Società Benefit represent a legal form provided for in the Italian legal system since 2016. These are companies that “in the exercise of an economic activity, in addition to the purpose of dividing the profits, pursue one or more purposes of common benefit and operate in a responsible, sustainable and transparent manner towards people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social assets and activities, bodies and associations and other stakeholders” (Law no. 208/2015 in art. 1,  paragraphs 376 to 384 and paragraph 376).

On April 27th, 2023, the OSAI Shareholders’ Meeting resolved to further raise the level of social responsibility of the Group by assuming the status of “Società Benefit” by integrating into its corporate purpose the purposes of common benefit, which define the responsibility that shareholders intend to formally assume for the generation of positive impacts and/or for the reduction of negative ones through the exercise of their economic activity.

Maintaining the entrepreneurial component, the “for-Benefit” model makes it possible to integrate the perspective of sustainable development into the idea of traditional business, through the creation of shared value in the long term for its stakeholders and for the community in general through the performance, in a responsible, transparent and sustainable way, of activities that are aligned with the following purposes:

OSAI A.S., as a Società Benefit, is required to appoint an Impact Officer who is entrusted with the task of finalizing the pursuit of the common benefit, as well as drawing up an annual report on the pursuit of the common benefit called the Impact Report. The delegated figure for the Osai Group is the Managing Director – Fabio Benetti.

The Impact Report presented here illustrates the activities carried out to achieve the public benefit objectives defined in the Statutes and demonstrates the commitment to pursue them by assessing the impact generated by the actions carried out and how these translate into the improvement objectives planned over time.

In order to fulfil the legal obligations that come with Società Benefit status, we have measured the impact generated by the company using a standard external assessment standard, represented by the B Impact Assessment (BIA), a tool developed in 2006 by the non-profit organisation B Lab and used by more than 150,000 companies worldwide, which allows you to obtain an objective overview of the company’s impact in the four impact areas defined by law.
Based on activities and data relating to the year 2022, we achieved a total score of 102.6/200, exceeding the minimum threshold (set at 80 points) for achieving B Corp certification, which is one of our future goals.

This score demonstrates our commitment to creating a positive and regenerative impact that not only reduces emissions and waste, but also restores ecosystems and improves the quality of life for local communities.

B IMPACT SCORE 102.6/200


Impact Reporting 2023