piemonte fabbriche aperte

Nelle giornate del 26 e 27 ottobre 2018, tutto il territorio del Piemonte sarà coinvolto nell’evento Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte, organizzato dalla Regione.
Il progetto, nato nel 2017, vuole essere un’opportunità esclusiva per tutti i cittadini per conoscere dal vivo la storia delle aziende del territorio, i processi di produzione e le varie fasi delle lavorazioni, con particolare attenzione a come l’innovazione tecnologica abbia concretamente cambiato il panorama industriale piemontese.
I settori coinvolti sono molteplici: dall’automotive all’agroalimentare, dall’aerospazio al tessile, dalla chimica all’ICT. Tutte le imprese organizzano e ospitano visite, proponendo ognuna un percorso adeguato alle proprie caratteristiche.

Fra le aziende che prenderanno parte all’iniziativa ci sarà anche Osai, che, come già noto a molti, aprirà le sue porte nella giornata di sabato 27 ottobre, con tre turni di visita (ore 15, ore 16 e ore 17) per gruppi di un massimo di 12 partecipanti.
Per prendere parte alla visita, è necessario iscriversi nell’apposita sezione del sito web dedicato all’evento: sito web
Sarà sufficiente iscriversi al sito e selezionare uno dei tre turni di visita.

Sarà un piacere per la nostra azienda accogliere tutti coloro che vorranno conoscere da vicino una realtà ormai da tempo radicata sul territorio, illustrando non solo i processi di produzione ed i prodotti Osai, ma anche gli stessi stabilimenti ed ambienti di lavoro, con particolare attenzione per le aree produttive.

Piemonte fabbriche aperte

On October 26th and 27th 2018, the entire territory of Piemonte will be involved in the Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte event, organized by Regione Piemonte.
The project, born in 2017, aims to be an exclusive opportunity for all citizens to discover the history of local companies, the production processes and the various stages of production, with particular attention to how the technological innovation has concretely changed the region’s industrial landscape.
The sectors involved are many: from automotive to agri-food, from aerospace to textiles, from chemistry to ICT. All companies organize and host visits, proposing each one a tour appropriate to their characteristics.

Among the companies that will take part in the initiative there will also be Osai, which, as already known to many, will open its doors on Saturday 27 October, with three rounds of visits (15.00 pm, 16.00 pm and 17.00 pm) for groups of up to 12 participants.
To take part in the visit, you must register in the appropriate section of the website dedicated to the event: website
Simply register on the site and select one of the three visiting schedule.

It will be a pleasure for our company to welcome all those who want to know closely a reality that for a long time has been operating inside the region, illustrating not only the production processes and Osai products, but also the factories and facilities, with particular attention to the production areas.

Piemonte fabbriche aperte

Am 26. und 27. Oktober 2018, findet im gesamten Piemont die von der Region organisierte Veranstaltung Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte statt.
Das im Jahre 2017 ins Leben gerufene Projekt versteht sich als exklusive Chance für alle Einwohner, die Geschichte der Unternehmen in der Region, die Produktionsprozesse und die verschiedenen Verarbeitungsphasen aus nächster Nähe kennenzulernen und zu erfahren, wie die technologische Innovation das industrielle Panorama im Piemont konkret verändert hat. Es sind zahlreiche Sektoren beteiligt: von der Automobil- bis zur Lebensmittelindustrie, von der Luft- und Raumfahrt bis zu Textilien, von der Chemie bis zur IKT. Alle Unternehmen fungieren dabei als Gastgeber für Führungen. Jedes von ihnen bietet individuelle Touren an, die auf ihre jeweiligen Besonderheiten zugeschnitten sind.

Auch Osai beteiligt sich an der Initiative und öffnet, wie bereits vielen bekannt, seine Pforten am Samstag, 27. Oktober, mit drei Führungen (15 Uhr, 16 Uhr und 17 Uhr) für Gruppen mit maximal 12 Teilnehmern. Um an der Führung teilzunehmen, muss man sich im entsprechenden Bereich der Webseite für die Veranstaltung anmelden: webseite
Einfach auf der Seite anmelden und eine der drei Führungen auswählen.

Wir freuen uns schon darauf, allen interessierten Besuchern ein Unternehmen zu präsentieren, das schon seit langem in der Gegend verwurzelt ist. Dabei werden wir nicht nur die Produktionsprozesse und die Produkte von Osai veranschaulichen, sondern auch die Betriebsanlagen und die Arbeitsumgebungen mit besonderem Fokus auf den Produktionsbereichen zeigen.

Piemonte fabbriche aperte

On October 26th and 27th 2018, the entire territory of Piemonte will be involved in the Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte event, organized by Regione Piemonte.
The project, born in 2017, aims to be an exclusive opportunity for all citizens to discover the history of local companies, the production processes and the various stages of production, with particular attention to how the technological innovation has concretely changed the region’s industrial landscape.
The sectors involved are many: from automotive to agri-food, from aerospace to textiles, from chemistry to ICT. All companies organize and host visits, proposing each one a tour appropriate to their characteristics.

Among the companies that will take part in the initiative there will also be Osai, which, as already known to many, will open its doors on Saturday 27 October, with three rounds of visits (15.00 pm, 16.00 pm and 17.00 pm) for groups of up to 12 participants.
To take part in the visit, you must register in the appropriate section of the website dedicated to the event: website
Simply register on the site and select one of the three visiting schedule.

It will be a pleasure for our company to welcome all those who want to know closely a reality that for a long time has been operating inside the region, illustrating not only the production processes and Osai products, but also the factories and facilities, with particular attention to the production areas.
