OSAI Corporate Governance.
Osai system is geared toward maximizing value, controlling risks, maintaining and developing relationships of trust with its stakeholders as well as protecting and safeguarding the environment and territory for sustainable and supportive development.
Ethics and integrity, beyond mere compliance with the law, are an ongoing commitment that characterizes the behaviour of the entire organization.
Following the listing on the AIM Italia segment, now Euronext Growth Milan (EGM), and the adoption of the new structure required for listed companies, Osai integrated certain aspects of the Corporate Governance Code approved by Borsa Italiana into our definition of governance.
This has made it possible not only to ensure an adequately sized and balanced governing body with more independent directors than required for companies listed on EGM and respecting gender diversity (3/7 and not just 1/3), as well as ensuring cross-cutting skills and experience important for the development of the Company and more restrictive criteria for assessing the independence of board members.
Osai corporate governance provides: