E’ stata un’occasione unica, alla presenza di tutte le maggiori Istituzioni del Territorio, per comunicare la missione ed i progetti dell’Associazione legati alla memoria di Carlo e ribadire la collaborazione stretta con Confidustria Canavese, uno dei soci Fondatori dell’Associazione.
Come ribadito in occasione della presentazione, l’Associazione è attualmente in attesa di ricevere il riconoscimento quale ONLUS – Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale, necessaria per poter svolgere l’attività sociale prevista dallo statuto in maniera operativa.
In attesa di tale riconoscimento il sito www.carloferreroonlus.org è attualmente non disponibile. Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione è disponibile l’indirizzo e-mail info@carloferreroonlus.org.
Seguiranno aggiornamenti nelle prossime settimane.

This was a unique occasion, before all of the most important institutions in the area, to communicate the mission and projects of the association, founded in memory of Carlo Ferrero, and to reiterate the close collaboration with Confidustria Canavese, one of the association’s founding members.
As already stated at the presentation, the association is currently awaiting recognition of its status as an ONLUS – non-profit organisation, which is necessary to be able to actually perform the social activities envisaged in the charter.
Until this recognition arrives, the website www.carloferreroonlus.org is currently unavailable. For any further information, please use the e-mail address info@carloferreroonlus.org.
More updates will be available over the coming weeks.

Es war dies eine einmalige Gelegenheit, um im Beisein aller wichtigen Institutionen der Region die Mission und die Projekte des Verbands in Zusammenhang mit der Erinnerung an Carlo zu kommunizieren und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Confindustria Canavese, einem der Gründungsmitglieder des Verbands, zu bekräftigen.
Wie bei der Präsentation betont, wartet der Verband derzeit auf die Anerkennung als ONLUS (Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale; gemeinnützige Organisation ohne Gewinnabsichten). Diese ist erforderlich, um die in der Satzung vorgesehenen sozialen Aktivitäten operativ durchführen zu können.
Bis zum Erhalt dieser Anerkennung ist die Seite www.carloferreroonlus.org nicht verfügbar. Weitere Informationen können Sie unter der E-Mail-Adresse info@carloferreroonlus.org anfordern.
In den kommenden Wochen werden Sie mehr erfahren.

This was a unique occasion, before all of the most important institutions in the area, to communicate the mission and projects of the association, founded in memory of Carlo Ferrero, and to reiterate the close collaboration with Confidustria Canavese, one of the association’s founding members.
As already stated at the presentation, the association is currently awaiting recognition of its status as an ONLUS – non-profit organisation, which is necessary to be able to actually perform the social activities envisaged in the charter.
Until this recognition arrives, the website www.carloferreroonlus.org is currently unavailable. For any further information, please use the e-mail address info@carloferreroonlus.org.
More updates will be available over the coming weeks.