On Saturday, July 2nd , 2022, Osai celebrated its first 30 years in business in the best way possible, bringing its large family together with an unforgettable event. It was an event to pay tribute to Osai’s years in business, keeping true to the company’s founding principles: the centrality of the individual, a sense of belonging to a community, and the concept of a group.

We are very pleased and grateful to all our employees for their active participation, and we thank everyone who attended sharing this important anniversary. Osai cannot forget its origins: it will always be a big family, born in the garage of a small town home, in which to find opportunities to pursue future life projects through work“, OSAI President Mirella Ferrero stressed from the stage of the event.

Organized within the company itself, the celebration gathered more than five hundred participants who were able to take part in guided tours of the production facilities, organized and run by the staff themselves. Outside the Antica Cartiera, on the other hand, a play area was set up for children and young people, in what is usually their parents’ workplace, to make the company space even more familiar.

As in a real village festival, food and drink area such as Panigaccio on the road, mixed grill, and a selection of freshly cut local meats and cheeses were also present. All accompanied by excellent beer, cotton candy and refreshing homemade ice cream, for an evening with summer temperatures culminating with the musical entertainment of DJ Dula (aka Paolo Benvenuto), who once again made colleagues and family members dance inside the marquee set up for the occasion.