Il sogno di costruire qualcosa di importante è sempre alimentato dalla volontà di cogliere nuove sfide, tanto che ad oggi abbiamo progetti innovativi e importanti collaborazioni. Nei prossimi 20 anni non avremo tempo da perdere!
Fin dall’inizio, nel 91′, ho voluto impostare l’azienda su una dimensione umana, dove ogni individuo possa trovare l’opportunità e la serenità per esprimere al massimo il proprio potenziale. Le persone sono il nostro principale valore; sulla loro qualità e sulle loro capacità si basano il passato e il futuro dell’azienda.
La nostra prima commessa, nel ’92, è stata una macchina di assemblaggio di rulli per fotocopiatrici e ancora oggi, l’automazione di sottogruppi di piccole dimensioni, conta più del 50% del fatturato.
La collaborazione con un’azienda produttrice di sorgenti LASER ci ha permesso di conoscere e sviluppare questa tecnologia, abbiamo così realizzato oltre 300 macchine ponendo le basi per lo sviluppo di molti prodotti successivi. Da questa esperienza nel 2004 nasce la famiglia Neo, una gamma di macchine in grado di realizzare la marcatura Laser, l’assemblaggio di componenti THT e ODD Shape, la saldatura Laser selettiva, il depaneling Laser o mediante fresa e il Laser trimming di dispositivi elettronici.
Amo dire che non vendiamo macchine ma soluzioni e questa filosofia ci ha permesso di crescere costantemente e con positività. Fino a cinque anni fa solo il 5% dei nostri prodotti era commercializzato fuori dall’Italia, mentre a fine 2012 il 50% della nostra produzione sarà venduto anche fuori dai confini europei. Negli ultimi due anni abbiamo aperto sedi di distribuzione in Europa e Brasile e Filiali in Germania e Cina. Il 2013 sarà invece dedicato all’espansione verso Stati Uniti e Messico.
Molte delle nostre tecnologie nascono per poter soddisfare le necessità dei nostri Clienti, le macchine vengono modificate e adattate in base alle esigenze specifiche di ogni Cliente e i nostri investimenti sono in parte destinati a sviluppare una nuova famiglia di prodotti che possa cambiare la tecnologia nel mercato dei semiconduttori e del film spesso basati su ceramica, silicio e SIC. Tuttavia siamo convinti che le Aziende virtuose, ricche di idee e determinazione, crescano anche nei momenti di incertezza e Osai A.S. S.p.A. ha i valori e le persone per mantenersi tale.
di Carlo Ferrero (C.E.O.)

The dream of building something important is always fed by the will to take up new challenges. Consequently, we have now innovative projects and important partnerships. Over the next 20 years we will not have time to waste!
Since the beginning in 1991, I had the aim to set up the Company on a human dimension, where each person may have the opportunity and the serenity to express its potential at maximum. Our staff is our main value; past and future of the company rest on their quality and capacities.
Our first job order in 1992 was a machine for roller assembly for copying machines. Even today automation of subassemblies in small dimensions is worth more than the 50% of the sales.
The cooperation with a LASER sources producing company allowed us to get to know and to develop this technology. We already produced 300 machines placing the bases to the development of many future products. With this experience in 2004 the Neo family was born, a series of machinery able to use Laser marking, THT and ODD Shape components assembly, selective Laser soldering, depaneling by Laser or by routing tool and Laser trimming of electronic devices.
I would like to stress that we do not sell machines but solutions. This philosophy allows us to grow steadily. Up to five years ago only 5% of our products were marketed outside Italy, while in late 2012 50% of our production will be sold outside Europe. Over the past two years we have established distribution offices in Europe and Brazil as well as subsidiaries in Germany and China. 2013 will be dedicated to expand into the United States and Mexico.
Many of our technologies are born to meet the needs of our customers: the machines are modified and adapted according to the specific requirements of each customer. Our investments are partially aimed to develop a new family of products that may fit into the technology of the semiconductor market and the thick-film hybrid technology usually based on ceramic, silicon and SIC.
We believe devoutly that virtuous companies, full of ideas and determination, even grow up in times of uncertainty. Osai A.S. S.p.A. has the values and the people to keep being this way.
by Carlo Ferrero (C.E.O.)

