
Osai A.S. Spa è lieta di invitarLa alla videoconference sui Risultati FY 2021 che si terrà in data 29 Marzo 2022 alle ore 11.


  • Mirella Ferrero (EXECUTIVE CHAIR)
  • Fabio Benetti (CEO)
  • Carlo Frigato (CFO)

Il link per il collegamento verrà inviato a seguito di vostra conferma.

RSVP: ccardelli@ktepartners.com


Osai A.S. Spa is pleased to invite you to the videoconference on FY 2021 Results to be held on March 29, 2022 at 11 am.



  • – Mirella Ferrero (EXECUTIVE CHAIR)
  • – Fabio Benetti (CEO)
  • – Carlo Frigato (CFO)


The link for the connection will be sent after your confirmation.

RSVP: ccardelli@ktepartners.com


Osai A.S. Spa is pleased to invite you to the videoconference on FY 2021 Results to be held on March 29, 2022 at 11 am.



  • – Mirella Ferrero (EXECUTIVE CHAIR)
  • – Fabio Benetti (CEO)
  • – Carlo Frigato (CFO)


The link for the connection will be sent after your confirmation.

RSVP: ccardelli@ktepartners.com
