With this communication, OSAI A.S. S.p.A. announces that for reasons strictly connected to the prevention of contagion from COVID-19, as well as in implementation of the regulations on access to the workplace pursuant to Legislative Decree 127/2021 issued by the Italian Government, it is necessary, with effect from October 15, 2021, to verify the possession of the COVID Green Certification (so-called Green Pass) in course of validity (Article 9-septies of Legislative Decree no. Legislative Decree no. 127/2021) by all those who for any reason access the workplace.

We remind you that the certification is issued following vaccination, recovery from Covid-19 or negative test (rapid or molecular antigenic).

The green certification can be produced in paper or digital format and will be checked exclusively by reading the QR Code affixed to it.

The Company, through the employer or delegated staff, has no alternative methods for checking (eg through medical certificates attesting to the execution of swabs or vaccination).

We also remind you that the COVID-19 Green Certification is personal and nominative and must be valid at the time of access to the Company.

The obligation to possess and exhibit, upon request, the green pass does not apply to subjects exempt from the vaccination campaign on the basis of suitable medical certification (Ministry of Health Circulars of 4 August 2021 and 5 August 2021). For the purpose of entering the workplace, these subjects are required to exhibit, upon request, the relevant certification.

Therefore, OSAI A.S. S.p.A., starting from next 15 October, has the obligation to request, in order to access its facilities, the display of a valid Green pass.

For the purpose of accessing our workplaces, the checks will be carried out according to a specific Procedure for the Organization of Checks in accordance with the provisions on the processing of personal data (see attached information) and the persons appointed to control will use for the assessments provided exclusively for the «VerifiCaC19» application.

Anyone without COVID-19 green certification will not be able to access company premises.

We inform you that, in the event of non-possession and / or presentation of the valid Covid-19 Green Certification, the worker, supplier, visitor, will not be able to access our premises or, in the event of an internal check, must immediately leave the premises. . We emphasize that, for all legal purposes, therefore, it will not be possible to accept the work and contractual performance even if it has already started.

We invite you to transmit the information and documentation attached to all those who access our workplaces, urging them to read it and to comply with the instructions contained therein.

Personnel from foreign countries in which the Covid-19 Green Certification has not been established is requested to contact their Osai company contact in advance in order to verify how to proceed in order to obtain what is necessary from the Italian government provisions.