Osai A.S.
OSAI Automation Systems S.p.A. Società Benefit

Osai for social purposes

PMI Day 2023: Osai hosts students

By |2024-06-07T10:37:11+02:00November 22nd, 2023|Osai for social purposes|

Record di partecipazione per la XIV edizione del PMI Day 2023, evento organizzato da Confindustria in tutta Italia nel corso della Settimana nazionale della Cultura d’Impresa. Promosso nel nostro territorio da Confindustria Canavese, il programma ha visto la partecipazione di 52 aziende e per un totale di quasi 1500 studenti ed oltre 150 docenti. Fra le imprese candidate, Osai Automation System S.p.A. Società Benefit che ha ospitato, nella giornata del 21 novembre 2023, una classe di terza media [...]

OSAI meets Olivetti. Innovation, People and Territory

By |2024-06-07T09:18:03+02:00September 27th, 2022|Osai for social purposes|

OSAI initiatives for its 30th anniversary celebrations continue. In September and November, employees had the opportunity to (re)discover the buildings and places that have made Olivetti’s industrial culture unique, admired and inspiring even for OSAI itself; an opportunity to observe from a different point of view the territory in which it operates. The educational tours organised during the month of November for Osai employees and their families, the second part of Osai Meets [...]

Osai Face Shield: our contribution for health workers

By |2024-06-07T10:12:47+02:00April 9th, 2020|News, Osai for social purposes|

During this global health emergency, also our company wants to give its contribution to support medical staff of our territory through this grueling battle against Coronavirus pandemic. For this reason, we decided to create, with the implementation of 3D printing and our Laser processes, protective face shields to be donated for free to medical staff, hoping to provide an important and useful tool to protect doctors and health care professionals who fight daily at the forefront against the [...]

OSAI Plastic-free project

By |2024-06-07T10:25:44+02:00November 13th, 2019|News, Osai for social purposes|

Since 2018, also due to achievement of Environmental Management System Certification, OSAI has launched several initiatives aimed to improve its environmental performance in terms of energy savings and reduction of impacts. In 2019, OSAI Management decided to progressively eliminate plastic from its factories, especially inside the areas of product packaging and company catering. Particularly, by the end of 2019 plastic crockery and glasses, PET water and soft drinks bottles will be eliminated and replaced with biodegradable material or removed [...]

Osai Family Day 2019

By |2024-06-07T10:33:51+02:00July 22nd, 2019|Osai for social purposes|

Great success for the Porte Aperte day dedicated to families that took place in Osai last July 20th! More than 150 people have decided to join this initiative, created to give employees' families the opportunity to learn more about the history of the company and the reality where their loved ones every day give life to what makes Osai an international excellence. Starting at 10 am and throughout the rest of the day, numerous groups, together with vrious guides, [...]

Eporedia Nutcracker: from Ivrea to Sydney the Italian Team’s dream

By |2024-06-07T10:27:56+02:00July 17th, 2019|Osai for social purposes|

The RoboCup Junior World Championships, which took place in Sydney, were concluded a few days ago and were also attended by the Italian team from Ivrea IIS Olivetti, led by Professor Deta and supported by various sponsors, including Osai , that believed in them since the first victories at national level. The young students have certainly returned enriched by this experience: an opportunity that does not occur every day. Once landed in Sydney, they could not only visit [...]

RoboCup 2019 – OSAI A.S. supports the IIS Olivetti of Ivrea’s guys

By |2024-06-07T10:29:48+02:00July 4th, 2019|Osai for social purposes|

From 4 to 7 July, the RoboCup Junior World Championships will take palce in the wonderful city of Sydney in Australia, and the IIS Olivetti team from Ivrea, led by prof. Antonio Deta. The Robocup Junior, officially founded in 2000, is divided in various categories and each of them has the objective of carrying out robotic engineering projects capable of realize various actions. The Italian Team will compete for the OnStage category, in which the robots perform short choreographies [...]

Leonardo arte in 8K

By |2019-06-27T15:21:25+02:00May 13th, 2019|Osai for social purposes|

[:it] Dal 2 al 17 Maggio 2019, Osai, in collaborazione con il Circolo degli artisti di Torino ed Agila, ha il piacere di invitarVi alla mostra “Leonardo Arte in 8K”; l’esposizione, allestita all’interno delle sale Juvarriane dell’Archivio di Stato di Torino (Piazzetta Mollino), vuole essere un omaggio al genio di Leonardo a 100 lustri dalla sua scomparsa. Storia, tecnologia e cultura si intrecciano in questo evento fuori dagli schemi per ripercorrere insieme il percorso di innovazione nato dal più celebre [...]

[:it]Assemblea annuale di Confindustria Canavese: Osai fra le ‘‘Punte di diamante’’[:en]Annual meeting of Confindustria: Osai excellence inside Canavese region[:de]Jahrestreffen der Confindustria Canavese: Osai zwischen den “Punte di diamante”[:]

By |2019-06-27T15:15:01+02:00October 31st, 2018|Osai for social purposes|

[:it] È stata una giornata ricca di iniziative quella di Martedì 30 Ottobre all’Officina H di Ivrea, che ha visto susseguirsi due importanti eventi organizzati da Confindustria Canavese: l’evento ‘‘Mettiamoci in gioco’’, assemblea annuale dell’ente e ‘‘Wooooow, io e il mio futuro..’’ incontro dedicato all’orientamento lavorativo per i ragazzi delle quarte e quinte superiori. Dalle ore 10 alle 12:30, il programma dell’assemblea pubblica ha visto susseguirsi sul palco numerosi ospiti: Fabrizio Gea (Past President Confindustria Canavese), Vincenzo Boccia (Presidente [...]

[:it]Osai e il futuro: in campo per le nuove generazioni[:en]Osai and the future of young generation[:de]Osai und die Zukunft: Auf dem Gebiet der neuen Generationen[:]

By |2019-10-23T14:40:24+02:00October 26th, 2018|Osai for social purposes|

[:it] Il prossimo Martedì 30 Ottobre, dalle ore 13 alle ore 17, Osai A.S. sarà presente all’evento "Wooooow! Io e il Mio Futuro...", iniziativa di orientamento dedicata ai più giovani, che avrà luogo presso l’Officina H di Ivrea; promossa dal Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori, l’incontro nasce con l’obiettivo di mettere in relazione le aziende con i potenziali candidati del futuro, che presto avranno accesso al mondo del lavoro. Osai sarà presente con uno spazio totalmente dedicato all’azienda, dove i ragazzi delle [...]

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