[:it]La definizione di rivoluzione industriale si concretizza per molti, ancora oggi, nell’immagine delle prima fabbriche di fine XVIII secolo; nei libri di scuola sono ancora poco contemplate le successive tre rivoluzioni, che portano oggi a parlare di Industria 4.0.
La crescente digitalizzazione del sistema manifatturiero sta cambiando radicalmente la catena del valore, dando nuova forma al modus operandi e allo stesso sistema industriale; industrie smart, operai altamente specializzati, interconnessione e automazione, sono solo alcuni dei termini che sempre più spesso giungono alle nostre orecchie se si parla di lavoro.

L’approdo del 4.0 in Italia

Con il 2017, anche il nostro paese ha deciso di spostare l’attenzione sulla nascente nuova impresa e per far decollare l’Industria 4.0 in Italia, il Governo ha messo a bilancio 13 miliardi di euro con l’obiettivo di stimolare investimenti per 10 miliardi da parte di privati su tecnologie e beni dell’industria smart. A differenza di altri Paesi europei, dove sono presenti iniziative più e meno ampie a sostegno dei processi di digitalizzazione del manifatturiero, il Piano Industria 4.0 ha restituito nuova centralità alla politica industriale nel nostro, facendone il pilastro della politica economica a favore di investimenti e crescita.

Risultati e azioni 2018

A distanza di un anno i risultati confermano le statistiche.
Le imprese che nel 2017 hanno investito in Ricerca, Sviluppo e Innovazione sono aumentate del 104% e sono numerose le PMI che hanno potuto accedere a fonti finanziarie mediante la concessione di una garanzia pubblica.
Per il 2018 oltre a riproporre le agevolazioni finanziarie già emanate per l’anno passato (Iperammortamento e Superammortamento in particolare), gli obiettivi si legano ancor più alla sfida occupazionale per l’Industria 4.0. I nuovi investimenti vogliono essere principalmente in capitale umano, innovando percorsi di studio per formare nuove figure competenti in ambito 4.01 e gestendo il rischio di disoccupazione tecnologica, massimizzando le nuove opportunità lavorative nell’industria smart2.

Osai AS è PMI Innovativa!

Come industria innovativa, anche Osai AS rientra nelle imprese smart, presso cui è possibile beneficiare degli incentivi messi a disposizione nell’ambito di Iper e Super Ammortamento.

Per approfondimenti: Industria 4.0

1 95 M€ nel triennio 2018-2020 per incrementare il numero di studenti iscritti agli ITS dagli attuali circa 9,000 a circa 20,000
2 Credito di imposta Formazione 4.0: 40% credito di imposta sul costo del personale impiegato in corsi di formazione negli ambiti 4.0
[:en]Still today, speaking about industrial revolution remind us to XVIII century and its steaming and dark factories.
In school books it’s almost impossible to find references about the other three industrial revolution, that lead us to the new 4.0 factory. The increasing digitalization inside manufacturing system is radically changing the value chain and the modus operandi, as the industrial system itself; smart factories, highly-skilled workers, networking and automation are just some of the words that even more frequently we hear, speaking about work.

4.0 in Italy

In 2017 also Italy decided to increase attention level on the new born 4.0 industry. Italian government allocate €13 billion to improve investments of private companies on technologies and things for the new smart factory. The Piano Industria 4.0 returns to Italian industry his central role, becoming a focus point for industrial policy.

Performances and measures

After one year, the analysis of performances confirms statistics.
Companies that invested in Research, Development and Innovation in 2017 have increased by 104% and many SMEs have been able to access financial sources thanks to the government’s help.
In 2018 Italy will reintroduce financial facilities, adding a new goal to his Company 4.0 Plan. New investments want to be a real help for employment levels, and will support the vocational training to create new professional profiles, with selected skills.

OSAI AS is an innovative SME!

As smart factory also Osai AS S.p.a forms part of companies where it’s possible to benefit of financial facilities proposed by government.
To know more: Industry 4.0[:de]Noch heute denken viele beim Thema “Industrielle Revolution” an das 18. Jahrhundert mit seinen dampfenden und düsteren Fabriken.
In Schulbüchern findet man fast keine Hinweise auf die nachfolgenden drei industriellen Revolutionen, die uns zur heutigen Industrie 4.0 geführt haben. Die zunehmende Digitalisierung innerhalb des Produktionssystems verändert die Wertschöpfungskette und den Modus Operandi, ebenso wie das industrielle System radikal; Smart Factories, hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte, Vernetzung und Automatisierung sind nur einige der Begriffe, die wir immer häufiger hören, wenn von Arbeit die Rede ist.

4.0 in Italien

Im Jahr 2017 hat auch Italien beschlossen, die Aufmerksamkeit stärker auf die neu entstandene Industrie 4.0 zu lenken. Die italienische Regierung hat 13 Milliarden Euro bereitgestellt, um die Investitionen privater Unternehmen in Technologien und Güter für die neue Smart Factory anzukurbeln. Der Piano Industria 4.0 hat der Industrie ihre zentrale Rolle zurückgegeben und wurde zum Brennpunkt für die Industriepolitik.

Leistungen und Maßnahmen

Ein Jahr später werden die Statistiken durch die Leistungsanalyse bestätigt.
Unternehmen, die 2017 in Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation investiert haben, sind um 104% gewachsen, und viele KMU konnten dank der Hilfe der Regierung auf Finanzierungsquellen zugreifen.
Im Jahr 2018 wird Italien wieder Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten einführen und seinen Piano Impresa 4.0 um ein neues Ziel ergänzen. Neue Investitionen sollen eine echte Unterstützung für das Beschäftigungsniveau darstellen und werden die Berufsausbildung unterstützen, um neue Berufsprofile mit ausgewählten Fertigkeiten zu schaffen.

OSAI AS ist ein innovatives KMU!

Als Smart Factory gehört auch Osai AS S.p.a. zu den Unternehmen, in denen die von der Regierung angebotenen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten genutzt werden können.
Mehr erfahren: Industrie 4.0[:zh]Still today, speaking about industrial revolution remind us to XVIII century and its steaming and dark factories.
In school books it’s almost impossible to find references about the other three industrial revolution, that lead us to the new 4.0 factory. The increasing digitalization inside manufacturing system is radically changing the value chain and the modus operandi, as the industrial system itself; smart factories, highly-skilled workers, networking and automation are just some of the words that even more frequently we hear, speaking about work.

4.0 in Italy

In 2017 also Italy decided to increase attention level on the new born 4.0 industry. Italian government allocate €13 billion to improve investments of private companies on technologies and things for the new smart factory. The Piano Industria 4.0 returns to Italian industry his central role, becoming a focus point for industrial policy.

Performances and measures

After one year, the analysis of performances confirms statistics.
Companies that invested in Research, Development and Innovation in 2017 have increased by 104% and many SMEs have been able to access financial sources thanks to the government’s help.
In 2018 Italy will reintroduce financial facilities, adding a new goal to his Company 4.0 Plan. New investments want to be a real help for employment levels, and will support the vocational training to create new professional profiles, with selected skills.

OSAI AS is an innovative SME!

As smart factory also Osai AS S.p.a forms part of companies where it’s possible to benefit of financial facilities proposed by government.
To know more: Industry 4.0[:]