DSC00528_2Osai Automation Systems è orgogliosa del successo della fiera SMT 2013. Ciò dimostra che Osai Automation Systems con i sistemi presentati risponde pienamente alle attuali richieste in campo industriale. Una di esse, relativa al sistema di marcatura Laser neomark twin, ricopre pienamente il tema sempre più importante della tracciabilità di prodotto per la sicurezza di processo. Grazie alla marcatura di alta qualità di circuiti stampati viene garantita la tracciabilità dei componenti e sono soddisfatte le sempre piu numerose richieste di garanzia di qualità.

Allo stesso modo con i sistemi neoplace modula e neocut UV Osai Automation Systems soddisfa pienamente le richieste dei clienti. Il sistema neoplace modula per il pick & place di componenti THT e THR rappresenta in tempi di conversione energetica e mobilità elettrica una necessità importante per tutti i produttori del settore elettronico. Il sistema di depaneling neocut UV, basato sulla tecnologia Laser UV per la separazione dei circuiti stampati flessibili e rigidi sottili rappresenta un ulteriore contributo di Osai Automation Systems verso la crescente tendenza alla miniaturizzazione.

Da non dimenticare il sistema di separazione, neorouter modula, una soluzione di depaneling in linea, interessante per la struttura flessibile e modulare della macchina.
Il team Osai Automation Systems presente in fiera ringrazia tutti i suoi visitatori per le piacevoli conversazioni e vi attende alla prossima manifestazione.

DSC00528_2Osai Automation Systems is proud of its success at SMT 2013: a confirmation that Osai Automation Systems fully meets current industrial requests. One of the systems exhibited at SMT 2013 is neomark twin, a Laser marking system, very important in terms of safety process product traceability. In fact, the high quality of PCB marking ensures the components traceability fulfilling the growing requests of quality guarantee.

Osai Automation Systems neoplace modula and neocut UV satisfy customers’ requests as well. The neoplace modula, a THT and THR components pick & place system, meets important needs of electronic manufacturers, especially in time of energy conversion and E-Mobility. The neocut UV, a system based on the UV Laser technology to depanel flexible and thin-rigid PCB, represents a further and meaningful Osai Automation Systems contribution to the growing trend of miniaturization.

Last but not least, the neorouter modula, an in-line depaneling system, is also very interesting thanks to its flexible and modular structure.
The Osai Automation Systems exhibition team thanks all its visitors for pleasant conversations and look forward to the next event.

DSC00528_2Osai Automation Systems blickt auf eine sehr erfolgreiche SMT 2013 zurück. Es zeigte sich, dass Osai Automation Systems mit den ausgestellten Systemen voll im Trend der aktuellen industriellen Anforderungen liegt. Zum einen mit dem Laserbeschrifter neomark twin, der das immer wichtiger werdende Thema der prozesssicheren Produktkennzeichnung erstklassig abdeckt. Mit der qualitativ hochwertigen Beschriftung von Leiterplatten wird die Traceability der Baugruppen sichergestellt und die immer weiter steigenden Anforderungen der Qualitätssicherung abgedeckt.

Und auch mit den Systemen neoplace modula und neocut UV trifft Osai Automation Systems das Mark der Kundenanforderungen. Das Bestücken von THT- bzw. THR-Komponenten, das die neoplace modula abdeckt, ist in Zeiten des Energiewandels und der E-Mobilität eine wichtige Anforderung für alle Elektronikfertiger. Der Nutzentrenner neocut UV, der mit seiner UV-Lasertechnologie insbesondere für das Trennen von flexiblen und dünnen Leiterplatten geeignet ist, ist ein weiterer Beitrag von Osai Automation Systems zukunftsorientiertes Fertigungsequipment für die fortschreitende Miniaturisierung anzubieten.

Nicht zu vergessen der Nutzentrenner neorouter modula, eine In-Line Depaneling-Lösung, die durch ihre flexible und modulare Bauweise besticht.
Das Osai Automation System Messeteam bedankt sich bei allen Besuchern für die angenehmen Gespräche und freut sich auf die nächste erfolgreiche Veranstaltung.

DSC00528_2Osai Automation Systems is proud of its success at SMT 2013: a confirmation that Osai Automation Systems fully meets current industrial requests. One of the systems exhibited at SMT 2013 is neomark twin, a Laser marking system, very important in terms of safety process product traceability. In fact, the high quality of PCB marking ensures the components traceability fulfilling the growing requests of quality guarantee.

Osai Automation Systems neoplace modula and neocut UV satisfy customers’ requests as well. The neoplace modula, a THT and THR components pick & place system, meets important needs of electronic manufacturers, especially in time of energy conversion and E-Mobility. The neocut UV, a system based on the UV Laser technology to depanel flexible and thin-rigid PCB, represents a further and meaningful Osai Automation Systems contribution to the growing trend of miniaturization.

Last but not least, the neorouter modula, an in-line depaneling system, is also very interesting thanks to its flexible and modular structure.
The Osai Automation Systems exhibition team thanks all its visitors for pleasant conversations and look forward to the next event.
