Durante il meeting, oltre a fornire informazioni ai rivenditori sull’azienda, l’organizzazione e i dati di vendita, ampio spazio è stato riservato alla presentazione della nuova Neomark Easy ed all’organizzazione del nuovo Service.
La Presentazione del sistema neomark Easy ha suscitato moltissimo interesse, confermato durante la demo nella quale i partecipanti hanno toccato con mano le potenzialità del prodotto e quindi le prospettive commerciali derivanti dalla vendita. Le prime impressioni sono state decisamente positive e di gran fiducia con possibili previsioni di vendita per il 2017 di 70-80 sistemi per il solo mercato europeo.
Il primo European Sales Meeting OSAI ha riscosso un grande interesse confermato anche dall’ottima affluenza. È stata inoltre un’occasione importante per ricevere spunti e suggerimenti nati dal confronto tra i distributori. Il clima pratico e aperto ha permesso la condivisione e lo sviluppo di strategie comuni.
Visto il successo della prima edizione l’evento verrà nuovamente replicato a settembre 2017.[:en]On 8th November, the company held its first European Sales Meeting, aimed at European distributors on the occasion of OSAI’s 25th anniversary.
During the meeting, as well as providing dealers with information about the company, the organisation and sales figures, a good deal of time was dedicated to presenting the new Neomark Easy and to the organisation of the new service.
The presentation of the Neomark Easy system was met with a good deal of interest, confirmed during the demo, where those present were able to get hands-on experience of the product’s prospects and therefore, of the sales potential. The first impressions were decidedly positive and confident, with forecast for possible sales in 2017 of 70-80 systems on the European market alone.
OSAI’s first European Sales Meeting was met with great interest – confirmed by the excellent attendance. It was also an important occasion for ideas and suggestions from discussions with our dealers. An open, practical climate where it was possible to share and develop common strategies.
In view of the success of the first edition, another event is planned for September 2017.
Auf der Tagung erhielten die Händler nicht nur Informationen über das Unternehmen, die Organisation und die Verkaufszahlen. Viel Platz wurde auch der Präsentation des neuen Neomark Easy-Systems und der Organisation des neuen Service eingeräumt.
Die Präsentation des Neomark Easy-Systems fand großen Anklang. Ebenso wie die Vorführung, bei der sich die Teilnehmer mit eigenen Augen vom Potential des Produkts und dessen Verkaufschancen überzeugen konnten. Die ersten Eindrücke waren überaus positiv und von Zuversicht geprägt. Die Umsatzprognose für 2017 beträgt 70 bis 80 Systeme allein für den europäischen Markt.
Das erste European Sales Meeting von OSAI ist auf großes Interesse gestoßen, wie auch die rege Teilnahme unter Beweis stellt. Zudem war es eine optimale Gelegenheit für Ideen und Anregungen aus der Begegnung zwischen den Händlern. Die praxisorientierte und offene Atmosphäre hat den Austausch und die Entwicklung gemeinsamer Strategien ermöglicht.
Angesichts des Erfolgs der ersten Ausgabe ist für September 2017 das nächste Meeting geplant.
During the meeting, as well as providing dealers with information about the company, the organisation and sales figures, a good deal of time was dedicated to presenting the new Neomark Easy and to the organisation of the new service.
The presentation of the Neomark Easy system was met with a good deal of interest, confirmed during the demo, where those present were able to get hands-on experience of the product’s prospects and therefore, of the sales potential. The first impressions were decidedly positive and confident, with forecast for possible sales in 2017 of 70-80 systems on the European market alone.
OSAI’s first European Sales Meeting was met with great interest – confirmed by the excellent attendance. It was also an important occasion for ideas and suggestions from discussions with our dealers. An open, practical climate where it was possible to share and develop common strategies.
In view of the success of the first edition, another event is planned for September 2017.