Dall’8 al 10 maggio 565 espositori hanno presentato i loro ultimi prodotti e nuovi sviluppi nel campo della System Integration in Micro Elettronica a più di 22.000 visitatori. Anche per Osai Automation l’SMT è stata un vero successo avendo stabilito un gran numero di nuovi contatti e consolidato di pre-esistenti. Un interessamento speciale si è riscontrato per la nostra neoplace 304 modula sistema di assemblaggio componenti ODD-Shape e il nostro sistema di routing neorouter 304 modula.
“Il gran numero di visitatori e il feedback registrato all’SMT testimoniano l’ottima posizione ottenuta con il nostro portfolio di prodotti” afferma il Global Sales Manager Paolo Mosso. Anche Dirk Striebel, Director Manager della filiale tedesca ha riscontrato un feedback molto positivo: “I contatti pre-esistenti così come i nuovi erano interessati in progetti e richieste concrete.”
L’intero staff di Osai Automation Systems vorrebbe ringraziare tutti i visitatori per le gradite e produttive discussioni.

From 8 – 10 May 565 exhibitors presented their latest developments and products in the field of System Integration in Micro Electronics to more than 22,000 visitors. Also for Osai Automation the SMT was very successful. Plenty of new contacts were established and existing contacts were revived. Special interest was focused on our ODD-Shape placement system neoplace 304 modula and our neorouter 304 modula.
“The large number of visitors and the feedback that we received at the SMT show that we are very well positioned with our product portfolio,” Global Sales Manager Paolo Mosso noticed. Also Dirk Striebel, Head of the Germansubsidiary, summarized a very positive feedback: “Existing contacts as well as new contacts were interested in concrete requests and projects.”
The fair staff of Osai Automation System would like to thank all visitors for the kind and effective talks.

“Die große Anzahl an Besuchern und die Rückmeldungen, die wir auf der SMT erhalten haben zeigen, dass wir mit unserem Produktportfolio sehr gut aufgestellt sind”, so Global Sales Manager Paolo Mosso. Auch Dirk Striebel, Leiter der deutschen Niederlassung, zog ein sehr positives Feedback: “Sowohl bestehende Kontakte wie auch Neu-Kontakte kamen mit konkreten Anfragen”.
Das Osai Automation System Messeteam bedankt sich bei allen Besuchern für die angenehmen Gespräche.

From 8 – 10 May 565 exhibitors presented their latest developments and products in the field of System Integration in Micro Electronics to more than 22,000 visitors. Also for Osai Automation the SMT was very successful. Plenty of new contacts were established and existing contacts were revived. Special interest was focused on our ODD-Shape placement system neoplace 304 modula and our neorouter 304 modula.
“The large number of visitors and the feedback that we received at the SMT show that we are very well positioned with our product portfolio,” Global Sales Manager Paolo Mosso noticed. Also Dirk Striebel, Head of the Germansubsidiary, summarized a very positive feedback: “Existing contacts as well as new contacts were interested in concrete requests and projects.”
The fair staff of Osai Automation System would like to thank all visitors for the kind and effective talks.