
Il 17 Dicembre e 15 Novembre OSAI ha partecipato a due eventi organizzati da SACE (società specializzata nella promozione e sostegno delle imprese italiane nel processo di internazionalizzazione attraverso un’offerta integrata di servizi assicurativo-finanziari) quale testimonial di successo in occasione della presentazione del Rapporto Export 2016-2019 a Torino e per il battesimo del “Polo dell’Export” a Roma, davanti a oltre 900 dipendenti.

In occasione dei due eventi l’Amministratore Delegato di OSAI – Graziano Settime prima – e il Presidente di OSAI – Mirella Ferrero – dopo hanno parlato, intervistati per l’occasione da giornalisti di successo, quali Ilaria Iacoviello, Sky TG24 e Carlo Massarini, di:

i-Tale: l’altro made in Italy
La partnership con il cliente quale fattore di successo

Si riportano di seguito le interviste tratte dal sito di SACE in cui è possibile visionare il testo integrale dell’evento.

Articolo esteso: Re-action Export Calling – Torino


On 17 December and 15 November, OSAI attended two events organised by SACE (company specialising in the promotion and support of Italian businesses in the internationalisation process, through an integrated offer of insurance and financial services).  It was there as a testimonial to SACE’s success on the occasion of the presentation of the 2016-2019 Export Report in Turin, and also for the inauguration of the “Export Hub” in Rome, attended by over 900 employees.
OSAI’s CEO – Graziano Settime – and company President – Mirella Ferrero – spoke at the events and were interviewed for the occasion by important journalists, including Ilaria Iacoviello, Sky TG24 and Carlo Massarini, about:
– i-Tale: the other Made in Italy
– Partnerships with clients as a factor of success

The interviews below are from the SACE site, where it is possible to read the full text of the events.

Full article: Re-action Export Calling – Torino


Am 17. Dezember und am 15. November hat OSAI an zwei von SACE (Gesellschaft, die mit einem integrierten Angebot von Versicherungs- und Finanzdienstleistungen auf die Förderung und Unterstützung von italienischen Unternehmen im Internationalisierungsprozess spezialisiert ist) organisierten Events teilgenommen, als Erfolgs-Testimonial bei der Präsentation des Berichts Export 2016-2019 in Turin sowie bei der Vorstellung des “Export-Pools” in Rom, vor mehr als 900 Angestellten.
Bei den beiden Events wurden zuerst der Geschäftsführer von OSAI – Graziano Settime – und dann die Vorsitzende OSAI – Mirella Ferrero – nach ihren Reden von erfolgreichen Journalisten wie Ilaria Iacoviello, Sky TG24 und Carlo Massarini interviewt zu:
– i-Tale: das andere Made in Italy
– Die Partnerschaft mit dem Kunden als Erfolgsfaktor

Im Folgenden werden die Interviews von der SACE-Website wiedergegeben, auf der der vollständige Text des Events verfügbar ist.

Vollständiger Artikel: Re-action Export Calling – Torino


On 17 December and 15 November, OSAI attended two events organised by SACE (company specialising in the promotion and support of Italian businesses in the internationalisation process, through an integrated offer of insurance and financial services).  It was there as a testimonial to SACE’s success on the occasion of the presentation of the 2016-2019 Export Report in Turin, and also for the inauguration of the “Export Hub” in Rome, attended by over 900 employees.
OSAI’s CEO – Graziano Settime – and company President – Mirella Ferrero – spoke at the events and were interviewed for the occasion by important journalists, including Ilaria Iacoviello, Sky TG24 and Carlo Massarini, about:
– i-Tale: the other Made in Italy
– Partnerships with clients as a factor of success

The interviews below are from the SACE site, where it is possible to read the full text of the events.

Full article: Re-action Export Calling – Torino
