Modelli da guardare e toccare del prof. Covolan
Nel periodo compreso tra l’undici novembre ed il due dicembre si svolgerà a Parella, nei locali settecenteschi della ex cartiera, sede attuale della ditta Osai A.S. S.p.A., un evento importante per la cultura e l’interesse scientifico: una mostra dedicata alle “macchine di Leonardo”. I modelli, riprodotti fedelmente sui disegni originali, sono opera del professor Girolamo Covolan.
Il disegno, per Leonardo, è stata la vocazione originaria, base per la sua pittura e, come in questo caso, determinante come progetto per le numerose applicazioni, tra cui architettura, meccanica, idraulica, ottica.
Nella mostra di Parella il visitatore avrà la possibilità di avvicinarsi ai modelli delle macchine di vario tipo con un approccio interattivo, senza il timore reverenziale che di solito si prova di fronte ad un congegno; anche i non referenziati potranno capire e divertirsi facendo funzionare ingranaggi, leve, pompe… Questo è un approccio didattico in quanto i ragazzi potranno essere stimolati ad usare attrezzi, ricercare materiali ed agire.
La mostra è organizzata dall’Associazione Culturale Pedaneus, con sede in Parella e dall’Azienda Osai A.S. S.p.A. che, oltre al suggestivo spazio espositivo, adeguatamente predisposto, ha messo a disposizione un importante contributo economico. L’Associazione Culturale Pedaneus e l’Azienda Osai A.S. S.p.A. mettono nella realizzazione dell’evento entusiasmo ed impegno perché festeggiano un compleanno importante: per la prima il decennale di vita, per la seconda il ventennale di attività.
Accanto ai due promotori dell’iniziativa daranno il loro sostegno aziende ed imprese della zona; i Comuni di Loranzè, Colleretto Giacosa, Parella, Quagliuzzo, Strambinello ed Ivrea ci onoreranno del loro patrocinio, così come il Consiglio Regionale del Piemonte e la Provincia di Torino.
Il professor Girolamo Covolan, che ha realizzato i modelli, è un ex insegnante di Educazione tecnica; è sempre stato convinto, da buon maestro, che quello che si sperimenta con le mani lo si capisce con la mente e ci rende sicuri di noi stessi.
Egli ci onora della sua amicizia perché è affezionato ai nostri paesi dove ha trascorso un periodo della sua infanzia.

Models to look and touch of Prof Covolan
From November 11 and December 2 in Parella will be held in the premises of the eighteenth-century former paper mill that houses the company Osai A.S. S.p.A., an important event in the cultural and scientific interest: an exhibition dedicated to “Leonardo’s machines”. The models faithfully reproduced according to the original drawings are the work of Professor Girolamo Covolan.
The drawing for Leonardo was the original vocation, the basis for his paintings and, as in this case, decisive as a project for many applications, including architectural, mechanical, hydraulics, optics.
In the exhibition of Parella visitors will have the chance to get closer to the models of machines of various types with an interactive approach, without the awe which usually is shown in front of a device, even unreferenced can understand and have fun running gear levers, pumps… This is a teaching approach as students can be encouraged to use tools, research materials and act.
The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Association Pedaneus, based in Parella and the Company Osai A.S. S.p.A. which, in addition to the impressive exhibition space, properly prepared, has provided an important economic contribution. The Cultural Association Pedaneus and the Company Osai A.S. S.p.A. put in the realization of the event enthusiasm and commitment for celebrating an important birthday: the first one its ten years of life, the latter its twenty years of activity.
In addition to the two organising partners will give their support companies and businesses in the area, the municipalities of Loranzè, Colleretto Giacosa, Parella, Quagliuzzo, Strambinello Ivrea will honour us with their patronage, as well as the Piedmont Regional Council and the Province of Turin.
Professor Girolamo Covolan, who made the models, is a former teacher of Technical Education, has always been convinced, as a good teacher, that what is experienced with the hands can be understood with the mind and makes us self-confident.
He honours us with his friendship because he is attached to our villages where he spent a period of his childhood.

