European projects.

European projects.

OSAI has more than 10 years of experience in EU funded projects and the presence of a dedicated R&D department has the potential to replicate, disseminate and exploit project results to a wide number of people and entities.
R&D activities represent for Osai a relevant base to increase and improve the expertise and know-how for a subsequent integration into industrial applications. 
At the moment R&D activities involve a dedicated team inside Osai, that works and collaborates with experts from all over the EU. Projects outcomes, innovations and results of EU projects, also contribute to internal business development in Osai.

Projects in progress

Proposal acronym: ENKORE

Title: Propelling the shift toward the future of circular, safe and sustainable packaging and single use device ecoDesigned solutions through healthcare environments

Abstract: ENKORE aim to develop an ecoDesign framework that supports the development of safe and environmental compliant devices eco-responsible packaging, which minimize the environmental impact, reduce the carbon footprints, and maximize the use and preservation of resources. The main goal is to connect the design of the medical devices packages with the end-of-life stage, without compromising on the strict safety and biocompatibility standards required by the healthcare sector… read more

Call / Topic: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-04-05-two-stage. Research Innovation Action (RIA). Grant number 101166707.

Key words: Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design), Circular economy

Start – End: 01/01/2025 – 31/12/2028

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: REMHub

Title: Rare Earth and Magnets Hub for a resilient europe

Abstract: REMHub will develop, test and pilot novel technologies for the exploration and primary production of rare earth elements and for recovering them from side streams to enhance supply security of REEs and rare magnets in the EU. In addition, the project will develop Re-X (Recycle, Reuse, refurbishment and repurposing) technologies for rare earths and valuable metals from end-of-life products as well as electric machine design for easier permanent magnet recycling. The project will also identify and engage relevant stakeholders to develop REE value chains in the EU. The innovation hub will ensure that the novel technologies developed in the project will be commercialized and offered as services via digital platform in the future… read more

Call / Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 101177493.

Key words: REE Innovation hub, Resilient REE value chain, Supply security of REEs and permanent magnets in EU, WEEE reycling, Traceability, Digital twins for Re-X, Increased sustainability of REEs

Start – End: 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2028

Project duration: 48 months


Expired projects

Proposal acronym: ADIR

Title: Next generation urban mining – Automated disassembly, separation and recovery of precious materials from electronic equipment

Abstract: Specific raw materials become increasingly important to manufacture high level industrial products. Especially electronic equipment contains precious metals and a series of strategic raw materials. To date the material specific recycling is focused on mass stream concepts such as shredder processes and melt metallurgy to extract the high-value metallic constituents, i.e. copper, gold, silver. However, a series of critical elements cannot be recovered efficiently or is even lost in dust or residual fractions… read more

Call / Topic: H2020-SPIRE-2015. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 680449.

Key words: urban mining; automatic disassembly, identification and separation; recovery of precious materials; recycling, printed circuit boards, mobile phones

Start – End: 01/09/2015 – 31/12/2019

Project duration: 52 months


Proposal acronym: APPOLO

Title: Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing

Abstract: The APPOLO project seeks to establish and coordinate connections between the end-users, which have demand on laser technologies for (micro)fabrication, knowledge accumulated in the application laboratories of research institutes and universities, and the laser equipment manufacturers (preferable SMEs: for integration, lasers, beam control and guiding, software, etc.). The objective is to facilitate faster validation of the process feasibility and adaptation or customization of the technology (equipment) for manufacturing conditions; including reliability of components and their interaction as well as assessment of the dedicated production processes in terms of the process speed, quality, and repeatability

Call / Topic: FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF “Factories of the Future”. Research Innovation Action (RIA). Grant number 609355

Key words: NIR Laser texturing of polymers, scribing technology, Laser surface texturing, surface functionalization

Start – End: 01/09/2013 – 31/08/2017

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: 4CUSTHER

Title: Composites for Customized thermo¬conductive coatings

Abstract: The aim of the project is to develop new polymeric composites with enhanced thermal conductivity. Formulation of the new materials copes with the industrial requirements for semiconductors industry: MEMS sensors conditioning and testing. The contact area between the conditioning tool and the MEMS sensors plays a crucial role in heat conduction: the project is focused on a coating for optimization of this interface. OSAI designs and manufactures machines for handling and testing MEMS sensors. POLITO will take care to define a new polymer¬based material cured in¬situ. Mechanical resistance, adhesion and thermal conductivity of the coating will be tested after crosslinking… read more

Call / Topic: MANUNET Transnational call 2019. (New materials for manufacturing).

