OSAI: EMS Certification, one more step towards ESG rating
Osai has always been looking for challenging objectives to be achieved both in the technological field and in the way of doing business so that the achievement of these results can create added [...]
Collaboration agreement between Osai and Jtron Technology Corp.
January 14, 2019 - Osai A.S. S.p.A. announces that it has entered into a collaboration agreement with Jtron Technology Corp., based in Taiwan, to enhance its after-sales services in the Far East and particularly [...]
[:it]Il progetto ADIR – urban mining[:en]ADIR project – urban mining[:de]ADIR project – urban mining[:zh]ADIR project – urban mining[:]
[:it] Le nostre innovazioni non nascono tutte a Parella: Osai, infatti, prende parte a numerosi progetti di ricerca e sviluppo finanziati dall’Unione Europea (Programma di Ricerca e Innovazione Horizon 2020 in passato [...]
OSAI winner of “Premio Camillo e Adriano Olivetti all’impresa Innovativa e Responsabile”
VIDEO On Saturday 15th September, it took place at Bioindustry Park in Colleretto Giacosa the Premio Camillo e Adriano Olivetti all’impresa Innovativa e Responsabile award ceremony. This award, devised by Associazione Spille d’Oro [...]
For the OSAI A.S. attention to its costumer has always been a priority and renewing is certainly the best way to ensure a constant and high satisfaction level of our audience. Due to this [...]
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
As already known, starting from 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR No. 679/2016) became enforceable. Through this new regulation European Commission intends to strengthen and make more uniform the protection of [...]