
Osai feiert sein dreißigjähriges Bestehen

By |2022-07-15T14:33:45+00:00Juli 12th, 2022|

Am Samstag, den 2. Juli 2022, feierte Osai sein 30-jähriges Bestehen auf die beste Art und Weise und brachte seine große Familie mit einem unvergesslichen Ereignis zusammen. Eine Veranstaltung, die das langjährige Bestehen von Osai würdigt und gleichzeitig den Gründungsprinzipien des Unternehmens treu bleibt: die zentrale Stellung des Einzelnen, das Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit zu einer Gemeinschaft und das Gruppenkonzept. "Wir sind sehr froh und dankbar für die rege Beteiligung unserer Mitarbeiter und danken allen, die an diesem wichtigen [...]

eine Etappe zu feiern : Osai feiert ihr 30-jähriges Jubiläum

By |2022-04-22T17:51:50+00:00März 29th, 2022|

Eine Zahl birgt wichtige Bedeutungen, die eine Geschichte von Menschen erzählen und die Richtung ihrer Zukunft nachzeichnen. Die Zahl 3 ist Charisma, Enthusiasmus, Leidenschaft, Wachstum und Kreativität. Und 3 sind die Wörter, die unser Wachstumspfad von 1991 bis heute einfassen. Die Innovation, dank der wir nie aufgehört haben, uns zu entwickeln, ist heute immer mehr strategisch für unseren Erfolg; Die Leidenschaft, die unsere Mitarbeiter täglich anspornt und die Kreativität und Genialität unserer Arbeit garantiert; Die Solidität, die ab 2020 nach dem [...]

OSAI FY 2021 – Videoconference

By |2022-03-25T11:37:17+00:00März 25th, 2022|

Osai A.S. Spa is pleased to invite you to the videoconference on FY 2021 Results to be held on March 29, 2022 at 11 am.Participants: - Mirella Ferrero (EXECUTIVE CHAIR)- Fabio Benetti (CEO)- Carlo Frigato (CFO) The link for the connection will be sent after your confirmation.RSVP: Abonnieren Sie unsere Mailing-Liste

Osai receives the Mario Unnia 2021 award

By |2022-02-04T12:10:13+00:00Januar 31st, 2022|

The year 2022 began with great enthusiasm for Osai, A.S. S.p.A.: yesterday, January 27th, the President Mirella Ferrero, received a prize as finalist of Mario Unnia - Talento & Impresa Award, promoted by BDO Italy and aimed at Italian companies with innovative ideas, capable of combining talent and business in a union.   Established in 2017, the award is dedicated to Mario Unnia, a multifaceted scholar of business and socio-economic scenarios, a pupil of Norberto Bobbio and collaborator of [...]


By |2021-10-19T12:21:39+00:00Oktober 12th, 2021|

With this communication, OSAI A.S. S.p.A. announces that for reasons strictly connected to the prevention of contagion from COVID-19, as well as in implementation of the regulations on access to the workplace pursuant to Legislative Decree 127/2021 issued by the Italian Government, it is necessary, with effect from October 15, 2021, to verify the possession of the COVID Green Certification (so-called Green Pass) in course of validity (Article 9-septies of Legislative Decree no. Legislative Decree no. 127/2021) by all [...]

IDEAS, TECHNOLOGIES AND SUSTAINABILITY Osai A.S. publishes its first Sustainability Report

By |2021-10-11T14:18:23+00:00Oktober 11th, 2021|

With the publication of its first Sustainability Report, Osai brings to a conclusion the first stage of an important journey aimed at the realization and implementation of all the values ​​that have inspired the company for the past 30 years. Pursuing the ideal of a sustainable business that is attentive to social needs, in fact, for Osai does not only represent the guarantee of greater competitiveness on the market, but a real vocation that has always been strongly valued [...]

Osai A.S .: Approved 2021 Consolidated Half-Year Financial Report data

By |2021-10-11T11:39:26+00:00Oktober 11th, 2021|

On 27 September 2021, the Board of Directors of Osai A.S. approved the Group Consolidated Half-Year Report as at 30/06/21, with results that remain positive, despite a slight decline in the first quarter, following a still weak economic situation. In the last months of the half year, the Group was able to record a significant increase in orders (€ 16.7 million at 30.06.21, slightly lower than the order data for the same half of 2020, equal to € 17.7 million) [...]

The Green-mobility sector still grows

By |2021-09-06T09:15:12+00:00September 3rd, 2021|

"The acquisition of this order rewards the commercial and technical capabilities of OSAI which, despite the contingency of the moment, allow it to seize - within a highly competitive market - the best opportunities related to the sustainable mobility sector ". These are the words of the Chief Commercial Officer of Osai A.S., who has today acquired an important order for an automated line for the assembly and testing of components related to safety / braking systems of BEV (Battery [...]

Osai grows inside Green Mobility field

By |2020-12-07T09:43:37+00:00Dezember 4th, 2020|

“The acquisition of this important order will allow us to strengthen the already consolidated presence of OSAI inside German market at odds with the period of crisis that is going through the Automotive sector”. This is Fabio Benetti, Osai A.S. CEO, quote regarding the acquisition of an important order from a leading German Company that operates in green mobility field via the subsidiary OSAI A.S. GmbH.The acquisition of the order forms part of the growth trend of OSAI produced systems [...]

E-WASTE 2020

By |2020-11-18T10:38:45+00:00November 18th, 2020|

Dopo il successo riscontrato lo scorso anno, anche per questo particolare 2020 Osai prenderà parte ad E-Waste World - Virtual Summit, evento di riferimento a livello internazionale per gli operanti nel settore della manifattura elettronica e in tutti gli ambiti legati al riciclo e recupero dei prodotti risultanti da questo mercato, che vale oggi oltre 36 bilioni di Dollari, con crescita stimata fino al 2027 di un +6% annuo; Le possibilità legate al riciclo e recupero di materiale elettronico e [...]

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