live crowdfunding osai

Lo scorso 27 settembre ha avuto luogo ad Ivrea presso la sede di Confindustria Canavese, il primo Circolo Dei Donatori ed evento di Live Crowdfunding in Italia, ispirato al Giving Circle del The Funding Network UK.
L’incontro, organizzato dalla Fondazione di Comunità del Canavese, insieme a Confindustria Canavese e Inner Wheel Ivrea, ha dato la possibilità a tre associazioni di presentarsi e raccogliere donazioni fra gli ospiti presenti:

– L’Associazione Piccoli Passi, un gruppo di volontari che comprende famiglie di bambini nati pretermine o con patologie, e professionisti della Neonatologia dell’Università di Torino, che con il progetto Gambo realizza differenti opere nelle zone più bisognose dell’Etiopia, per dare futuro e speranza alla popolazione.
– L’Associazione I Do, nata dall’amicizia di un gruppo di pazienti ricoverati presso il Centro di Riabilitazione Funzionale, ora Unità Spinale Unipolare, di Torino, che si impegna sensibilizzare e informare i giovani in età da patente su come guidare in maniera sicura.
– L’Associazione Carlo Ferrero Onlus, intitolata alla memoria del fondatore dell’OSAI A.S. S.p.A. ed impegnata a sostenere lo studio universitario dei giovani svantaggiati attraverso l’erogazione di borse di studio.

Osai A.S. S.p.A., da sempre attiva nel sociale ha partecipato all’evento ed ha contribuito direttamente come donatore sostenendo, nell’asta svolta durante la serata, oltre ai progetti dell’Associazione Carlo Ferrero Onlus, anche quelli delle Associazioni Piccoli Passi e I Do.

live crowdfunding osai

On September 27th it took place in Ivrea at the headquarters of Confindustria Canavese, the first Circolo Dei Donatori and Live Crowdfunding event in Italy, inspired by the Giving Circle of The Funding Network UK.
The meeting, organized by Fondazione di Comunità del Canavese, together with Confindustria Canavese and Inner Wheel Ivrea, has been a great opportunity for three associations to present themselves and collect donations:

Associazione Piccoli Passi, a group of volunteers, including families of children born premature or with pathologies, and professionals from department of Neonatology of the University of Turin, that with Gambo project realizes different activities inside the areas most in need of Ethiopia, to give future and hope to the population.
Associazione I Do, born from the friendship between a group of patients of the Centro di Riabilitazione Funzionale (today Unipolar Spinal Unit of Turin) that want to sensitize and inform young people about safe driving.
Associazione Carlo Ferrero Onlus, in memory of OSAI A.S. S.p.A. founder that supports the university studies of disadvantaged young people thank to the release of scholarships.

Osai A.S. S.p.A., always active in social activities participated atthe event and contributed directly as a donor supporting, during the auction that took place during the evening, not just to the projects of the Carlo Ferrero Onlus, but also to Piccoli Passi and I Do projects.

live crowdfunding osai

Am vergangenen 27. September hat in Ivrea am Sitz von Confindustria Canavese der erste Spenderzirkel und vom Giving Circle des The Funding Network UK inspirierte Live Crowdfunding-Event in Italien stattgefunden.
Bei der von der Fondazione di Comunità del Canavese zusammen mit Confindustria Canavese und Inner Wheel Ivrea organisierten Zusammenkunft hatten drei Verbände die Gelegenheit, sich vorzustellen und unter den Gästen Spenden zu sammeln:

– Der Verband Piccoli Passi, eine Gruppe von Freiwilligen aus Familien mit zu früh oder mit Krankheiten geborenen Kindern und Mitarbeitern der Neonatologie der Universität Turin, die mit dem Projekt Gambo verschiedenste Projekte in den bedürftigsten Gebieten Äthiopiens durchführt, um der Bevölkerung Zukunft und Hoffnung zu geben.
– Der Verband I Do, entstanden aus der Freundschaft einer Gruppe von ehemaligen Patienten des Centro di Riabilitazione Funzionale, heute Unità Spinale Unipolare, in Turin, der sich dafür einsetzt, junge Menschen im Führerschein-Alter für sicheres Fahren zu sensibilisieren und zu informieren.
– Der Verband Carlo Ferrero Onlus, benannt nach dem Gründer von OSAI A.S. S.p.A. mit dem Ziel, junge benachteiligte Menschen über Stipendien beim Universitätsstudium zu unterstützen.

Osai A.S. S.p.A., schon immer sozial engagiert, hat an der Veranstaltung teilgenommen und direkt als Spender beigetragen. So wurden bei der Versteigerung am Abend nicht nur die Projekte von Carlo Ferrero Onlus, sondern auch jene der Verbände Piccoli Passi und I Do unterstützt.

live crowdfunding osai

On September 27th it took place in Ivrea at the headquarters of Confindustria Canavese, the first Circolo Dei Donatori and Live Crowdfunding event in Italy, inspired by the Giving Circle of The Funding Network UK.
The meeting, organized by Fondazione di Comunità del Canavese, together with Confindustria Canavese and Inner Wheel Ivrea, has been a great opportunity for three associations to present themselves and collect donations:

Associazione Piccoli Passi, a group of volunteers, including families of children born premature or with pathologies, and professionals from department of Neonatology of the University of Turin, that with Gambo project realizes different activities inside the areas most in need of Ethiopia, to give future and hope to the population.
Associazione I Do, born from the friendship between a group of patients of the Centro di Riabilitazione Funzionale (today Unipolar Spinal Unit of Turin) that want to sensitize and inform young people about safe driving.
Associazione Carlo Ferrero Onlus, in memory of OSAI A.S. S.p.A. founder that supports the university studies of disadvantaged young people thank to the release of scholarships.

Osai A.S. S.p.A., always active in social activities participated atthe event and contributed directly as a donor supporting, during the auction that took place during the evening, not just to the projects of the Carlo Ferrero Onlus, but also to Piccoli Passi and I Do projects.
