Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali
Gentile Investitore,
la presente per comunicarLe che i dati personali forniti formeranno oggetto di trattamento nel rispetto del Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 e degli obblighi di riservatezza cui è tenuta la Società.
In particolare, il trattamento dei Suoi dati personali avverrà a norma di legge, secondo principi di liceità, correttezza e trasparenza, per finalità determinate e nell’ottica di “minimizzazione dei dati”, oltre che delle altre prescrizioni contenute nell’art. 5 GDPR.
Ai sensi dell’art. 13 GDPR, si comunica che:
- il titolare del trattamento è la Società OSAI A.S. S.p.A., con sede legale in Torino, V. Sondrio 13/I, sede amministrativa in Parella (To), V. Cartiera 4 (tel.: 0125.66.83.11 – fax: 0125.66.83.01; mail: info@osai-as.it, PEC: pec@pec.osai-as.it), il cui legale rappresentate è la signora Mirella Ferrero (indirizzo e-mail: m.ferrero@osai-as.it).
- La finalità del trattamento è l’invio di comunicazioni aventi contenuto informativo e/o aggiornamenti relativi alla quotazione in borsa di OSAI A.S..
- I dati raccolti e registrati saranno conservati in appositi archivi ad accesso riservato ai soli soggetti autorizzati e non saranno comunicati a terzi al di fuori delle specifiche ipotesi previste dalla legge.
- Non è intenzione del titolare del trattamento trasferire dati personali a un Paese terzo o a un’organizzazione internazionale, ma nel caso in cui ciò dovesse avvenire verrà valutata l’esistenza o l’assenza di una decisione di adeguatezza della Commissione o, nel caso dei trasferimenti di cui all’articolo 46 o 47, o all’articolo 49, secondo comma, il riferimento alle garanzie appropriate o opportune e i mezzi per ottenere una copia di tali dati o il luogo dove sono stati resi disponibili.
- Il trattamento dei dati ha luogo sia con modalità automatizzate (su supporto elettronico o magnetico), sia con modalità non automatizzate, su supporto cartaceo, nel rispetto delle regole di sicurezza e riservatezza previste dalla legge e dalla disciplina in materia.
- I dati saranno conservati per il tempo necessario a perseguire le finalità di cui al punto 2) e/o sino alla Sua disiscrizione dalla ricezione delle comunicazioni di cui al punto 2).
- È Suo diritto chiedere al titolare del trattamento l’accesso ai dati personali, la rettifica o la cancellazione degli stessi o la limitazione del trattamento dei dati che la riguardano o di opporsi al trattamento, oltre al diritto alla portabilità dei dati.
- L’ordinamento riconosce il diritto di proporre reclamo all’Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali.
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Information about processing of personal data
Dear Investor,
hereby to inform you that the personal data provided will be processed in compliance with the European Regulation 679/2016 and the confidentiality obligations to which the Company is bound.
In particular, the processing of your personal data will be realized in accordance with the law, according to principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency, for specific purposes and with a view to “data minimization”, as well as the other provisions contained in art. 5 GDPR.
Pursuant to art. 13 GDPR, we inform you that:
- The data controller is OSAI A.S. SpA, with registered office in Turin, V. Sondrio 13 / I, administrative office in Parella (To), V. Cartiera 4 (tel .: 0125.66.83.11 – fax: 0125.66.83.01; mail: info@osai-as.it, PEC: pec@pec.osai-as.it), whose legal representative is Ms Mirella Ferrero (e-mail address: m.ferrero@osai-as.it).
- The purpose of the processing is the sending of communications with informative content and / or updates relating to the listing on the stock exchange of OSAI A.S..
- The data collected and recorded will be stored in special archives with access reserved for authorized subjects only and will not be disclosed to third parties outside the specific cases provided for by law.
- It is not the intention of the data controller to transfer personal data to a third country or to an international organization, but in the event that this should happen, the existence or absence of an adequacy decision by the Commission will be assessed or, in the case of the transfers referred to in Article 46 or 47, or Article 49, second paragraph, the reference to the appropriate or appropriate guarantees and the means to obtain a copy of such data or the place where they were made available.
- The data processing takes place both with automated methods (on electronic or magnetic support), and with non-automated methods, on paper, in compliance with the rules of security and confidentiality provided for by the law and regulations on the matter.
- The data will be kept for the time necessary to pursue the purposes referred to in point 2) and / or until you unsubscribe from receiving the communications referred to in point 2).
- It is your right to ask the data controller to access personal data, correct or delete them or limit the processing of data concerning you or to oppose the processing, in addition to the right to data portability.
- The law recognizes the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.
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Information about processing of personal data
Dear Investor,
hereby to inform you that the personal data provided will be processed in compliance with the European Regulation 679/2016 and the confidentiality obligations to which the Company is bound.
In particular, the processing of your personal data will be realized in accordance with the law, according to principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency, for specific purposes and with a view to “data minimization”, as well as the other provisions contained in art. 5 GDPR.
Pursuant to art. 13 GDPR, we inform you that:
- The data controller is OSAI A.S. SpA, with registered office in Turin, V. Sondrio 13 / I, administrative office in Parella (To), V. Cartiera 4 (tel .: 0125.66.83.11 – fax: 0125.66.83.01; mail: info@osai-as.it, PEC: pec@pec.osai-as.it), whose legal representative is Ms Mirella Ferrero (e-mail address: m.ferrero@osai-as.it).
- The purpose of the processing is the sending of communications with informative content and / or updates relating to the listing on the stock exchange of OSAI A.S..
- The data collected and recorded will be stored in special archives with access reserved for authorized subjects only and will not be disclosed to third parties outside the specific cases provided for by law.
- It is not the intention of the data controller to transfer personal data to a third country or to an international organization, but in the event that this should happen, the existence or absence of an adequacy decision by the Commission will be assessed or, in the case of the transfers referred to in Article 46 or 47, or Article 49, second paragraph, the reference to the appropriate or appropriate guarantees and the means to obtain a copy of such data or the place where they were made available.
- The data processing takes place both with automated methods (on electronic or magnetic support), and with non-automated methods, on paper, in compliance with the rules of security and confidentiality provided for by the law and regulations on the matter.
- The data will be kept for the time necessary to pursue the purposes referred to in point 2) and / or until you unsubscribe from receiving the communications referred to in point 2).
- It is your right to ask the data controller to access personal data, correct or delete them or limit the processing of data concerning you or to oppose the processing, in addition to the right to data portability.
- The law recognizes the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.
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