Osai considera questo evento fondamentale per consolidare la crescente presenza sul mercato dell’Asia Pacifica.
Grazie all’esperienza e alla conoscenza nel taglio Laser per i processi elettronici da parte di ePronics, entrambe le aziende prevedono di instaurare una collaborazione proficua, offrendo soluzioni interessanti alla clientela asiatica.
Inoltre ePronics coopererà attivamente con Osai per lo sviluppo di processi e sistemi innovativi per il mercato elettronico.
La storia di ePronics:
ePronics è stata fondata nel 1991 per la distribuzione di sistemi di produzione realizzati da una società tedesca. Sulla base della distribuzione a lungo termine ePronics ha avviato il mercato elettronico giapponese per il dettaglio e l’industria PCB. ePronics vanta un’ottima esperienza e conoscenza nella tecnologia laser di processo per PCB rigidi e flessibili.
OSAI consider this step as a strategic partnership to consolidate the growing presence in Asia Pacific market.
Due to the ePRONICS’s experience and knowledge in Laser depaneling for electronic processes, both companies foreseen to establish a fruitful partnership, offering interesting solution to the Asian customers.
ePRONICS will also actively co-operate with OSAI, to develop innovative processes and equipment for electronic market.
ePRONICS history:
ePRONICS have been established in 1991 to distribute production equipment of one German Company. With long-term distribution, ePRONICS have opened the Japanese electronic market for consumer and PCB industry. ePRONICS have good experience and knowledge about laser technologies for processing of both flexible and rigid circuit board.
OSAI betrachtet diesen Schritt als eine strategische Partnerschaft, um die zunehmende Präsenz im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum zu stärken.
Dank der Erfahrung und des Know-how von ePRONICS beim Laser-Depaneling für elektronische Prozesse wollen beide Unternehmen eine fruchtbare Partnerschaft errichten, um den Kunden in Asien eine interessante Lösung anzubieten.
ePRONICS wird auch aktiv mit OSAI zusammenarbeiten, um innovative Prozesse und Ausstattungen für den Elektronik-Markt zu entwickeln.
Die Geschichte von ePRONICS::
ePRONICS wurde 1991 als Vertriebsgesellschaft für Produktionsausstattung eines deutschen Unternehmens gegründet. Mit langfristigem Vertrieb öffnete ePRONICS den japanischen Markt für Verbraucher und die PCB-Industrie. ePRONICS hat fundierte Erfahrung und Know-how in der Lasertechnologie für Prozesse, sowohl von
OSAI consider this step as a strategic partnership to consolidate the growing presence in Asia Pacific market.
Due to the ePRONICS’s experience and knowledge in Laser depaneling for electronic processes, both companies foreseen to establish a fruitful partnership, offering interesting solution to the Asian customers.
ePRONICS will also actively co-operate with OSAI, to develop innovative processes and equipment for electronic market.
ePRONICS history:
ePRONICS have been established in 1991 to distribute production equipment of one German Company. With long-term distribution, ePRONICS have opened the Japanese electronic market for consumer and PCB industry. ePRONICS have good experience and knowledge about laser technologies for processing of both flexible and rigid circuit board.