2012-04-18-031S.E.E. 2012 ha rappresentato per Osai A.S. S.p.A. una immersione nel mondo dell’elettronica industriale scandinavo. Un mondo fatto di piccole realtà e grandissimi gruppi industriali, entrambi caratterizzati da elevato dinamismo e uno spiccato senso della qualità e dell’efficienza dei processi produttivi. Attraverso il proprio distributore danese, la EP-TeQ ApS di Skanderborg, Osai A.S. S.p.A. ha partecipato attivamente all’esibizione presentando il sistema di routing neorouter 304 modula. Come previsto, sebbene l’esibizione non sia stata caratterizzata da un numero estremo di visitatori, il sistema Osai A.S. S.p.A. ha suscitato un ottimo interesse ed ha generato un buon numero di contatti, caratterizzati dalla concretezza dei progetti che ne sono scaturiti. “S.E.E. 2012 ha dimostrato come il mercato scandinavo, orientato alla qualità e alle nuove tecnologie, sia terreno particolarmente fertile per i nostri prodotti” ha dichiarato Marco Guolo, Key Account Manager, presente durante l’esibizione.

L’intero staff di Osai Automation Systems vorrebbe ringraziare tutti i visitatori per le gradite e produttive discussioni, ed il proprio distributore Ep-Teq per la collaborazione.

2012-04-18-031With the S.E.E. 2012 Osai Automation Systems immersed in the Scandinavian electronics industry. A small world with a large industrial group, which is characterized by high dynamic, high standards of quality and efficiency of production processes. Together with our Danish distributor EP-TeQ ApS from Skanderborg we were present at the exhibition and have presented, among other things, the depaneling system neorouter 304 modula. As hoped, this has aroused great interest and we had a large number of contacts who have distinguished themselves through specific project requests. “The S.E.E. 2012 has shown that our products are an excellent match for the quality-oriented and focused on new technologies Scandinavian market,” said Marco Guolo, key account manager, during the fair.

The fair staff of Osai Automation Systems would like to thank all the visitors for the constructive discussions and also EP-TEQ for cooperation.

2012-04-18-031Mit der S.E.E. 2012 ist Osai Automation Systems in die skandinavische Elektronik-Industrie eingetaucht. Eine kleine Welt mit einer großen industriellen Gruppe, die sich durch ihre hohe Dynamik und ihren großen Anspruch an Qualität und Effizienz der Produktionsprozesse auszeichnet. Gemeinsam mit unserem dänischen Distributor EP-TeQ ApS aus Skanderborg war Osai auf der Messe präsent und hat, unter anderem, den Leiterplattenvereinzelner neorouter 304 modula vorgestellt. Wie erhofft, hat dies großes Interesse geweckt und wir hatten eine große Anzahl von Kontakten, die sich durch konkrete Projektanfragen ausgezeichnet haben. „Die S.E.E. 2012 hat gezeigt, dass unsere Produkte für den qualitätsorientierten und an neuen Technologien interessierten skandinavischen Markt ausgezeichnet passen”, sagte Marco Guolo, Key Account Manager, während der Messe.

Das Messepersonal von Osai Automation Systems möchte sich bei allen Standbesuchern für die konstruktiven Gespräche und bei unserem Distributor EP-TEQ für die Zusammenarbeit bedanken.

2012-04-18-031With the S.E.E. 2012 Osai Automation Systems immersed in the Scandinavian electronics industry. A small world with a large industrial group, which is characterized by high dynamic, high standards of quality and efficiency of production processes. Together with our Danish distributor EP-TeQ ApS from Skanderborg we were present at the exhibition and have presented, among other things, the depaneling system neorouter 304 modula. As hoped, this has aroused great interest and we had a large number of contacts who have distinguished themselves through specific project requests. “The S.E.E. 2012 has shown that our products are an excellent match for the quality-oriented and focused on new technologies Scandinavian market,” said Marco Guolo, key account manager, during the fair.

The fair staff of Osai Automation Systems would like to thank all the visitors for the constructive discussions and also EP-TEQ for cooperation.