Key words: Automated manufacturing, Joining and assembling technologies, Zero¬defected manufacturing

Start – End: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2021

Project duration: 24 months

Website: –

Proposal acronym: RISORSA

Title: Sustainable recycling of rare earth magnets from WEEE

Abstract: The research activity aims to offer an innovative way to recycle rare-earth magnets contained in waste electrical and electronic equipment, also known as WEEE. Permanent magnets, e.g. currently used in Hard Disk Drives (HD), are rich in rare-earth elements such as Neodymium (Nd). Worldwide demand for these elements continues to grow in countless industries other than data storage, e.g. in the automotive industry… read more

Call / Topic: Call of the Ministry of the Environment for the co-financing of research projects aimed at developing new technologies for the recovery, recycling and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

Key words: Automation, recycling, demanufacturing, circular economy, raw materials, urban mining

Start – End: 08/03/2022 – 31/06/2023

Project duration: 15 months

Website: –

Proposal acronym: MANUELA

Title: Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line

Abstract: Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) allows, by enabling use of advanced design, production of high added value components, at levels that cannot be reached with conventional manufacturing technique.
Still, the AM-based manufacturing sequence implies large amounts of critical steps – design for AM, AM fabrication, post processing, etc. – compared to conventional production sequences. Presently, the key competencies related to these steps are either not fully implemented at industrial level (process quality monitoring) or dispersed geographically with poor connection between different steps… read more

Call / Topic: H2020-DT-FOF-04-2018. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 820774.

Key words: Metal Additive Manufacturing, Powder Bed fusion, design for AM, in-line control, quality monitoring, machine learning, post AM processing, material qualification for AM, automation, standardization

Start – End: 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2022

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: DEFLeCT

Title: Digital Technology For Lung Cancer Treatment.

Abstract: The DEFLeCT project intends to create an innovative scientific-technological platform aimed at supporting the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, used as a case study for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), as it is the newest histological type and undergo routine surgical resection when identified early. DEFLeCT integrates the consolidated diagnostic practices for NSCLC with the most innovative genetic-molecular approaches, within a digital platform capable of harmonizing and enhancing the content of all information from different sources, applying statistical and quantitative models… read more

Call / Topic: Piattaforma Salute e Benessere regione Piemonte.

Key words: E-health, Bioinformatics and ICT for health research (including Big Data analysis), Advanced diagnostics, particularly diagnostic imaging and mini invasiveness, Biotechnology for pharmaceutical development, Oncology, Predictive and personalized medicine and rare diseases

Start – End: 01/10/2018 – 31/03/2021

Project duration: 30 months

Website: –

Proposal acronym: APRIL

Title: Multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes

Abstract: APRIL project aims at implementing and deploying market oriented, low cost and multipurpose robots that supports semiautomatic tasks in manufacturing production lines that use flexible or deformable materials in industries of any size or domain.
APRIL will use fine grasping, innovative computational vision technology, gathering of sensors’ information, as well the development of modular and different middleware layers and interfaces… read more

Call / Topic: H2020- FOF-12-2019. Research Innovation Action (RIA). Grant number 870142.

Key words: Robotics and automatic control, Automation, federated robots, flexible manufacturing, manipulation of flexible materials, robot hands

Start – End: 01/04/2020 – 31/03/2024

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: VOJEXT

Title: Value Of Joint EXperimentation in digital Technologies for manufacturing and construction

Abstract: VOJEXT, a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to produce a set of mobile robotic systems that will enable new ways of automation (semi- or fully-automatic tasks) in a human-robot collaborative environment coping with the demand for flexible means of production. Under the vision of providing “Value Of Joint EXperimentation” in digital technologies, the project dynamizes science-driven industry approaches for European industry… read more

Call / Topic: H2020- ICT-03-2020. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 952197.

