Fiera-Madrid-2Osai è lieta di informarvi della partecipazione alla fiera MATELEC 2010 in collaborazione con il distributore spagnolo e portoghese AB Electronic. L’esposizione avvenuta dal 26 al 29 di Ottobre è stata seguita da molti visitatori ed ha fornito contatti interessanti. OSAI ha presentato la Neomark TWIN (macchina singola di marcatura laser che può essere attrezzata con entrambi i laser YAG e CO2) e la Neoplace 304 modula (P&P per il montaggio di componenti ODD shape ad alto volume) appartenenti alla serie Neo.

Osai è molto presente sul mercato spagnolo e l’anno 2010 continua a dare conferme sull’interesse elevato verso le macchine neo.

L’elevato interesse dei visitatori e la quantità di ordini ricevuti nel 2010 garantiscono alla Osai un buon business in questo settore.

Fiera-Madrid-2OSAI is glad to inform that we attended MATELEC 2010, together with the Spanish and Portuguese distributor AB Electronic. The exhibition, held from 26 to 29 October, was well attended by several visitors and very good contact were collected. OSAI presented the Neomark TWIN (unique laser marking machine capable to be equipped with both YAG and CO2 laser) and the Neoplace 304 modula (high throughput ODD shape P&P) belonging to the neo series.

OSAI is strongly focusing on the Spanish market. The high interest in neo machines in 2010 confirms this decision and needs to be continued.

The high visitors interest, and the orders collected in 2010 will ensure to OSAI an excellent business position in this type of market.

Fiera-Madrid-2Osai möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir gemeinsam mit unserem Partner für den spanischen und portugiesischen Markt AB Electronic an der MATELEC 2010 teilgenommen haben. Die Messe fand vom 26. bis um 29. Oktober in Madrid statt und hatte hervorragende Besucherzahlen, dies ermöglichte es uns, sehr gute Kontakte zu knüpfen: Osai präsentierte aus der Neo-Familie die neomark TWIN (Lasermarkierungssystem, das mit einem Nd:YAG und CO2 Laser ausgestattet werden kann) und die neoplace 304 modula (sehr schneller ODD-Shape-Bestücker).

OSAI ist u.a. auf den spanischen Markt fokussiert. Diese Strategie bestätigt das große Interesse, das uns auch im Jahr 2010 entgegengebracht worden ist.

Das große Besucherinteresse und die erhalten Bestellungen im Jahre 2010 sichern die gute Marktposition von Osai und lassen uns sehr zuversichtlich in die Zukunft schauen.

Fiera-Madrid-2OSAI is glad to inform that we attended MATELEC 2010, together with the Spanish and Portuguese distributor AB Electronic. The exhibition, held from 26 to 29 October, was well attended by several visitors and very good contact were collected. OSAI presented the Neomark TWIN (unique laser marking machine capable to be equipped with both YAG and CO2 laser) and the Neoplace 304 modula (high throughput ODD shape P&P) belonging to the neo series.

OSAI is strongly focusing on the Spanish market. The high interest in neo machines in 2010 confirms this decision and needs to be continued.

The high visitors interest, and the orders collected in 2010 will ensure to OSAI an excellent business position in this type of market.
