Dall’10 al 15 Settembre si è svolta a Chicago la più importante fiera per macchinari delle Americhe. Gli espositori hanno presentato i loro ultimi prodotti e nuovi sviluppi nel campo delle macchine a controllo numerico, sistemi LASER e sistemi robotizzati a più di 102.000 visitatori. Anche per Osai Automation Systems l’IMTS è stata un vero successo avendo stabilito un gran numero di nuovi contatti. Veniva esposta la Neomark UV con un’applicazione speciale di marcatura su plastica, e i visitatori si sono dimostrati molto interessati al processo che veniva svolto durante la manifestazione.
La fiera si è svolta in collaborazione con altre due aziende: GAP LASER e LNA con le quali Osai A.S. S.p.A. collabora proficuamente.
L’intero staff di Osai Automation Systems vorrebbe ringraziare tutti i visitatori per le gradite e produttive discussioni.

From September 10 to September 15 the most important exhibition for machinery of America took place in Chicago. Exhibitors presented their latest products and new developments in CNC, LASER systems and robotic systems to more than 102.000 guests. For OSAI Automation Systems the IMTS has been a great success, as there were collected a lot of new contacts.
The neomark UV with a special application for marking on plastic was exhibited and guests looked very interested to the process shown during the exhibition. The exhibition was held in partnership with two other companies: GAP LASER and LNA with which Osai AS works profitably. The entire staff of Osai Automation Systems would like to thank everyone for the welcome and productive talks.

Vom 10. bis zum 15. September fand in Chicago die für den amerikanischen Markt wichtigste Messe für Fertigungsmaschinen statt. Die Aussteller präsentierten den mehr als 102.000 Besuchern ihre neuesten Produkte und Entwicklungen aus den Bereichen CNC- und Laserbearbeitung, so wie im Bereich Robotertechnik. Für OSAI Automation Systems war die Ausstellung ein voller Erfolg, es wurde eine große Anzahl von neuen Kontakten geknüpft.
Insbesondere das von uns präsentierte Laserbeschriftungssystem neomark UV, mit dem eine spezielle Beschriftung von Kunststoffgehäusen vorgeführt wurde, stieß auf großes Interesse. Der Gemeinschaftsstand mit unseren langjährigen Partnern GAP LASER und LNA zeichnete sich durch eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit aus. Das gesamte Messeteam von Osai Automation Systems bedankt sich nochmals bei allen Besuchern für das große Interesse und für die durchweg freundlichen und produktiven Gespräche.

From September 10 to September 15 the most important exhibition for machinery of America took place in Chicago. Exhibitors presented their latest products and new developments in CNC, LASER systems and robotic systems to more than 102.000 guests. For OSAI Automation Systems the IMTS has been a great success, as there were collected a lot of new contacts.
The neomark UV with a special application for marking on plastic was exhibited and guests looked very interested to the process shown during the exhibition. The exhibition was held in partnership with two other companies: GAP LASER and LNA with which Osai AS works profitably. The entire staff of Osai Automation Systems would like to thank everyone for the welcome and productive talks.