends und Treffpunkt für Experten aus 83 Ländern weltweit. 1.200 Aussteller zeigen Produkte und Lösungen für den Elektronikbereich. In jedem Jahr kommen durchschnittlich 40.000 Besucher um auf 77.000m2 nach innovativen Lösungen für zu suchen.
2017 sind Productronica und Semicon Europa wieder vereint. OSAI präsentiert innovative Lösungen für den Elektronik- sowie auch für den Halbleiter- Sektor.
Für unser Besucher stellen folgende Geräte aus:
- NeoMarkEasy – der hochqualitative, schnelle und preiswerte Laser-Beschrifter und Markierer;
- NeoRouter Modula with its new features of two routing heads (top and bottom);
- NeoCut UV Shape which, thanks to 2 Laser, can improve production and flexibility;
- NeoHandler Modula, innovative test handler for semiconductor and microelectronic;
- NeoHPM350, high precision marking equipment for semiconductor and microelectronic.
OSAI zeigt auf dem Messestand seine neue innovative NeoTTU (Twist and Tilt Unit). Diese stellt einen Durchbruch im Bereich der Stimulierung von MEMS Bauteilen für 3 Achsen Beschleunigungs- und Drehratensensoren dar. Sie kombinier hohe Leistungsfähigkeit mit beeindruckenden Durchsatz.
Weiterhin präsentiert OSAI einen Informationsstand des von der Europäischen Union geförderten und von Vodafone und der Deutschen Telekom unterstützten Projekts ADIR. Das Projekt, das vom Fraunhofer Institut koordiniert wird, beschäftigt sich mit der automatischen Demontage von elektronischen Geräten und Komponenten (Mobiltelefone, Tabletts, Leiterplatten etc.) Wiederverwendbarkeit und Ressourcen-Rückgewinnung. Es hat eine Dauer von 5 Jahren und versucht die besten derzeit zur Verfügung stehenden technologischen Partner in Europa einzubinden.
Osai konzentriert sich auf die LASER Prozessentwicklung um gelötete elektronische Bauteile mit seltenen und wertvollen Metallen und Materialien. Osai wurde exklusiv als einziger Italienischer Partner vom Fraunhofer Institut qualifiziert.
Das Osai Team freut sich Sie auf unserem Stand (Halle A3 – Stand 458) zur Vorführung der innovativen Lösungen zu begrüßen.[:zh]As is tradition, OSAI A.S. S.p.A. attends PRODUCTRONICA 2017 (Hall A3 – stand 458) this year as well. Productronica is the international leading trade fair – 42nd edition – which takes place in Munich, Germany, from November, 14th to November, 17th.
Productronica is without a doubt the international leading trade fair for electronics. Future technologies, industry trends and experts from 83 countries worldwide and over 1.200 exhibitors represent an opportunity for all actors in the electronics sector. Every year ca. 40.000 visitors attend the fair looking for innovative solutions for their business in an area of ca. 77.000 square meters.
In such an important event OSAI exhibits equipment dedicated to Electronic and Semiconductor sectors.
The visitors will have a chance to look closely at some of our equipment:
- NeoMark Easy that offers quality, speed at an affordable price;
- NeoRouter Modula with its new features of two routing heads (top and bottom);
- NeoCut UV Shape which, thanks to 2 Laser, can improve production and flexibility;
- NeoHandler Modula, innovative test handler for semiconductor and microelectronic;
- NeoHPM350, high precision marking equipment for semiconductor and microelectronic.
OSAI is glad to launch on the market the innovative Neo TTU: a breakthrough stimulus for Inertial MEMS (3 axes accelerometers and gyro), combining high accuracy performances with impressive throughput.
An information panel in the stand is dedicated to European project ADIR – financed by the European Community and supported by Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom. The project, coordinated by Fraunhofer Institute, aims at creating a process for separation and recovery of valuable materials from old electronic equipment (cellphones, tablet, etc), using the best technological solutions supplied by all European partners in a 5-year period.
OSAI focuses on the LASER process development to separate welded electronic components with rare and precious metals; it is the only Italian partner involved in the project, chosen by Fraunhofer Institute.
OSAI TEAM is glad to meet you in our stand (Hall A3 – stand 458) to show all innovative solutions we have to offer.