Investire con regolarità in ricerca ed innovazione, una solida struttura manageriale, risorse finanziare alternative e un export consolidato sono le caratteristiche principali per eccellere e fare profitto.
L’importanza di un export forte e costante viene anche ribadita nei dati riportati all’interno della pubblicazione che evidenziano un aumento dell’esportazioni delle aziende nel primo trimestre del 2017 pari al 10% con un +25% in Cina.
Anche per OSAI, conferma il suo presidente Mirella Ferrero, il posizionamento nei mercati internazionali è strategico. L’export di OSAI è cresciuto dal 25% all’85% in 5 anni e il Far East rappresenta ormai un mercato di riferimento.
La presenza di OSAI tra le “40 eccellenze” è indubbiamente un riconoscimento importante per il proprio operato che trova conforto anche nei dati dell’ultima semestrale la quale evidenzia risultati eccezionali come un fatturato in crescita del 50% rispetto al 2016, proiettando così l’azienda verso l’obiettivo dei 30 Milioni di Euro. Questi risultati, ribadisce il suo presidente, si sono ottenuti grazie ad una visione e strategia industriale definita negli anni passati, la quale si è concretizzata oggi grazie anche ad un contesto finanziario e di mercato favorevoli.
Elementi indubbiamente positivi per gli investitori che hanno scommesso su OSAI con la sottoscrizione di mini bond a sostegno dei progetti di sviluppo dell’azienda.
La Direzione di OSAI A.S. S.p.A. ringrazia la “Banca dei Territori di Intesa Sanpaolo” per aver segnalato l’azienda quale PMI Innovativa di successo, dopo averla già selezionata qualche mese prima per il progetto “Sharing Italy” del quale fanno parte 150 piccole e medie imprese, curate e assistite non solo finanziariamente dalla Banca stessa.
Scarica l’allegato[:en]Avio, Eni, Fincantieri, Piaggio, Pirelli, Technogym and Tim are just a few of Italy’s top 40 excellent companies that, together with OSAI A.S. S.p.A., talked about themselves in an insertion in “Il Messaggero” entitled “Italy 4.0, the forty excellent starting points for economic recovery” published last July.
Regular investments in research and innovation, a solid management structure, alternative financial resources, and consolidated exports, are the main characteristics behind excellence and profits.
The importance of strong, constant exports is also highlighted by the figures in the publication, which points to a 10% increase in these companies’ exports with a +25% in China.
For OSAI, too, as confirmed by Company President Mirella Ferrero, the company’s positioning on international markets is strategic. OSAI’s exports have grown from 25% to 85% over the last five years, and the Far East is now a reference market.
OSAI’s inclusion in the top “40 excellent companies” is doubtless important recognition of the company’s operations, also encouraged by figures from the last six months that show exceptional results, such as a 50% increase in turnover compared to 2016, taking the company towards its 30 Million Euro objective. These are results, stresses the Company President, that we have achieved thanks to an industrial vision and strategy defined over the last few years, and which has materialised today thanks to a favourable financial situation and market conditions.
These are doubtless positive elements for investors who have chosen to believe in OSAI by subscribing to the mini bonds in support of the company’s development projects.
The Management at OSAI A.S. S.p.A. would like to thank the “Banca dei Territori di Intesa Sanpaolo” for nominating the company as a successful Innovative SME, after selecting it, a few months earlier, for the “Sharing Italy” project, which includes 150 small and medium enterprises, which the bank itself looks after and assists, not just in financial terms.
Download attachment[:de]Avio, Eni, Fincantieri, Piaggio, Pirelli, Technogym und Tim gehören u.a. zu den 40 bekanntesten Spitzenunternehmen, die gemeinsam mit OSAI A.S. S.p.A. in der im vergangenen Juli veröffentlichten Beilage «Italien 4.0, 40 Spitzenunternehmen als Motor für den Aufschwung» der Tageszeitung «il Messaggero» genannt wurden.
Kontinuierliche Investition in Forschung und Innovation, ein solides Management, alternative Finanzressourcen und ein konsolidierter Export sind die Hauptmerkmale, auf denen der Erfolg und Ertrag dieser Unternehmen basiert.
Die Bedeutung einer starken und konstanten Exporttätigkeit wird auch an den in der Veröffentlichung genannten Zahlen deutlich, die zeigen, dass die Ausfuhren dieser Firmen im ersten Quartal 2017 um + 10% wuchsen, wobei in China ein Anstieg von +25% verzeichnet werden konnte.
Auch für OSAI ist eine Positionierung auf den internationalen Märkten von strategischer Bedeutung, wie die Vorsitzende Mirella Ferrero bekräftigt. Der Export von OSAI ist in fünf Jahren von 25% auf 85% gewachsen, wobei der Ferne Osten inzwischen den Leitmarkt bildet.
Dass OSAI sich unter die „40 Spitzenunternehmen“ einreihen darf, ist eine wichtige Anerkennung für die Arbeitsleistung der Firma, die sich auch in den Zahlen des letzten Halbjahresberichtes widerspiegelt: hierzu gehören exzellente Ergebnisse wie ein Umsatzwachstum von 50% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, welches das Unternehmen dem angestrebten Ziel von 30 Millionen Euro Umsatz näher bringt. Diese Ergebnisse, so die Vorsitzende, konnten dank einer in den vergangenen Jahren festgelegten Vision und Betriebsstrategie erreicht werden, die nicht zuletzt dank der derzeit günstigen Finanz- und Marktlage realisiert werden konnten.
Diese zweifellos positiven Elemente haben viele Investoren dazu bewegt, OSAI mit der Unterzeichnung von Minibonds für weitere Entwicklungsprojekte des Unternehmens zu unterstützen.
Die Firmenleitung von OSAI A.S. S.p.A. dankt der „Banca dei Territori di Intesa Sanpaolo“, da sie es als erfolgreiches und innovatives Unternehmen aus der Gruppe der Mittel- und Kleinbetriebe hervorgehoben hat und einige Monate zuvor auch in das Projekt „Sharing Italy“ für 150 kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen aufnahm, die nicht nur finanziell von der Bank betreut und beraten werden.
Laden Sie den Anhang herunter[:zh]Avio, Eni, Fincantieri, Piaggio, Pirelli, Technogym and Tim are just a few of Italy’s top 40 excellent companies that, together with OSAI A.S. S.p.A., talked about themselves in an insertion in “Il Messaggero” entitled “Italy 4.0, the forty excellent starting points for economic recovery” published last July.
Regular investments in research and innovation, a solid management structure, alternative financial resources, and consolidated exports, are the main characteristics behind excellence and profits.
The importance of strong, constant exports is also highlighted by the figures in the publication, which points to a 10% increase in these companies’ exports with a +25% in China.
For OSAI, too, as confirmed by Company President Mirella Ferrero, the company’s positioning on international markets is strategic. OSAI’s exports have grown from 25% to 85% over the last five years, and the Far East is now a reference market.
OSAI’s inclusion in the top “40 excellent companies” is doubtless important recognition of the company’s operations, also encouraged by figures from the last six months that show exceptional results, such as a 50% increase in turnover compared to 2016, taking the company towards its 30 Million Euro objective. These are results, stresses the Company President, that we have achieved thanks to an industrial vision and strategy defined over the last few years, and which has materialised today thanks to a favourable financial situation and market conditions.
These are doubtless positive elements for investors who have chosen to believe in OSAI by subscribing to the mini bonds in support of the company’s development projects.
The Management at OSAI A.S. S.p.A. would like to thank the “Banca dei Territori di Intesa Sanpaolo” for nominating the company as a successful Innovative SME, after selecting it, a few months earlier, for the “Sharing Italy” project, which includes 150 small and medium enterprises, which the bank itself looks after and assists, not just in financial terms.