Il Minibond, del controvalore di 1 Milione di Euro, avrà per i sottoscrittori un rendimento annuo lordo del 3,75% con scadenza il 31/03/2017.
Il Presidente Mirella Ferrero ha dichiarato che quanto fatto rientra all’interno delle politiche attuate dall’Azienda al fine di diversificare le fonti di finanziamento. Tale emissione, nell’anno nel quale si celebra il venticinquennale dalla costituzione della OSAI A.S. S.p.A., è un ulteriore segnale della vitalità operativa aziendale e dell’apertura alla Comunità finanziaria mediante l’utilizzo di canali alternativi. Questo strumento che si adatta perfettamente alle esigenze dell’Azienda – continua il Preseidente – potrà essere utilizzato in via permanente più volte l’anno in maniera complementare al credito bancario tradizionale.
L’operazione realizzata è la prima in assoluto nella quale è sceso in campo un team multidisciplinare composto da ben cinque Confidi distribuiti su tutto il territorio nazionale, a partire da Unionfidi Piemonte ed ancora: Rete Fidi Liguria, Ascomfidi Piemonte, Cofiter e Confidi Sardegna.
L’operazione, come ha dichiarato Leonardo Frigiolini CEO e Founder di “Frigiolini & Partners Merchant – Advisor dell’intera operazione – è un chiaro esempio di sinergia multidisciplinare su scala Nazionale, potremmo dire “di Squadra“, a beneficio delle PMI, in questo caso della OSAI A.S. S.p.A.
È stato un lavoro interessante su un’Azienda con un business tecnologico d’avanguardia che riteniamo proiettata sulla ripetizione nel tempo di queste emissioni, il tutto grazie ad una Proprietà e ad un Management molto preparati e a dir poco lungimiranti.
“E’ stata un’esperienza innovativa”, dice l’Avv. Pietro Mulatero, Presidente di Unionfidi Piemonte, che ha affiancato la OSAI A.S. S.p.A in qualità di co-Advisor nella strutturazione del Minibond, “perché abbiamo lavorato insieme alla Frigiolini & Partners Merchant e all’Azienda, unitamente agli altri Confidi, costruendo il progetto da zero fino ad arrivare alla quotazione ed alla integrale sottoscrizione dei titoli in giro di poche ore dall’emissione.”[:en]On 12 December, OSAI made its first approach on the debt market, listing its first “Minibond Short Terms” on the Italian Stock Exchange’s ExtraMOT.
The Minibond, with an exchange value of 1 million euro, will have as its subscribers, a gross annual yield of 3.75% falling due on 31/03/2017.
Company President, Mirella Ferrero has stated that this is all part of the company’s policy to diversify funding sources. Coming as it does in the year of OSAI A.S. S.p.A.’s 25th anniversary, the issue is further evidence of the company’s operational viability and openness to the financial community using alternative channels. “This apparatus, which is perfectly suited to the company’s needs,” continues the President, ”can be used on a permanent basis several times over the course of the year, in a complementary way to traditional bank credit.
The operation in itself is the first of its kind to involve a multidisciplinary team consisting of five Consortia throughout the country, starting with Unionfidi Piemonte and then: Rete Fidi Liguria, Ascomfidi Piemonte, Cofiter and Confidi Sardegna.
As stated by Leonardo Frigiolini CEO and Founder of “Frigiolini & Partners Merchant – Advisor of the whole operation – this is a clear-cut example of multidisciplinary synergy on a national scale; we might call it a “team” working to the benefit of SMEs and in this case, of OSAI A.S. S.p.A.
It has been interesting work on a company with a state-of-the-art tech business, which we feel is projected on the repetition of these issues, all thanks to a very well prepared and far-sighted management and ownership.
“It has been an innovative experience,” says Pietro Mulatero, President of Unionfidi Piemonte, who worked alongside OSAI A.S. S.p.A as co-Advisor for the structuring of the Minibond, “because we worked together with Frigiolini & Partners Merchant and the company, as well as with other consortia, building a project from zero to achieve the listing and full subscription, within just a few hours of issue.”[:de]Am 12. Dezember hat sich das Unternehmen zum ersten Mal dem Fremdkapitalmarkt genähert und seine erste kurzfristige Mini-Anleihe im Segment ExtraMot PRO der italienischen Börse gelistet.
