DSC07802Il Mercato Worldwide conferma l’interesse per i sistemi Osai A.S. S.p.A. a Productronica 2011.

L’interesse mostrato per i sistemi della piattaforma neo, in questa esibizione internazionale, ha superato ogni più rosea aspettativa.

I circa 150 visitatori dello stand Osai A.S. S.p.A. (circa il 50% in più rispetto a Productronica 2009), giunti prevalentemente dall’Europa, si sono presentati con progetti concreti da sviluppare per sistemi neoplace 304 modula (montaggio componenti Odd-shape e finishing), neocut C400+ (laser depaneling), neorouter modula (routing depaneling), neomark twin (laser mark) e neosold (laser selective soldering).

La tipologia di aziende che hanno raggiunto lo stand Osai A.S. S.p.A., ci permette di sostenere che la piattaforma dei sistemi neo sta diventando sempre più strategica per l’elettronica in generale, fornendo soluzioni innovative ai diversi settori: automotive, industrial, bianco (elettrodomestici), medicale, consumer e telecomunicazioni.

I meeting ed i progetti acquisiti durante Productronica 2011, permettono ad Osai A.S. S.p.A. di sostenere che, nonostante la situazione economica generale permanga instabile, la propria crescita nei prossimi anni potrà subire una decisa accelerazione.

Osai A.S. S.p.A. inoltre ha colto l’occasione per presentare ai clienti e visitatori, la rete commerciale di filiali e distributori internazionali, ai quali andrà ad aggiungersi nel primo quarter del 2012 la nuova sede OSAI China.

DSC07802The Worldwide Market confirms its interest for Osai A.S. S.p.A. systems at Productronica 2011.

The interest shown for the systems of neo platform, in this international show, has exceeded the best expectations.

The about 150 visitors of Osai A.S. S.p.A. stand (around 50% more compared to Productronica 2009), arrived mainly from Europe, showed up with concrete projects to be developed on neoplace 304 modula systems (Odd-shape components assembling and finishing), neocut C400+ (laser depaneling), neorouter modula (routing depaneling), neomark twin (laser mark) and neosold (laser selective soldering).

The type of companies that reached Osai A.S. S.p.A. stand enables us to assert that neo systems platform is becoming more and more strategic for electronics in general, providing innovative solutions to different sectors: automotive, industrial, white (domestic appliances), medical, consumer and telecommunications.
Meetings and projects acquired during Productronica 2011 enable Osai A.S. S.p.A. to claim that, despite the general economic situation remaining unstable, its growth in the coming years could undergo a marked speed-up.

Osai A.S. S.p.A. has also seized the opportunity to present to clients and visitors the commercial network of international branches and distributors, to which will be added the new base OSAI China in the first quarter of 2012.

DSC07802Osai A.S. S.p.A. erhält große internationale Resonanz auf der Productronica 2011, dies bestätigt unsere Position in den globalen Märkten.

Das Interesse an den Systemen der Plattform neoseries auf der Weltleitmesse für innovative Elektronikfertigung hat alle Erwartungen übertroffen.

Die über 150 Besucher des Standes von Osai A.S. S.p.A. (ca. 50 % mehr als auf der Productronica 2009), überwiegend Europäer, kamen mit konkreten Projekten und Anfragen zu den Systeme neoplace 304 modula (Montage von Odd-Shape-Komponenten), neocut C400+ (Laser Depaneling), neorouter modula (Router zum Vereinzeln), neomark twin (Lasermarkierung) und neosold (selektives Laserlöten).
Die Qualität der Messebesuche auf unserem Stand bestätigt uns darin, dass die neoseries-Plattform innovative Lösungen für die Elektronikfertigung in den Bereichen Automotive, Industrie, Haushaltsgeräte, Medizintechnik, Consumer und Telekommunikation bietet.

Die Gespräche und Projektdurchsprachen, die während der Productronica 2011 stattfanden, gestatten es, dass Osai A.S. S.p.A. trotz einer instabilen wirtschaftlichen Situation im Allgemeinen davon ausgehen kann, dass sich das Wachstum des Unternehmens in den nächsten Jahren kontinuierlich fortsetzen wird.

Desweiteren nutzte Osai A.S. S.p.A. die Messe dazu, Kunden und Besuchern das internationale Vertriebsnetz bestehend aus eigenen Niederlassungen und Handelspartner vorzustellen. Dieses wird im ersten Quartal 2012 durch eine neue Niederlassung von Osai A.S. S.p.A. in China erweitert.

DSC07802The Worldwide Market confirms its interest for Osai A.S. S.p.A. systems at Productronica 2011.

The interest shown for the systems of neo platform, in this international show, has exceeded the best expectations.

The about 150 visitors of Osai A.S. S.p.A. stand (around 50% more compared to Productronica 2009), arrived mainly from Europe, showed up with concrete projects to be developed on neoplace 304 modula systems (Odd-shape components assembling and finishing), neocut C400+ (laser depaneling), neorouter modula (routing depaneling), neomark twin (laser mark) and neosold (laser selective soldering).

The type of companies that reached Osai A.S. S.p.A. stand enables us to assert that neo systems platform is becoming more and more strategic for electronics in general, providing innovative solutions to different sectors: automotive, industrial, white (domestic appliances), medical, consumer and telecommunications.
Meetings and projects acquired during Productronica 2011 enable Osai A.S. S.p.A. to claim that, despite the general economic situation remaining unstable, its growth in the coming years could undergo a marked speed-up.

Osai A.S. S.p.A. has also seized the opportunity to present to clients and visitors the commercial network of international branches and distributors, to which will be added the new base OSAI China in the first quarter of 2012.
