È inutile negare che la sua presenza e la sua guida ci siano mancate. È inutile negare che sia stato un anno molto difficile per tutti noi.
Ma giorno dopo giorno, sostenuti dall’indispensabile impegno e supporto della famiglia Ferrero e di Mirella in particolare, abbiamo lavorato duro per mantenere salde le redini dell’azienda e proiettarla così verso un futuro in crescita e pieno di soddisfazioni.
Oggi è un privilegio per noi guidare l’azienda che ci è stata lasciata in eredità. Fieri di custodire questa grande responsabilità.
Oggi possiamo definirci molto orgogliosi del lavoro che stiamo portando avanti e dei risultati che stiamo ottenendo.
In ogni angolo di OSAI si respira la sua passione per il talento, la perseveranza nel ricercare l’eccellenza, la curiosità nel guardare le persone dentro e al di là di ciò che possono apparire: crediamo che non vi sia miglior modo per raccontare chi era Carlo Ferrero.

There is no sense in denying that we have missed his presence and guidance. And we cannot help but admit that this has been a difficult year for all of us.
But day after day, sustained by the essential commitment and support of the Ferrero family and of Mirella in particular, we have worked hard to hold on tight to the company’s reins and guide it with determination towards a future based on growth and full of satisfaction.
Today it is an honour for us to lead the company that we have inherited. And we are proud to undertake this great responsibility.
Today we can say that we are extremely proud of the work we are carrying forward and the results we are obtaining.
In every corner of OSAI we live and breathe his passion for talent, his dogged determination to seek excellence and the curiosity that made him look inside people and beyond how they appear: it is our belief that there is simply no better way to describe who Carlo Ferrero was.

Es ist sinnlos, zu leugnen, dass seine Anwesenheit und seine führende Hand uns fehlen. Es ist sinnlos, zu leugnen, dass es ein sehr schwieriges Jahr für uns alle war.
Aber Tag für Tag haben wir dank dem unverzichtbaren Engagement und der Unterstützung der Familie Ferrero – insbesondere von Mirella – hart daran gearbeitet, die Zügel des Unternehmens festzuhalten und es so in eine Zukunft im Zeichen von Wachstum und voller Zufriedenheit zu führen.
Heute ist es ein Privileg für uns, das Unternehmen zu leiten, das wir geerbt haben. Wir fühlen uns geehrt, diese große Verantwortung zu tragen.
Heute können wir mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass unsere Arbeit und die Ergebnisse, die wir damit erzielen, uns mit Stolz erfüllen.
In jedem Winkel von OSAI spürt man seine Leidenschaft für Talent, seine Beharrlichkeit bei der Suche nach Exzellenz, seine Neugier, das wahre Ich der Menschen über den äußeren Anschein hinaus zu entdecken: wir glauben, dass es keinen besseren Weg gibt, um zu erzählen, wer Carlo Ferrero war.

There is no sense in denying that we have missed his presence and guidance. And we cannot help but admit that this has been a difficult year for all of us.
But day after day, sustained by the essential commitment and support of the Ferrero family and of Mirella in particular, we have worked hard to hold on tight to the company’s reins and guide it with determination towards a future based on growth and full of satisfaction.
Today it is an honour for us to lead the company that we have inherited. And we are proud to undertake this great responsibility.
Today we can say that we are extremely proud of the work we are carrying forward and the results we are obtaining.
In every corner of OSAI we live and breathe his passion for talent, his dogged determination to seek excellence and the curiosity that made him look inside people and beyond how they appear: it is our belief that there is simply no better way to describe who Carlo Ferrero was.