Lo scorso 22 dicembre l’Associazione Carlo Ferrero ONLUS, in collaborazione con il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori del Canavese, ha assegnato la 1° borsa di studio universitaria intitolata alla memoria di Carlo Ferrero imprenditore canavesano prematuramente scomparso nel 2015.
Tale riconoscimento, fortemente voluto dalla Famiglia Ferrero, è nato per sostenere gli studi universitari di studenti canavesani meritevoli che si trovino in condizioni economiche e familiari di particolare disagio coprendo tutti i costi sostenuti dallo studente durante il percorso di laurea e post laurea, fino ad un massimo di 60.000,00 euro per l’intero ciclo di studi.
Nello scorso mese di settembre, al termine del periodo di valutazione delle candidature pervenute, è stata pubblicata sul sito dell’Associazione la graduatoria dalla quale è stata assegnata la borsa di studio: il vincitore acclamato è stato Amine Ketatni, studente neo diplomato nel 2017 all’Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Aldo Moro di Rivarolo Canavese, che ha ottenuto la borsa di studio per l’anno accademico 2017-2018.
La consegna ufficiale della borsa di studio è avvenuta il 22 dicembre 2017 durante l’evento di fine anno della OSAI A.S. S.p.A. che si è tenuto a Parella all’interno del nuovo plant da poco inaugurato.
Amine, che proseguirà gli studi presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, è stato premiato dal Presidente dell’Associazione, nonché Presidente della OSAI A.S. S.p.A., Mirella Ferrero (sorella di Carlo Ferrero) accompagnata da: Claudio Ferrero – Presidente Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori del Canavese, Fabrizio Gea – Presidente Confindustria Canavese e dal Sindaco di Parella – Marco Bollettino.
“L’Assegnazione di questa borsa di studio – afferma il Presidente Mirella Ferrero – rappresenta l’inizio di un percorso di iniziative che l’Associazione Carlo Ferrero ONLUS realizzerà nei prossimi anni a favore delle persone svantaggiate che risiedono nel territorio del Canavese il cui obbiettivo finale è rappresentato dalla valorizzazione della persona nel senso più ampio possibile”.
Su questo aspetto fondamentale Carlo ha basato la sua attività sin dalla fondazione di OSAI e queste iniziative lo vogliono ricordare.
Per sostenere i progetti previsti dall’Associazione è necessario il contributo di tutti coloro che credono nelle finalità dell’Ente e che vogliono attraverso di esso ricordare la memoria di Ferrero. Pertanto è possibile contribuire attivamente attraverso il sito dell’Associazione, raggiungibile all’indirizzo Carlo Ferrero Onlus, con erogazioni liberali, devolvendo il 5×1000 oppure tesserandosi all’Associazione e partecipando in questo modo attivamente alla vita associativa.[:en]The Carlo Ferrero Association – ONLUS has awarded its first university scholarship
On 22 December 2017, the Carlo Ferrero Association – ONLUS, together with the Canavese Young Entrepreneurs’ Group, awarded the 1st university scholarship in memory of Carlo Ferrero, Canavese businessman, who died in 2015.
This award, created at the wishes of the Ferrero Family, was set up to finance university studies for deserving students from Canavese with particular family and financial difficulties, covering all of the costs met by the student during their undergraduate and graduate degree courses, up to a maximum of 60,000.00 euro for the whole course of study.
In September 2017, at the end of a period of assessment of the applications sent in, a list of names was published on the Association’s website and the scholarship was awarded to one of these candidates: Amine Ketatni, a recent graduate (2017) of the Aldo Moro Higher Education Institute in Rivarolo Canavese, who was awarded a scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.
The official presentation of the scholarship award was held on 22 December 2017, during an end-of-year event organised by OSAI A.S. S.p.A. in the newly inaugurated Parella plant.
Amine, who will be continuing his studies at the Faculty of Translation and Liaison Interpreting at the University of Turin, was presented the award by the President of the Association, as well as President of OSAI A.S. S.p.A., Mirella Ferrero (sister of Carlo Ferrero), accompanied by: Claudio Ferrero – President of the Canavese Young Entrepreneurs’ Group, Fabrizio Gea – President of the Canavese Confindustria, and the Mayor of Parella, Marco Bollettino.
“Awarding this scholarship,” said association President, Mirella Ferrero, “is the start of a series of initiatives that the Carlo Ferrero Association – ONLUS will be organising over the coming years for disadvantaged people living in the Canavese area. The final aim is to make the most of people, in the widest possible sense of the term”.
Carlo based his activities and business on this fundamental aspect, since the very beginning of OSAI, and these initiatives are a way to commemorate that.
Supporting the Association’s projects will need contributions from all those who believe in its aims and who would like to commemorate Carlo Ferrero in some way through the Association. This is why it is possible to make active contributions through the Association website Carlo Ferrero Onlus, giving a sum of choice, choosing to pay the 5×1000 donation from income tax, or becoming a member of the and participating actively in the Association’s work.[:de]Die Vereinigung Carlo Ferrero ONLUS vergibt das erste Universitätsstipendium
Am vergangenen22. Dezember hat die Vereinigung Carlo Ferrero ONLUS in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori del Canavese das 1. Universitätsstipendium vergeben, das nach Carlo Ferrero benannt wurde, dem Unternehmen aus Canavese, der im Jahr 2015 vorzeitig verstorben ist.
Diese Anerkennung, die von der Familie Ferrero stark gewünscht wurde, dient der Unterstützung des Studiums von verdienstvollen Studenten aus Canavese, die sich in besonders schwierigen wirtschaftlichen und familiären Verhältnissen befinden und sie deckt die Kosten ab, die von den Studenten vor und nach der Promotion aufgewendet werde, bis zum einem Höchstbetrag von € 60.000,00 für das gesamte Studium ab.
Im vergangenen September wurde nach der Bewertung der eingegangenen Bewerbungen auf der Web-Site der Vereinigung die Rangliste veröffentlicht, auf deren Grundlage das Stipendium vergeben wurde: Die Auszeichnung ging an Amine Ketatni, der seinen Abschluss im Jahr 2017 am Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Aldo Moro in Rivarolo Canavese gemacht hat und der das Stipendium für das akademische Jahr 2017/2018 erhalten hat.
Die offizielle Überreichung fand am 22. Dezember 2017 während der Veranstaltung von OSAI A.S. S.p.A. zum Jahresende statt, die in Parella in der vor kurzem eingeweihten Anlage stattfand.
Amine, der sein Studium an der Fakultät für Sprachvermittlung der Universität Turin fortsetzen wird, wurde vom Vorsitzenden der Vereinigung sowie von der Vorsitzenden von OSAI A.S. S.p.A., Mirella Ferrero (Schwester von Carlo Ferrero) ausgezeichnet, begleitet von: Claudio Ferrero – Vorsitzender der Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori del Canavese, Fabrizio Gea – Vorsitzender der Confindustria Canavese sowie vom Bürgermister von Parella – Marco Bollettino.
“Die Vergabe dieses Stipendiums – sagte die Vorsitzende Mirella Ferrero – bildet den Anfang einer Initiative, die die Vereinigung Carlo Ferrero ONLUS in den kommenden Jahren zu Gunsten von benachteiligten Personen realisieren wird, die im Territorium von Canavese wohnen, mit dem Endziel, die Person im weitesten Sinn zu unterstützen.”
Auf diesem wesentlichen Aspekt hat Carlo seine Aktivität seit der Gründung von OSAI ausgebaut und mit dieser Initiative möchten wir an ihn erinnern.
Zur Unterstützung der von der Vereinigung vorgesehenen Projekte ist ein Beitrag aller erforderlich, die an die Ziele der Einrichtung glauben und die sie die Erinnerung an Ferrero erhalten möchten. Daher ist es möglich, sich aktiv über die Web-Site der Vereinigung zu beteiligen, die unter der Adresse Carlo Ferrero Onlus zu erreichen ist, mit freien Spenden mit Abzug von 5 Promille oder durch Einschreibung bei der Vereinigung, um sie auf diese Weise aktiv zu unterstützen.[:zh]The Carlo Ferrero Association – ONLUS has awarded its first university scholarship
On 22 December 2017, the Carlo Ferrero Association – ONLUS, together with the Canavese Young Entrepreneurs’ Group, awarded the 1st university scholarship in memory of Carlo Ferrero, Canavese businessman, who died in 2015.
This award, created at the wishes of the Ferrero Family, was set up to finance university studies for deserving students from Canavese with particular family and financial difficulties, covering all of the costs met by the student during their undergraduate and graduate degree courses, up to a maximum of 60,000.00 euro for the whole course of study.
In September 2017, at the end of a period of assessment of the applications sent in, a list of names was published on the Association’s website and the scholarship was awarded to one of these candidates: Amine Ketatni, a recent graduate (2017) of the Aldo Moro Higher Education Institute in Rivarolo Canavese, who was awarded a scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.
The official presentation of the scholarship award was held on 22 December 2017, during an end-of-year event organised by OSAI A.S. S.p.A. in the newly inaugurated Parella plant.
Amine, who will be continuing his studies at the Faculty of Translation and Liaison Interpreting at the University of Turin, was presented the award by the President of the Association, as well as President of OSAI A.S. S.p.A., Mirella Ferrero (sister of Carlo Ferrero), accompanied by: Claudio Ferrero – President of the Canavese Young Entrepreneurs’ Group, Fabrizio Gea – President of the Canavese Confindustria, and the Mayor of Parella, Marco Bollettino.
“Awarding this scholarship,” said association President, Mirella Ferrero, “is the start of a series of initiatives that the Carlo Ferrero Association – ONLUS will be organising over the coming years for disadvantaged people living in the Canavese area. The final aim is to make the most of people, in the widest possible sense of the term”.
Carlo based his activities and business on this fundamental aspect, since the very beginning of OSAI, and these initiatives are a way to commemorate that.
Supporting the Association’s projects will need contributions from all those who believe in its aims and who would like to commemorate Carlo Ferrero in some way through the Association. This is why it is possible to make active contributions through the Association website Carlo Ferrero Onlus, giving a sum of choice, choosing to pay the 5×1000 donation from income tax, or becoming a member of the and participating actively in the Association’s work.[:]