As already known, starting from 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR No. 679/2016) became enforceable. Through this new regulation European Commission intends to strengthen and make more uniform the protection of personal data of citizens of the European Union, both inside and outside its borders.
The GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation provides internet users with a possibility to control the way their data is collected and used, also through a more streamlined and clear Privacy Policy.
Some new elements introduced by the new Data Protection regulation:

  • The user should be entitled to obtain the cancellation of their personal data.
  • The right to data portability: this point of the GDPR guarantees to user the possibility to download their data and transfer them elsewhere.

The regulation is based, in fact, on the duties and accountability of the holder of the personal data processing, while the previous legislation was based on the rights of the data subject.

To comply with regulatory changes, Osai A.S. S.p.A. has updated its Privacy Policy: we invite you to read it to find out policy news: Privacy Policy.
As you can see, the information is divided into individual sections; each one of them deals with a specific topic in order to speed up the identification of greater interest issues for the user.