impresa day

Lo scorso Lunedì 15 Ottobre Osai A.S. ha avuto il piacere di accogliere, in occasione dell’evento #ImpresaDay, una delegazione di Federmeccanica, in visita all’interno degli stabilimenti aziendali.
Il progetto #ImpresaDay ha voluto essere un‘occasione per far conoscere e valorizzare il patrimonio di innovazione e bellezza delle aziende del nostro territorio.
Organizzato da Confindustria Canavese in collaborazione con Federmeccanica, l’evento ha saputo dare il giusto spazio a numerose aziende della zona, fra cui Osai.
La delegazione, dopo essere stata accolta dal Dott. Fabio Benetti, Vice President Operations per Osai A.S. S.p.A., per una prima presentazione dell’azienda, ha poi potuto proseguire il suo percorso visitando gli ambienti produttivi, avendo così la possibilità di conoscere da vicino i nostri prodotti: dalle più recenti soluzioni Laser per taglio e marcatura al mondo dei semiconduttori ed elettronica, fino agli ambienti di produzione delle linee di automazione.
Osai considera questo evento un’opportunità unica attraverso la quale ha potuto dare visibilità e valore alla sapienza ed innovazione manifatturiera di una realtà come la nostra presente nel circondario dell’eporediese da oltre 25 anni, con la speranza di rappresentare motivo di orgoglio per tutto il territorio.

Visita la sezione online dedicata ai prodotti Osai per scoprire di più sulla nostra produzione o iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per restare sempre aggiornato sulle novità di OSAI A.S. S.p.A.!

impresa day

On October 15th, Osai A.S. had the pleasure of welcoming, thanks to the #ImpresaDay event, a delegation from Federmeccanica, that visited our company.
The project #ImpresaDay wanted to be an opportunity to increase visibility and enhance the heritage of innovation and beauty of companies located inside our region.
Organized by Confindustria Canavese in collaboration with Federmeccanica, the event has been able to give the right importance to various companies in this area, including Osai.
The delegation, after being welcomed by Dr. Fabio Benetti, Vice President Operations for Osai A.S. SpA, for a presentation of the company, was then able to continue its journey visiting the production facilities, and have the opportunity to know our products closely: from the latest Laser solutions for cutting and marking to the world of semiconductors and electronics, up to the plants venue of automation lines’s production, appreciated all over the world.
Osai considers this event a unique opportunity and, thanks to it, has been able to give visibility and value to the wisdom and innovation of manufacturing inside a reality that from over 25 years produce entirely inside this region, hoping to be a source of pride for the whole territory.

Visit the online section dedicated to Osai products to find out more about our production or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the news of OSAI A.S. S.p.A.!

impresa day

Am 15. Oktober hatte Osai A.S. das Vergnügen, dank der Veranstaltung #ImpresaDay eine Delegation des Industrieverbands Federmeccanica zu einer Besichtigung unseres Unternehmens zu begrüßen.
Das Projekt #ImpresaDay sollte Gelegenheit geben, auf Innovation und auf Schönheit spezialisierten Unternehmen aus unserer Region mehr Sichtbarkeit zu geben und das Erbe zu stärken.
Die von Confindustria Canavese gemeinsam mit Federmeccanica ausgerichtete Veranstaltung konnte verschiedenen Unternehmen aus diesem Bereich angemessene Bedeutung verleihen, so auch Osai.
Nach der Begrüßung und Vorstellung des Unternehmens durch Dr. Fabio Benetti, Vice President Operations bei Osai A.S. SpA hatte die Delegation Gelegenheit, die Produktionsanlagen zu besichtigen und unsere Produkte näher kennenzulernen, von den neuesten Laser-Lösungen für Schneiden und Markieren über die Welt der Halbleiter und Elektronik bis zu automatisierten Fertigungslinien, die weltweit hoch geschätzt werden-
Osai betrachtet diese Veranstaltung als eine einzigartige Gelegenheit. Das Unternehmen und konnte
dem Wissen und der Innovation der Herstellung in einem Unternehmens Sichtbarkeit und Wert geben, das seit über 25 Jahren komplett innerhalb dieser Region produziert und deshalb hofft, ein Stolz für das gesamte Gebiet zu sein.
Besuchen Sie den Online-Bereich, der den Produkten von Osai gewidmet ist, um mehr über unsere Produktion zu erfahren, oder abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter, um stets über die Neuheiten zu OSAI A.S. S.p.A. auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben!

impresa day

On October 15th, Osai A.S. had the pleasure of welcoming, thanks to the #ImpresaDay event, a delegation from Federmeccanica, that visited our company.
The project #ImpresaDay wanted to be an opportunity to increase visibility and enhance the heritage of innovation and beauty of companies located inside our region.
Organized by Confindustria Canavese in collaboration with Federmeccanica, the event has been able to give the right importance to various companies in this area, including Osai.
The delegation, after being welcomed by Dr. Fabio Benetti, Vice President Operations for Osai A.S. SpA, for a presentation of the company, was then able to continue its journey visiting the production facilities, and have the opportunity to know our products closely: from the latest Laser solutions for cutting and marking to the world of semiconductors and electronics, up to the plants venue of automation lines’s production, appreciated all over the world.
Osai considers this event a unique opportunity and, thanks to it, has been able to give visibility and value to the wisdom and innovation of manufacturing inside a reality that from over 25 years produce entirely inside this region, hoping to be a source of pride for the whole territory.

Visit the online section dedicated to Osai products to find out more about our production or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the news of OSAI A.S. S.p.A.!