Key words: Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems, Manufacturing Process Simulation, Smart manufacturing, Ergonomic and Human factors, Artificial Intelligence & Decision support, Digital Innovation Hubs, DIH, robots, robotics, human robot interaction, HRI, flexible manufacturing, Construction, continuous manufacturing, discrete manufacturing

Start – End: 01/07/2020 – 30/06/2024

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: NEW-RE

Title: Neodymium and Rare Earth from Waste Recycling

Abstract: NEW-RE will tackle the challenge of recycling Neodymium permanent magnets and spent lamps from electronic waste. In addition, the possibility of recovering permanent magnets from electric vehicle motors will also be evaluated.
OSAI will participate in the project by working on the realisation of a prototype for the disassembly of hard disks with a fully automated or semi-automated approach.The aim is to recycle rare-earth elements (REEs) by exploiting and improving an existing hydrometallurgical treatment plant…read more

Call / Topic: KIC – EIT RawMaterials – Project Number 21116

Key words: Automation, recycling, demanufacturing, circular economy, raw materials, life cycle assessment, urban mining

Start – End: 01/10/2022 – 31/12/2024

Project duration: 26 months


These projects have received funding from the European Union’s FP7 Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

R&D activities represent for Osai an important activity branch. The permanent dedication to innovation allows our company to satisfy with more and more specific standards customer’ requests and to interact with international realities, taking part to European project, such as Horizon.
At the moment R&D activities involve a team inside Osai, that works and collaborates with experts from all over the EU.
Projects outcomes and innovations developed inside bracing fields such as international projects, also contribute to internal business development in Osai.

Projects in progress

Proposal acronym: NEW-RE

Title: Neodymium and Rare Earth from Waste Recycling

Abstract: NEW-RE will tackle the challenge of recycling Neodymium permanent magnets and spent lamps from electronic waste. In addition, the possibility of recovering permanent magnets from electric vehicle motors will also be evaluated.
OSAI will participate in the project by working on the realisation of a prototype for the disassembly of hard disks with a fully automated or semi-automated approach.The aim is to recycle rare-earth elements (REEs) by exploiting and improving an existing hydrometallurgical treatment plant…read more

Call / Topic: KIC – EIT RawMaterials

Key words: Automation, recycling, demanufacturing, circular economy, raw materials, life cycle assessment, urban mining

Start – End: 01/10/2022 – 31/12/2024

Project duration: 26 months

Website: –

Proposal acronym: APRIL

Title: Multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes

Abstract: APRIL project aims at implementing and deploying market oriented, low cost and multipurpose robots that supports semiautomatic tasks in manufacturing production lines that use flexible or deformable materials in industries of any size or domain.
APRIL will use fine grasping, innovative computational vision technology, gathering of sensors’ information, as well the development of modular and different middleware layers and interfaces… read more

Call / Topic: H2020- FOF-12-2019. Research Innovation Action (RIA). Grant number 870142.

Key words: Robotics and automatic control, Automation, federated robots, flexible manufacturing, manipulation of flexible materials, robot hands

Start – End: 01/04/2020 – 31/03/2024

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: VOJEXT

Title: Value Of Joint EXperimentation in digital Technologies for manufacturing and construction


VOJEXT, a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to produce a set of mobile robotic systems that will enable new ways of automation (semi- or fully-automatic tasks) in a human-robot collaborative environment coping with the demand for flexible means of production. Under the vision of providing “Value Of Joint EXperimentation” in digital technologies, the project dynamizes science-driven industry approaches for European industry… read more

Call / Topic: H2020- ICT-03-2020. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 952197.

Key words: Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems, Manufacturing Process Simulation, Smart manufacturing, Ergonomic and Human factors, Artificial Intelligence & Decision support, Digital Innovation Hubs, DIH, robots, robotics, human robot interaction, HRI, flexible manufacturing, Construction, continuous manufacturing, discrete manufacturing

Start – End: 01/07/2020 – 31/12/2023

Project duration: 42 months


Expired projects

Proposal acronym: ADIR

Title: Next generation urban mining – Automated disassembly, separation and recovery of precious materials from electronic equipment

Abstract: Specific raw materials become increasingly important to manufacture high level industrial products. Especially electronic equipment contains precious metals and a series of strategic raw materials. To date the material specific recycling is focused on mass stream concepts such as shredder processes and melt metallurgy to extract the high-value metallic constituents, i.e. copper, gold, silver. However, a series of critical elements cannot be recovered efficiently or is even lost in dust or residual fractions… read more

Call / Topic: H2020-SPIRE-2015. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 680449.

