With the publication of its first Sustainability Report, Osai brings to a conclusion the first stage of an important journey aimed at the realization and implementation of all the values ​​that have inspired the company for the past 30 years.

Pursuing the ideal of a sustainable business that is attentive to social needs, in fact, for Osai does not only represent the guarantee of greater competitiveness on the market, but a real vocation that has always been strongly valued by management.

Osai’s path in this area officially begins in 2018, when the Group decides to include within its ” Policy for Quality and Sustainability “numerous themes of the SDG’s – the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s); with a view to projection towards the future, operating on the basis of these objectives means being deeply linked to the territory in which one operates, planning sustainable and responsible growth but also entering the small circle of companies valued for their concrete commitment to sustainability, on the measure of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

The drafting of this Report now makes it possible to measure, report and certify the great results achieved in these years of work by the Group both in terms of economic growth equal to 11.2% and human resources (+ 12.4% per annum) but especially through environmental, social and governance indicators.

Osai’s 2020 Sustainability Report is developed in 7 chapters, full of information, history and values ​​of the company: a detailed stage from which to observe the work, structure the successes from 1991 to today.

Therefore, starting from an excursus on the history of the Group, the document shifts attention to how Osai understands sustainability, detailing the most significant issues in the Materiality matrix that expresses the interests and expectations of the Company’s stakeholders.

The discovery process then continues with an in-depth overview of the results, of the future objectives that the Group sets itself with reference to ESG issues.

And again: the corporate and control bodies of the structure, certifications, annual consumption and savings, people, welfare, safety and suppliers, to conclude with a broad vision of all the local projects in the social field in which the Company is currently engaged.

A document that is the result of a long period of work, which involved the internal Sustainability Team made up of transversal figures, united by the same goal: to highlight the results achieved by the company in recent years. Results that have been verified and certified by the auditing company BDO Italia S.p.A. as a guarantee for what has been declared.

As already established in the Osai philosophy, this can only be a starting point for continuing to improve and exceeding one’s results year by year.

The full report is available on website www.osai-as.com inside the dedicated section Sustainability.