associazione_carlo_ferrero_si_parte_img_evidenzaHo il piacere di informarvi che finalmente ci siamo, dopo mesi di interventi con l’Agenzia delle Entrate l’Associazione CARLO FERRERO ha ricevuto il tanto atteso riconoscimento quale ONLUS (Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale) ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 4 dicembre 1997 n.460).

Pertanto a breve la macchina si metterà in moto avviando le prime iniziative a sostegno dei soggetti svantaggiati come previsto dalla missione sociale dell’Ente.

Per tutti coloro che vorranno potranno aderire o contribuire all’Associazione seguendo le indicazioni riportate sul sito all’indirizzo: Carlo Ferrero Onlus

Il Presidente – Mirella Ferrero

A seguire due articoli dedicati all’associazione:

associazione_carlo_ferrero_si_parte_img_evidenzaI am pleased to inform you that we have finally reached our goal; after months of talks with the Revenue Agency, the Associazione CARLO FERRERO has received the long-awaited recognition as an NPO (Socially Useful Non-Profit Organisation) pursuant to L. Decree no 460 dated 4th December 1997.

Therefore, everything will shortly be set in motion by launching the first initiatives in support of disadvantaged individuals as laid down by the Body’s social mission.

All those wishing to join or to contribute to the Association, please follow the instructions on our website: Carlo Ferrero Onlus

The President – Mirella Ferrero

Below two articles devoted to the association:

associazione_carlo_ferrero_si_parte_img_evidenzaIch habe das Vergnügen, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass die Associazione CARLO FERRERO nach monatelangen Verhandlungen mit der Steuerbehörde endlich die lang ersehnte Anerkennung als ONLUS (gemeinnützige Organisation ohne Gewinnabsichten) gemäß Gesetzesdekret Nr. 460 vom 4. Dezember 1997 erhalten hat.

Daher starten in Kürze die ersten Initiativen zur Unterstützung benachteiligter Menschen, wie von der sozialen Ausrichtung des Verbands vorgesehen.

All jene, die dem Verband beitreten bzw. diesen unterstützen möchten, finden die nötigen Informationen unter der Adresse: Carlo Ferrero Onlus

Die Präsidentin – Mirella Ferrero

Es folgen zwei spezielle Artikel über den Verband:

associazione_carlo_ferrero_si_parte_img_evidenzaI am pleased to inform you that we have finally reached our goal; after months of talks with the Revenue Agency, the Associazione CARLO FERRERO has received the long-awaited recognition as an NPO (Socially Useful Non-Profit Organisation) pursuant to L. Decree no 460 dated 4th December 1997.

Therefore, everything will shortly be set in motion by launching the first initiatives in support of disadvantaged individuals as laid down by the Body’s social mission.

All those wishing to join or to contribute to the Association, please follow the instructions on our website: Carlo Ferrero Onlus

The President – Mirella Ferrero

Below two articles devoted to the association:
