Cartina-GermaniaNell’ottica di fornire alla clientela del mercato tedesco un servizio diretto sia nella trattativa commerciale che nell’assistenza post-vendita, è stata costituita nel mese di settembre 2009 la OSAI AUTOMATION SYSTEMS GmbH con sede a MONACO, Elsenheimerstrasse, 59.

La nuova società è attualmente operativa e per ogni informazione si prega di contattare il numero telefonico +49 89 578680 11.

Cartina-GermaniaIn order to supply clients in the German market with a direct service both in commercial negotiations and in after-sales service, OSAI AUTOMATION SYSTEMS GmbH was set up in September 2009, with headquarters at Elsenheimerstrasse 59, MUNICH.

The new company is currently operative and you are welcome to contact us on tel. no. +49 89 578680 11 for information.

Cartina-GermaniaUm unseren Kunden auf dem deutschen Markt unsere Leistungen direkt vor-Ort anbieten zu können, wurde im September 2009 Osai Automation Systems GmbH mit Sitz in MÜNCHEN, Elsenheimerstraße 59 gegründet.

Die neue Gesellschaft ist jetzt operativ und über die Rufnummer +49 / (0)89 /578680 11 sind Informationen aller Art erhältlich.

Cartina-GermaniaIn order to supply clients in the German market with a direct service both in commercial negotiations and in after-sales service, OSAI AUTOMATION SYSTEMS GmbH was set up in September 2009, with headquarters at Elsenheimerstrasse 59, MUNICH.

The new company is currently operative and you are welcome to contact us on tel. no. +49 89 578680 11 for information.
