L’aumento dell’internazionalità tra espositori e visitatori ha contribuito a consolidare la presenza della Osai A.S. S.p.A. nel mercato estero e di fornire informazioni su soluzioni mirate in vista di investimenti concreti. Una fiera così specializzata infatti ha permesso di interfacciarsi con visitatori interessati a soluzioni speciali, basate su progetti in via di sviluppo.
La collaborazione con Epson ha condotto allo stand numerosi clienti di differente tipologia, garantendo alla Osai A.S. S.p.A. uno sviluppo di mercato differenziato. All’interno dello stand Epson, la Osai A.S. S.p.A. ha infatti presentato un sistema pick and place, tramite robot Scara Epson, incluso di magazzino automatico dedicato al settore del solare.
Grazie all’ospitalità offerta da Epson, la Osai A.S. S.p.A. ha potuto ritrovare un’atmosfera allegra e amichevole e l’opportunità di dibattere su temi importanti di questo settore, rafforzando la collaborazione con Epson e consolidando la propria presenza in tutti quei settori in cui risulta utile un’automazione di processo.

The increase of internationality between the exhibitors and visitors has helped to consolidate the presence of Osai in the foreign market and provide information on specific solutions for concrete investments. Such a specialized fair has in fact enabled to interface with visitors interested to special solutions, based on projects in progress.
The collaboration with Epson has led to our stand numerous clients of different types, guaranteeing to Osai the development of a differentiated market. Inside Epson stand, Osai has in fact presented a pick and place system, through robot Scara Epson, together with an automatic stock dedicated to the solar industry.
Thanks to the hospitality given by Epson, Osai could experience a convivial and friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to debate on important themes of this sector, strengthening the collaboration with Epson and consolidating its presence in all those sectors in which a process automation is needed.

Die steigende Internationalität sowohl bei den Ausstellern als auch bei den Fachbesuchern hat die Stellung von Osai Automation Systems in den ausländischen Märkten gefestigt. Es wurden zahlreiche konkrete Anfragen zu Investitionen im Bereich Sondermaschinenbau an unser Unternehmen gerichtet. Die Messe zeigte sich als wichtige Schnittstelle zwischen Besuchern und Austellern, um über Lösungen zu laufenden Projekten zu sprechen.
Unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Epson gab uns die Möglichkeit, zahlreiche Kunden aus den verschiedensten Bereichen zu kontaktieren und die stetige Entwicklung von Osai Automation Systems in den unterschiedlichsten Märkten fortzuführen. Auf dem Epson Stand präsentierte Osai Automation Systems ein Pick-and-Place-System basierend auf einem Epson SCARA-Roboter in Verbindung mit einer automatischen Be-/Entladestation für die Solarindustrie.
Dank der Gastfreundlichkeit von Epson hatte Osai Automation Systems die Möglichkeit, in geselliger und freundlicher Atmosphäre über wichtige Themen der Branche zu sprechen. Dies stärkt die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Epson und Osai Automation Systems und wird zu einer Konsolidierung der Präsenz in den Sektoren, in denen eine Prozessautomatisierung erforderlich ist, führen.

The increase of internationality between the exhibitors and visitors has helped to consolidate the presence of Osai in the foreign market and provide information on specific solutions for concrete investments. Such a specialized fair has in fact enabled to interface with visitors interested to special solutions, based on projects in progress.
The collaboration with Epson has led to our stand numerous clients of different types, guaranteeing to Osai the development of a differentiated market. Inside Epson stand, Osai has in fact presented a pick and place system, through robot Scara Epson, together with an automatic stock dedicated to the solar industry.
Thanks to the hospitality given by Epson, Osai could experience a convivial and friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to debate on important themes of this sector, strengthening the collaboration with Epson and consolidating its presence in all those sectors in which a process automation is needed.