Edificio-Cina-DalianAl fine di reagire in modo efficace alla veloce espansione del mercato mondiale e di agire sul posto a contatto con i clienti, Osai A.S. S.p.A. è orgogliosa di annunciare l’apertura della sua nuova filiale in Cina.

La succursale è stata fondata a Dalian all’interno della nuova area industriale, a poco piu di un’ora da Benijing ed è ufficialmente attiva da Febbraio 2013.
La filiale fornisce già assistenza e supporto vendite alla clientela locale già acquisita. L’ufficio è gestito da responsabili tecnici e commerciali esperti.

Edificio-Cina-DalianIn order to react efficiently to the fast growing market in the world and to work on-site and closely with the customers, Osai A.S. S.p.A. is proud to announce the establishment of its new Branch Office in China.

The branch is set up in Dalian, inside the new industrial centre, little more than one hour from Benijing, and it is officially open since February 2013.

This new branch already provides both after-sales service and sales support to the already-existing local customer base. The office is managed by technical and sales experienced managers

Edificio-Cina-DalianUm an dem derzeit am schnellsten wachsenden Markt effizient agieren zu können, und um vor Ort und eng mit den dortigen Kunden zusammen zu arbeiten, ist Osai Automation Systems stolz darauf, die Gründung unserer neuen Niederlassung in China bekannt zu geben.

Diese befindet sich in Dalian im neuen Industriepark, etwas mehr als eine Stunde von Beijing entfernt. Die Niederlassung wurde bereits im Februar 2013 eröffnet.

Von dort können wir unseren lokalen Kundenstamm sowohl von Vertriebsseite wie auch im After-Sales-Service betreuen. Das Büro wird von technisch und vertrieblich erfahrenen Managern geleitet.

Edificio-Cina-DalianIn order to react efficiently to the fast growing market in the world and to work on-site and closely with the customers, Osai A.S. S.p.A. is proud to announce the establishment of its new Branch Office in China.

The branch is set up in Dalian, inside the new industrial centre, little more than one hour from Benijing, and it is officially open since February 2013.

This new branch already provides both after-sales service and sales support to the already-existing local customer base. The office is managed by technical and sales experienced managers