Der Traum vom Aufbau etwas Wichtiges zu schaffen, wird immer durch den Willen, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen, vorangetrieben, so dass wir jetzt innovative Projekte und bedeutende Partnerschaften haben. In den nächsten 20 Jahren haben wir keine Zeit zu verschwenden!
Seit dem Beginn im Jahre 1991 war es mein Ziel, das Unternehmen auf ein menschliches Fundament zu stellen, in dem jede Person die Gelegenheit hat, sein Potenzial maximal auszuschöpfen. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind unser wichtigstes Kapital, Vergangenheit und Zukunft des Unternehmens ruhen auf deren Qualitäten und Kapazitäten.
Unser erster Auftrag im Jahr 1992 war eine Maschine zur Montage von Walzenbaugruppen für Kopiergeräte. Auch heute noch haben Automatisierungsprojekte für Unterbaugruppen speziell mit kleinen Abmessungen einen Anteil von mehr als 50% des Umsatzes.
Die Kooperation mit einem Hersteller von Laserquellen erlaubte es uns, diese Technologie kennen zu lernen und mit zu entwickeln. Mittlerweile haben wir bereits 300 Maschinen produziert, die die Grundlage für die Entwicklung vieler zukunftsorientierter Produkte sind. Mit dieser Erfahrung startete im Jahr 2004 die Neo-Familie, eine Maschinenplattform für die Prozessschritte, Laserbeschriftung, THT- und Odd-Shape-Komponenten-Montage, selektives Laser-Löten, Nutzentrenner mit Lasertechnologie oder durch Router und Laser-Trimmen.
Ich möchte betonen, dass wir keine Maschinen, sondern Lösungen verkaufen. Diese Philosophie erlaubte es uns stetig zu wachsen. Bis vor fünf Jahren wurden ausschließlich 5% unserer Produkte außerhalb Italiens vermarktet, bis Ende 2012 werden 50% unserer Produktion außerhalb Europas verkauft. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren haben wir Vertriebsbüros in Europa und Brasilien sowie Tochtergesellschaften in Deutschland und China eröffnet. 2013 werden wir unsere Expansion in den Vereinigten Staaten und in Mexiko fortsetzen.
Unserer Technologien sind entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen: die Maschinen werden den spezifischen Erfordernissen des jeweiligen Kunden angepasst. Unsere Investitionen sind daraufhin ausgerichtet, eine neue Produktfamilie zu entwickeln, die unter anderem die Anforderungen der Halbleiter-Industrie und der Dickschicht-Hybridtechnik auf Basis von Keramik, Silizium und SiC erfüllt. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass tugendhafte Unternehmen, voller neuen Ideen und Entschlossenheit, selbst in Zeiten der Unsicherheit weiter wachsen werden. Und Osai A.S. S.p.A. hat die Werte und die Menschen um auf diese Weise weiter voranzuschreiten.
Carlo Ferrero (C.E.O.)

The dream of building something important is always fed by the will to take up new challenges. Consequently, we have now innovative projects and important partnerships. Over the next 20 years we will not have time to waste!
Since the beginning in 1991, I had the aim to set up the Company on a human dimension, where each person may have the opportunity and the serenity to express its potential at maximum. Our staff is our main value; past and future of the company rest on their quality and capacities.
Our first job order in 1992 was a machine for roller assembly for copying machines. Even today automation of subassemblies in small dimensions is worth more than the 50% of the sales.
The cooperation with a LASER sources producing company allowed us to get to know and to develop this technology. We already produced 300 machines placing the bases to the development of many future products. With this experience in 2004 the Neo family was born, a series of machinery able to use Laser marking, THT and ODD Shape components assembly, selective Laser soldering, depaneling by Laser or by routing tool and Laser trimming of electronic devices.
I would like to stress that we do not sell machines but solutions. This philosophy allows us to grow steadily. Up to five years ago only 5% of our products were marketed outside Italy, while in late 2012 50% of our production will be sold outside Europe. Over the past two years we have established distribution offices in Europe and Brazil as well as subsidiaries in Germany and China. 2013 will be dedicated to expand into the United States and Mexico.
Many of our technologies are born to meet the needs of our customers: the machines are modified and adapted according to the specific requirements of each customer. Our investments are partially aimed to develop a new family of products that may fit into the technology of the semiconductor market and the thick-film hybrid technology usually based on ceramic, silicon and SIC.
We believe devoutly that virtuous companies, full of ideas and determination, even grow up in times of uncertainty. Osai A.S. S.p.A. has the values and the people to keep being this way.
by Carlo Ferrero (C.E.O.)