The Green-mobility sector still grows
"The acquisition of this order rewards the commercial and technical capabilities of OSAI which, despite the contingency of the moment, allow it to seize - within a highly competitive market - the best [...]
Osai grows inside Green Mobility field
“The acquisition of this important order will allow us to strengthen the already consolidated presence of OSAI inside German market at odds with the period of crisis that is going through the Automotive [...]
E-WASTE 2020
[:it] Dopo il successo riscontrato lo scorso anno, anche per questo particolare 2020 Osai prenderà parte ad E-Waste World - Virtual Summit, evento di riferimento a livello internazionale per gli operanti nel settore della manifattura [...]
Osai’s first day at Piazza Affari: trading opening with a +50% on AIM Italia
The collect of proposals for a value five times higher than the offer, which led to the early closing of the book-building, during the pre-admission phase, anticipated the success achieved yesterday, November [...]
Osai is Campione della Crescita 2021!
Osai is proud to add to its latest successes also the "Campione della Crescita 2021" award, which includes it among the 400 Italian companies with the highest economic expansion during last three years, [...]
We are ready for Phase 2
May 4th 2020 Osai A.S. S.p.A. announces that following the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 26 April 2020, the Company has completely resumed production activities inside Parella headquarter. [...]