Die Mini-Anleihe im Gegenwert von 1 Mio. EUR bringt für die Zeichner zum 31/03/2017 eine Bruttorendite p.a. von 3,75%.
Präsidentin Mirella Ferrero erklärte, dass sich dieser Schritt in die unternehmenseigene Politik zur Diversifizierung der Finanzierungsquellen eingliedert. Diese Emission zum Zeitpunkt des 25-Jahr-Jubiläums der Gründung der OSAI A.S. S.p.A. ist ein weiteres Zeichen für die operative Vitalität des Unternehmens und die Offenheit für die Finanzwelt durch die Nutzung alternativer Kanäle. Dieses Instrument, das perfekt zu den Anforderungen des Unternehmens passt – so die Präsidentin weiter – kann dauerhaft mehrmals pro Jahr komplementär zum traditionellen Bankkredit genutzt werden.
Der Geschäftsvorgang stellt insofern eine absolute Premiere dar, als ein multidisziplinäres Team aus fünf auf dem gesamten Staatsgebiet verteilten Konsortien – Unionfidi Piemonte, Rete Fidi Liguria, Ascomfidi Piemonte, Cofiter und Confidi Sardegna – eingesetzt wurde.
Wie Leonardo Frigiolini, CEO und Gründer von Frigiolini & Partners Merchant, – Berater für den gesamten Geschäftsvorgang – erklärte, ist er auch ein optimales Beispiel für multidisziplinäre Synergie auf nationaler Ebene in Form einer „Kommission“ zu Gunsten der KMU (in diesem Fall der OSAI A.S. S.p.A).
Es war eine interessante Aufgabe bei einem High-tech-Unternehmen, das unserer Ansicht nach auf neuerliche Emissionen ausgerichtet ist, da die Eigentümer und das Management bestens vorbereitet und gelinde gesagt sehr vorausschauend sind.
„Es war eine innovative Erfahrung”, so Anwalt Pietro Mulatero, Präsident von Unionfidi Piemonte, der die OSAI A.S. S.p.A als Co-Berater bei der Strukturierung der Mini-Anleihe begleitet hat, „weil wir das Projekt mit Frigiolini & Partners Merchant, dem Unternehmen und den anderen Konsortien von Null an bis zur Listung der Anleihen aufgebaut haben. Die vollständige Zeichnung erfolgte innerhalb von wenigen Stunden ab der Emission.“[:zh]On 12 December, OSAI made its first approach on the debt market, listing its first “Minibond Short Terms” on the Italian Stock Exchange’s ExtraMOT.
The Minibond, with an exchange value of 1 million euro, will have as its subscribers, a gross annual yield of 3.75% falling due on 31/03/2017.
Company President, Mirella Ferrero has stated that this is all part of the company’s policy to diversify funding sources. Coming as it does in the year of OSAI A.S. S.p.A.’s 25th anniversary, the issue is further evidence of the company’s operational viability and openness to the financial community using alternative channels. “This apparatus, which is perfectly suited to the company’s needs,” continues the President, ”can be used on a permanent basis several times over the course of the year, in a complementary way to traditional bank credit.
The operation in itself is the first of its kind to involve a multidisciplinary team consisting of five Consortia throughout the country, starting with Unionfidi Piemonte and then: Rete Fidi Liguria, Ascomfidi Piemonte, Cofiter and Confidi Sardegna.
As stated by Leonardo Frigiolini CEO and Founder of “Frigiolini & Partners Merchant – Advisor of the whole operation – this is a clear-cut example of multidisciplinary synergy on a national scale; we might call it a “team” working to the benefit of SMEs and in this case, of OSAI A.S. S.p.A.
It has been interesting work on a company with a state-of-the-art tech business, which we feel is projected on the repetition of these issues, all thanks to a very well prepared and far-sighted management and ownership.
“It has been an innovative experience,” says Pietro Mulatero, President of Unionfidi Piemonte, who worked alongside OSAI A.S. S.p.A as co-Advisor for the structuring of the Minibond, “because we worked together with Frigiolini & Partners Merchant and the company, as well as with other consortia, building a project from zero to achieve the listing and full subscription, within just a few hours of issue.”[:]