Modelle von Prof. Covolan zum Betrachten und Anfassen
Eine Ausstellung, die “Leonardos Maschinen” gewidmet ist: Vom 11. November bis zum 2. Dezember findet in Parella in den Gebäuden der ehemaligen Papierfabrik, die im achtzehnten Jahrhundert erstellt wurde und heute von dem Unternehmen Osai A.S. S.p.A. genutzt wird, eine kulturelle und wissenschaftlich interessante Ausstellung statt: “Leonardos Maschinen” – originalgetreue Modelle nach den ursprünglichen Plänen von Leonardo da Vinci von Professor Girolamo Covolan erstellt, werden gezeigt.
Zeichnen und Entwerfen war Leonardo’s ursprüngliche Berufung, die Grundlage für seine Gemälde und Konstruktionen. Er entwickelte viele architektonische, mechanische, hydraulische und optische Anwendungen.
In der Ausstellung in Parella haben die Besucher die Möglichkeit, die Modelle von verschiedensten Maschinen interaktiv, ohne die sonst übliche Ehrfurcht, aus nächster Nähe zu betrachten. Mit Spaß und Freude können verschiedene Anwendungen aus den Bereichen Fahrwerks-, Hebel- und Pumpentechnik betrachtet und bedient werden. Sie dient auch als Lehrmöglichkeit für Studenten, um diese zu ermutigen das Gesehene in Werkzeugentwicklungen, Maschinenentwicklungen und in der Forschung umzusetzen.
Die Ausstellung wird von dem Kulturverein Pedaneus, Parella, und der Firma Osai A.S. S.p.A., die neben dem Bereitstellen der beeindruckenden Ausstellungsräume auch einen beträchtlichen finanziellen Beitrag leistete, organisiert. Beide Partner haben in die Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Ausstellung viel Enthusiasmus und Engagement gesteckt und nutzen diese zusätzlich, um zwei runde Geburtstage zu feiern: der Kulturverein Pedaneus feiert sein zehnjähriges Bestehen, die Firma Osai A.S. S.p.A. feiert ihr zwanzigjähriges Firmenjubiläum.
Zusätzlich zu den beiden Organisatoren wird die Ausstellung von Unternehmen und Geschäften aus der Umgebung unterstützt. Die Gemeinden Loranzè, Colleretto Giacosa, Parella, Quagliuzzo, Strambinello Ivrea sowie die Region Piemont und die Provinz Turin übernehmen die Schirmherrschaft.
Professor Girolamo Covolan, der die Modelle erstellt hat, ist ein ehemaliger Lehrer für technische Fachausbildung, und war schon immer davon überzeugt, dass das was man mit den Händen erfahren kann verstanden wird und uns selbstbewusster macht.
Er ehrt uns mit seiner Arbeit und Freundschaft, und bringt damit auch seine Verbundenheit zu unserer Region, in der eine Zeit seiner Kindheit verbracht hat, zum Ausdruck.

Models to look and touch of Prof Covolan
From November 11 and December 2 in Parella will be held in the premises of the eighteenth-century former paper mill that houses the company Osai A.S. S.p.A., an important event in the cultural and scientific interest: an exhibition dedicated to “Leonardo’s machines”. The models faithfully reproduced according to the original drawings are the work of Professor Girolamo Covolan.
The drawing for Leonardo was the original vocation, the basis for his paintings and, as in this case, decisive as a project for many applications, including architectural, mechanical, hydraulics, optics.
In the exhibition of Parella visitors will have the chance to get closer to the models of machines of various types with an interactive approach, without the awe which usually is shown in front of a device, even unreferenced can understand and have fun running gear levers, pumps… This is a teaching approach as students can be encouraged to use tools, research materials and act.
The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Association Pedaneus, based in Parella and the Company Osai A.S. S.p.A. which, in addition to the impressive exhibition space, properly prepared, has provided an important economic contribution. The Cultural Association Pedaneus and the Company Osai A.S. S.p.A. put in the realization of the event enthusiasm and commitment for celebrating an important birthday: the first one its ten years of life, the latter its twenty years of activity.
In addition to the two organising partners will give their support companies and businesses in the area, the municipalities of Loranzè, Colleretto Giacosa, Parella, Quagliuzzo, Strambinello Ivrea will honour us with their patronage, as well as the Piedmont Regional Council and the Province of Turin.
Professor Girolamo Covolan, who made the models, is a former teacher of Technical Education, has always been convinced, as a good teacher, that what is experienced with the hands can be understood with the mind and makes us self-confident.
He honours us with his friendship because he is attached to our villages where he spent a period of his childhood.