
Graziano Settime, Vice President di OSAI A.S. S.p.A., è stato invitato al programma radiofonico della RAI l’ITALIA CHE VA, che racconta il paese delle eccellenze con i suoi fatti, notizie e curiosità.

Nella puntata del 14 febbraio scorso si è parlato di meccanica, elettronica, automotive e micromeccanica di precisione. Nel suo intervento Settime ha raccontato l’OSAI attraverso i dati concreti dell’Azienda che ne fanno uno dei maggiori leader di settore.


Graziano Settime, Vice President of OSAI A.S. S.p.A., was invited to be a guest on the Italian state radio (RAI) program, “L’ITALIA CHE VA”, which talks about the excellences in the country, together with news, facts and other information.

The programme on air on 14th February talked about mechanics, electronics, vehicles and precision micromechanics. Settime was there to talk about OSAI and the company figures that make it one of the most important leading companies in the industry.


Graziano Settime, Vice President von OSAI A.S. S.p.A., wurde in die Radiosendung der RAI „L’ITALIA CHE VA“ eingeladen, die anhand von Fakten, Nachrichten und Wissenswertem vom Land der Spitzenleistungen erzählt.

In der Ausgabe vom 14. Februar wurde über Mechanik, Elektronik, die Autobranche und Präzisionsfeinmechanik gesprochen. In seinem Beitrag hat Settime die OSAI anhand der konkreten Daten des Unternehmens präsentiert, die es zu einem der Branchenführer machen.


Graziano Settime, Vice President of OSAI A.S. S.p.A., was invited to be a guest on the Italian state radio (RAI) program, “L’ITALIA CHE VA”, which talks about the excellences in the country, together with news, facts and other information.

The programme on air on 14th February talked about mechanics, electronics, vehicles and precision micromechanics. Settime was there to talk about OSAI and the company figures that make it one of the most important leading companies in the industry.