Key words: urban mining; automatic disassembly, identification and separation; recovery of precious materials; recycling, printed circuit boards, mobile phones

Start – End: 01/09/2015 – 31/12/2019

Project duration: 52 months


logo appolo

Proposal acronym: APPOLO

Title: Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing

Abstract: The APPOLO project seeks to establish and coordinate connections between the end-users, which have demand on laser technologies for (micro)fabrication, knowledge accumulated in the application laboratories of research institutes and universities, and the laser equipment manufacturers (preferable SMEs: for integration, lasers, beam control and guiding, software, etc.). The objective is to facilitate faster validation of the process feasibility and adaptation or customization of the technology (equipment) for manufacturing conditions; including reliability of components and their interaction as well as assessment of the dedicated production processes in terms of the process speed, quality, and repeatability

Call / Topic: FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF “Factories of the Future”. Research Innovation Action (RIA). Grant number 609355

Key words: NIR Laser texturing of polymers, scribing technology, Laser surface texturing, surface functionalization

Start – End: 01/09/2013 – 31/08/2017

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: 4CUSTHER

Title: Composites for Customized thermo¬conductive coatings

Abstract: The aim of the project is to develop new polymeric composites with enhanced thermal conductivity. Formulation of the new materials copes with the industrial requirements for semiconductors industry: MEMS sensors conditioning and testing. The contact area between the conditioning tool and the MEMS sensors plays a crucial role in heat conduction: the project is focused on a coating for optimization of this interface. OSAI designs and manufactures machines for handling and testing MEMS sensors. POLITO will take care to define a new polymer¬based material cured in¬situ. Mechanical resistance, adhesion and thermal conductivity of the coating will be tested after crosslinking… read more

Call / Topic: MANUNET Transnational call 2019. (New materials for manufacturing).

Key words: Automated manufacturing, Joining and assembling technologies, Zero¬defected manufacturing

Start – End: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2021

Project duration: 24 months

Website: –

Proposal acronym: RISORSA

Title: Sustainable recycling of rare earth magnets from WEEE

Abstract: The research activity aims to offer an innovative way to recycle rare-earth magnets contained in waste electrical and electronic equipment, also known as WEEE. Permanent magnets, e.g. currently used in Hard Disk Drives (HD), are rich in rare-earth elements such as Neodymium (Nd). Worldwide demand for these elements continues to grow in countless industries other than data storage, e.g. in the automotive industry… read more

Call / Topic: Call of the Ministry of the Environment for the co-financing of research projects aimed at developing new technologies for the recovery, recycling and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

Key words: Automation, recycling, demanufacturing, circular economy, raw materials, urban mining

Start – End: 08/03/2022 – 31/06/2023

Project duration: 15 months

Website: –

Proposal acronym: MANUELA

Title: Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line

Abstract: Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) allows, by enabling use of advanced design, production of high added value components, at levels that cannot be reached with conventional manufacturing technique.
Still, the AM-based manufacturing sequence implies large amounts of critical steps – design for AM, AM fabrication, post processing, etc. – compared to conventional production sequences. Presently, the key competencies related to these steps are either not fully implemented at industrial level (process quality monitoring) or dispersed geographically with poor connection between different steps… read more

Call / Topic: H2020-DT-FOF-04-2018. Innovation Action (IA). Grant number 820774.

Key words: Metal Additive Manufacturing, Powder Bed fusion, design for AM, in-line control, quality monitoring, machine learning, post AM processing, material qualification for AM, automation, standardization

Start – End: 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2022

Project duration: 48 months


Proposal acronym: DEFLeCT

Title: Digital Technology For Lung Cancer Treatment.

Abstract: The DEFLeCT project intends to create an innovative scientific-technological platform aimed at supporting the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, used as a case study for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), as it is the newest histological type and undergo routine surgical resection when identified early. DEFLeCT integrates the consolidated diagnostic practices for NSCLC with the most innovative genetic-molecular approaches, within a digital platform capable of harmonizing and enhancing the content of all information from different sources, applying statistical and quantitative models… read more

Call / Topic: Piattaforma Salute e Benessere regione Piemonte.

Key words: E-health, Bioinformatics and ICT for health research (including Big Data analysis), Advanced diagnostics, particularly diagnostic imaging and mini invasiveness, Biotechnology for pharmaceutical development, Oncology, Predictive and personalized medicine and rare diseases

Start – End: 01/10/2018 – 31/03/2021

Project duration: 30 months

Website: –

These projects have received funding from the European Union’s FP7 Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme