L’attenzione dimostrata in fiera dal pubblico per le famiglie Neo e Laser Industriale dei sistemi Osai A.S. S.p.A. conferma che è stata vincente la scommessa di Osai A.S. S.p.A. e RWS Industrial di portare sul mercato globale soluzioni innovative e flessibili in grado di soddisfare diversi processi industriali.
I circa 70 visitatori provenienti da diverse regioni del Brasile, oltre che dall’Argentina, si sono infatti presentati con richieste concrete di progetti per i sistemi NeoPlace, NeoCut, NeoMark Twin, NeoRouter, DM2 c.
Il profilo delle aziende che hanno visitato lo stand di RWS Industrial conferma che i sistemi esposti a San Paolo rappresentano soluzioni strategiche per vari settori dell’industria elettronica, oltre che per aziende di diverse dimensioni, perché si tratta di sistemi innovativi e flessibili, facilmente adattabili alle richieste di ogni processo ed in grado di generare maggiore produttività e qualità.
I meeting e i progetti acquisiti durante la FIEE 2013 indicano inoltre una ripresa degli investimenti in questo importante settore industriale.

The interest shown by the guests of this exhibition in Osai A.S. S.p.A. Neo and Industrial Laser products confirms the right strategy of the company to put on the global market innovative and flexible solutions capable to satisfy various industrial processes.
In fact, the approximately 70 guests coming from many Brazil regions, as well as from Argentina, asked for concrete projetcs for the NeoPlace, NeoCut, NeoMark Twin, NeoRouter, DM2 c systems.
The profile of the Companies that visited the RWS Industrial stand confirms that the systems exhibited in São Paulo are strategic solutions for many branches of the electronic industry, no matter their dimensions, being innovative and flexible systems, easily adaptable to whatever process requirement and capable to increase productivity and quality.
In addition, meetings and projects acquired during FIEE 2013 point out an upturn of investments in such an important industrial field.

Wir stellten unsere System gemeinsam mit dem weltweit führende Anbieter von Röntgensystemen YXLON International auf dem Stand unseres Partner RWS Industrial auf der FIEE 2013 in São Paulo (Brasilien) aus.
Das positive Feedback der Besuchern zu den Osai A.S. S.p.A. Systemen der neo-Plattform und den Laserbearbeitungssystemen bestätigte die erfolgreiche Strategie von Osai A.S. S.p.A. und RWS Industrial, innovative und flexible Lösungen für die verschiedensten Prozesse auf dem Weltmarkt zu präsentieren.
Mehr als 70 Besucher aus den verscheidesten Regionen Brasiliens und Argentinien haben mit konkreten Anfragen ihr Interesse an neoplace-, neocut, neomarktwin-, neorouter- und DM2c-System gezeigt.

The interest shown by the guests of this exhibition in Osai A.S. S.p.A. Neo and Industrial Laser products confirms the right strategy of the company to put on the global market innovative and flexible solutions capable to satisfy various industrial processes.
In fact, the approximately 70 guests coming from many Brazil regions, as well as from Argentina, asked for concrete projetcs for the NeoPlace, NeoCut, NeoMark Twin, NeoRouter, DM2 c systems.
The profile of the Companies that visited the RWS Industrial stand confirms that the systems exhibited in São Paulo are strategic solutions for many branches of the electronic industry, no matter their dimensions, being innovative and flexible systems, easily adaptable to whatever process requirement and capable to increase productivity and quality.
In addition, meetings and projects acquired during FIEE 2013 point out an upturn of investments in such an important industrial field.